


WASHINGTON (TND) — The World Health Organization is predicting the omicron variant could change the course of the pandemic. WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus says the exact impact is “still difficult to know,” as recent reports suggest the variant appears to be less mild. “This actually is very encouraging news. The World Health Organization so far says there has not been one reported death from omicron in the world,” said Dr. Jeffrey Singer to The National Desk’s Jan Jeffcoat. “Since this appears to be four times more contagious than a delta variant, hopefully, this will crowd out the delta variant eventually.” Singer says COVID-19 could become nothing more than a recurring endemic cold. (Omicron variant could change COVID-19 to just a ‘recurring endemic cold,’ says doctor by ELISSA SALAMY, The National DeskFriday, December 10th 2021 thenationaldesk.com)


  1. オミクロン株は「終わりの始まり」説 コロナとの戦い、もうすぐ終了の期待 2021年12月10日20時10分 J-CASTトレンド  米ブルームバーグも同日、「オミクロンは感染力がこれまでの変異株よりも強い可能性がある一方、初期の報告によれば致死性は低いともみられる。これは歴史的に観察されたウイルスの進化パターンに合致している」「オミクロン株は新型コロナパンデミックの終焉(しゅうえん)が近いことを示唆している可能性がある」という米国大手証券会社の専門家の見方を伝えた。