



人間の行動について考えると、何が自分を動かしているのだろうと不思議になります。最近本屋で見かけた本に、行動behavior=動機motivation x 能力ability x機会prompt すなわちB=MAPという公式が成り立つと説明されていました。言われてみると確かにそうかもしれないと思います。


I once called this element the “Trigger.” I changed this term in late 2017. Now I use “Prompt.” (Fogg Behavior Model Prompts tell people to “do it now!”



ちなみにB=MAPというモデルと同じものとして、COM-Bモデルというものがあります。 αべとは、それぞれCapability, Opportunity, and Motivation-Bahavior から取られていて、意味的にB=MAPやB=MATと全く同じですね。

Self-Determination Theory

Self-determination theoryは1970代にリチャード・ライアンとエドワード・デシによって提唱されました。

  1. Why We Do What We Do: Understanding Self-Motivation 1996/8/1 Edward L. Deci , Richard Flaste. If you reward your children for doing their homework, they will usually respond by getting it done. But is this the most effective method of motivation? No, says psychologist Edward L. Deci, who challenges traditional thinking and shows that this method actually works against performance. The best way to motivate people – at school, at work, or at home – is to support their sense of autonomy. Explaining the reasons why a task is important and then allowing as much personal freedom as possible in carrying out the task will stimulate interest and commitment, and it is a much more effective approach than the standard system of reward and punishment.
  2. Self-Determination Theory: 3 Basic Needs That Drive Our Behavior Sprouts チャンネル登録者数 154万人
  3. PubMed検索 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?term=Self-Determination+Theory&filter=pubt.review