Planer cell polarity平面内細胞極性とは?

Planer cell polarity平面内細胞極性とは

undefined Cartoon representation of Planar Cell Polarity in fly wing hair cells and mouse paw hair cellsFigure 1. (A and B) Drosophila cuticular wing hair cells of the adult wing. Wing hairs point distally (to the right) in wild-type (WT) animals (A) but lose orientation in PCP mutants (fz) (B). (C and D) Hairs on the mouse paw point away from the body (pointing up) in WT (C) but grow in a swirling pattern in PCP mutants (fz6) (D). Inspired by the work of Paul Adler (A and B) and Guo et al. (2004) (C and D).


ヒトを含む幅広い生物種は、発生過程で特定の組織において平面内細胞極性(Planar Cell Polarity; PCP)を獲得することが知られています。平面内細胞極性とは、平面上に並んだ多数の細胞が一定方向に沿って形成する細胞極性のことで、哺乳類の体毛や魚類の鱗が一定の方向に生えそろうためにはこの平面内細胞極性の形成が非常に重要です。

Biophysics in oviduct: Planar cell polarity, cilia, epithelial fold and tube morphogenesis, egg dynamics February 2019 Biophysics and Physicobiology 16:89-107 DOI:10.2142/biophysico.16.0_89 LicenseCC BY-NC-SA


Planar cell polarity pathway in kidney development, function and disease Nature Reviews Nephrology volume 17, pages369–385 (2021)


Published: 15 March 2017 Planar cell polarity in development and disease Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology volume 18, pages375–388 (2017)

Planer cell polarity平面内細胞極性が生じるメカニズム


雑誌名 Development 掲載日 2022年6月16日 オンライン公開 論文タイトル: Alignment of the cell long axis by unidirectional tension acts cooperatively with Wnt signalling to establish planar cell polarity 著者:Sayuki Hirano, Yusuke Mii, Guillaume Charras, Tatsuo Michiue DOI: 10.1242/dev.200515