

メンデルが実験対象としたそら豆の場合は、紫色と白色の花弁の純系同士を掛け合わせると、雑種1代目F1の個体は全て優性の遺伝子の発現型になります。F1同士を掛け合わせると、AA, Aa, aA, aaの遺伝子型になるので、3:1の割合になり、中間の色のものは出現しません。


  1. The Rainbow Family: Three children with different skin colours born to the same parents ByAidan McGurran 00:00, 7 Jul 2009UPDATED15:24, 28 JAN 2012
  2. Polygenic Inheritance thefactfactor.com Galton (1883) predicted that in human population characters such as height, skin colour and intelligence show continuous variations in expression and not only two contrasting expressions.
  3. When two people of different races have a child, their skin colour is in between the parents’ skin colour. Why not with eyes? Quora
  4. In mixed race marriages, what determines the skin color of the resulting children? Quora