

人間の体は細胞からできていると聞いたときに、じゃあ髪の毛も細胞からできているのか?という素朴な疑問が湧きました。毛包(hair folicle)の組織学の図はよく見かけますが、その先の髪の毛の部分はどうなっているのかがいまひとつ腑に落ちません。

  1. Longitudinal Section Of Hair Follicle #1 by Asklepios Medical Atlas
  2. Skin Development Hair follicle differentiation and regulation Published: 1 April 2004 George E Rogers Int. J. Dev. Biol. 48: 163 – 170 (2004)  https://doi.org/10.1387/ijdb.15272381 ケラチンmRNA発現などの画像データがあります。



デミ毛髪科学研究所 https://www.demi.nicca.co.jp/salonsupport/beauty1_detail_07.html

The human hair fiber can be described as a long, thin, cylindrical, and flexible shaft consisting of a core covered by relatively thin and flat, but circumferentially curved, overlapping cuticle cells. The core, or cortex, is composed of elongated, keratinized cells aligned, or slightly inclined with the direction of the longitudinal fiber axis, and often contains a centrally located, strand of highly vacuolated hardened cell remnants known as medulla cells (Orwin, 1979a).

Cortical cell types and intermediate filament arrangements correlate with fiber curvature in Japanese human hair Journal of Structural Biology Volume 166, Issue 1, April 2009, Pages 46-58 Journal of Structural Biology  https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1047847708002980


Hair is a keratinous filament growing out of the epidermis. It is primarily made of dead, keratinized cells.

Hair | Biology for Majors II

