
筋萎縮性側索硬化症 ALS (Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) の原因、症状、治療薬

家族性筋萎縮性側索硬化症 Familial Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (FALS)



家族性 ALSでは30を超える原因遺伝子の変異が見つかっています。日本人の家族性ALSでは、スーパーオキシド・ジスムターゼ(SOD1)という遺伝子に原因があることがもっとも多く(約2割)、そのほかFUSTARDBPVCPOPTNといった遺伝子と関連する場合があります。一方、欧米の家族性ALSではC9ORF72という遺伝子に原因がある例が多く、人種や国による違いが指摘されています。

https://www.nanbyou.or.jp/entry/52 筋萎縮性側索硬化症(ALS)(指定難病2) 難病情報センター



There are >60 known SOD1 mutations associated with ALS and all are dominant except for one in exon 4, a D90A substitution which is recessive.



About 60-70% of individuals with FALS will have a positive genetic test result (mutation identified). Those families with FALS where a mutation is not identified may have FALS caused by a gene or genes that have not yet been discovered.




  1. 既存薬がALS治療に効果か 候補1200種超え、iPSで絞り込み有料記事野口憲太2023年6月7日 7時30分 https://www.asahi.com/articles/ASR656HZZR62UTFL025.html この薬は、パーキンソン病の薬として承認されている飲み薬「ロピニロール塩酸塩」。 … 成果は6月1日付で、国際的な幹細胞研究の学術誌「セル・ステム・セル」に発表された。今後、慶応大発ベンチャー「ケイファーマ」が中心になり、大規模な治験を行う予定という。
  2. ALS進行、別の病気の治療薬で遅らせる…慶応大などのチームが成功2021/05/20 18:58 読売新聞ONLINE ALS患者の血液からiPS細胞(人工多能性幹細胞)を作製し、神経細胞に変化させた。この細胞を使い、様々な病気に対する既存薬約1200種類の効き目を調べた結果、パーキンソン病の治療薬「ロピニロール塩酸塩」が、神経細胞の働きの悪化を抑えることがわかった。 … 2018年から治験を始め、発症から5年以内で軽度のALS患者20人が参加した。その結果、1年間服用した患者は半年間だけ服用した患者に比べ、自分で歩けなくなるなど重症になるまでの期間が平均で6か月半延びたという。

Lou Gehrig’s Disease

ALSはLou Gehrig’s Diseaseとも呼ばれます。アメリカのメジャーリーガーでヒーローであったLou Gehrig選手が罹患した病気であったためです。

When Lou Gehrig Knew Something Was Wrong Smithsonian Channel 4.21M subscribers

幸せホルモンとは?その科学的根拠となる論文 セロトニン、オキシトシン、ドーパミン、エンドルフィン



  1. Feel-good hormones: How they affect your mind, mood, and body April 18, 2024 https://www.health.harvard.edu/mind-and-mood/feel-good-hormones-how-they-affect-your-mind-mood-and-body Here are the links to articles looking at each of the four feel-good hormones and how they work: dopamine serotonin endorphins oxytocin
  2. 幸せホルモンを増やす方法とは セロトニン・オキシトシン・ドーパミンなど 公開日:2024年8月20日 https://www.ns-pace.com/article/category/feature/happiness-hormone/
  3. 「幸せホルモン(幸福物質)4つ」ドーパミン・セロトニン・オキシトシン・βエンドルフィンとは?


  1. Happiness & Health: The Biological Factors- Systematic Review Article Dariush DFARHUD 1,2, Maryam MALMIR 3,*, Mohammad KHANAHMADI 4 https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC4449495/  Iran J Public Health. 2014 Nov;43(11):1468–1477. 全然根拠となる論文に辿り着てていないようです。
  2. Happy hormones and their significance in animals and man International Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry 2018; 3(5): 100-103 https://www.veterinarypaper.com/pdf/2018/vol3issue5/PartB/3-5-15-355.pdf “The Happiness Hormone” Serotonin is involved in regulation of a
    range of behavioursviz sleep, appetite, arousal and aggression.
    Serotonin prevents depression and makes a person happy. 根拠となる文献?


うつ病の薬(抗うつ薬)として選択的セロトニン再取り込み阻害剤(Selective Serotonin reuptake Inhibitors; SSRI)が広く使われています。このことから、脳内のセロトニン量を増加させると、「幸せ」になると考えているのでしょうが、うつの状態から少しマシな状態になることと、幸せを感じることとを単純に同一視するのはあまり合理的とは思えません。セロトニンは闘争などにも関係していることが知られているので、話は単純ではありません。

  1. 幸せホルモンは脳と腸、どちらでつくられる?











Transferable skills are abilities and knowledge that can be applied across different jobs, industries, and career paths. These skills are not specific to a particular role or sector, making them valuable when changing jobs or exploring new fields.

Key Characteristics:

  • Versatile: Useful in various roles and environments.
  • Adaptable: Can be refined and developed over time.
  • In Demand: Highly sought after by employers across industries.

Examples of Transferable Skills:

  1. Communication:
    • Writing, public speaking, and active listening.
  2. Problem-Solving:
    • Critical thinking and analytical skills to tackle challenges.
  3. Teamwork:
    • Collaborating effectively with others.
  4. Leadership:
    • Ability to guide and motivate a team.
  5. Time Management:
    • Prioritizing tasks and meeting deadlines.
  6. Organization:
    • Keeping projects and workflows structured.
  7. Adaptability:
    • Responding well to change and learning new tools or processes.
  8. Research and Analytical Skills:
    • Gathering and interpreting information to make decisions.
  9. Technical Literacy:
    • Proficiency in using software or digital tools.

Why Are Transferable Skills Important?

  • Career Flexibility: They help you shift between industries or roles without starting from scratch.
  • Enhanced Employability: Employers value candidates with broad skill sets.
  • Future-Proofing: As industries evolve, transferable skills ensure you remain relevant in the job market.


Transferable skills are quite similar to soft skills, but they aren’t exactly the same. Here’s the distinction:

1. Soft Skills:

  • Definition: Soft skills refer to personal attributes, behaviors, and social attitudes that enable someone to interact effectively and harmoniously with others.
  • Focus: Primarily interpersonal and character-related.
  • Examples:
    • Communication
    • Emotional intelligence
    • Teamwork
    • Leadership
    • Adaptability
    • Conflict resolution

2. Transferable Skills:

  • Definition: Transferable skills are broader and encompass both soft and hard skills that can be applied across various jobs and industries.
  • Focus: Includes interpersonal (soft) skills and practical or technical abilities that are not job-specific but are useful in different contexts.
  • Examples:
    • Project management (can be technical or organizational)
    • Data analysis
    • Writing and research
    • Organizational skills
    • Problem-solving
    • Leadership

Key Difference:

  • Soft skills are part of transferable skills, but transferable skills also include harder, job-relevant skills that can cross over between roles.
  • For example:
    • Soft skill: “Good at communication and teamwork.”
    • Transferable skill: “Managed project deadlines (time management) while collaborating with a cross-functional team (teamwork and leadership).”

Overlap and Practicality:

  • Many soft skills are universally transferable (e.g., leadership, communication).
  • Technical transferable skills (e.g., proficiency in Microsoft Excel, project planning) may not be classified as soft skills but are equally valuable when switching jobs or industries.




In evolution, mutations in germ cells caused by chemical or physical mutagens generally have a larger contribution to long-term evolutionary change compared to errors during DNA synthesis.

Here’s why:

  1. Germline vs. Somatic Impact:
    • Errors during DNA synthesis (replication errors) happen frequently in both somatic and germ cells. However, errors in somatic cells do not contribute to evolution, as they are not passed on to offspring.
    • Mutations in germ cells, induced by external factors (chemical mutagens, radiation, etc.), directly affect the genetic material that is inherited by the next generation, making them more significant in evolutionary terms.
  2. Mutation Frequency:
    • Although DNA synthesis errors are common, most are corrected by proofreading and repair mechanisms. The remaining errors often result in minor variations.
    • Mutagens, on the other hand, can cause more substantial and diverse changes in DNA, increasing the likelihood of significant phenotypic changes that drive evolutionary processes.
  3. Environmental Factors:
    • External factors (like UV radiation or chemical exposure) that cause germline mutations can introduce new traits or enhance genetic diversity, providing material for natural selection to act upon. This can lead to adaptive evolution over generations.
  4. Evolutionary Novelty:
    • Large-scale evolutionary shifts, such as those leading to speciation or major morphological changes, are often associated with environmental mutagens, which can cause larger genetic rearrangements (e.g., chromosomal mutations, large deletions, or duplications).


  • DNA synthesis errors still play a role, especially in generating small-scale genetic variations that accumulate over time (known as genetic drift or neutral mutations).
  • The relative contribution can vary depending on the evolutionary timescale and environmental pressures.

In summary, while both mechanisms contribute to genetic variation, mutations in germ cells by chemical or physical mutagens tend to have a greater and more lasting impact on evolution.

1. Germline vs. Somatic Impact:

  • DNA Replication Errors: Errors during DNA replication can occur in both somatic and germ cells. However, only mutations in germ cells are heritable and can be passed to offspring, influencing evolutionary processes. Somatic mutations, while potentially leading to diseases like cancer within an individual, do not contribute to evolution as they are not inherited.
  • Mutations in Germ Cells by Mutagens: Mutations induced by chemical or physical mutagens in germ cells directly alter the genetic information passed to the next generation, thereby playing a significant role in evolution. Environmental mutagens can cause DNA damage leading to mutations if not properly repaired.

2. Mutation Frequency:

  • DNA Replication Errors: The DNA replication machinery has high fidelity, with error rates as low as 1 mistake per 10–100 million nucleotides, thanks to proofreading and repair mechanisms. Despite this, replication errors do contribute to genetic variation.
  • Mutagens: Exposure to chemical and physical mutagens can significantly increase mutation rates by causing DNA damage that, if not accurately repaired, leads to mutations. For instance, UV radiation can induce pyrimidine dimers, leading to errors during DNA replication.

3. Environmental Factors:

  • Mutagens and Evolution: Environmental mutagens, such as radiation and chemicals, can induce mutations in germ cells, introducing new genetic variations into a population. These variations are essential for natural selection and adaptive evolution. For example, oxidative DNA damage is a common result of environmental factors and can lead to mutations if not properly repaired.

4. Evolutionary Novelty:

  • Large-Scale Mutations: Mutagens can cause significant genetic alterations, such as insertions, deletions, or chromosomal rearrangements, leading to substantial phenotypic changes. These large-scale mutations can be pivotal in the development of new traits and may drive speciation events. For instance, replication slippage, a form of mutation, can lead to expansions or contractions in DNA sequences, contributing to genetic diversity.


While both DNA replication errors and mutagen-induced mutations contribute to genetic variation, the latter, especially when occurring in germ cells, often have a more profound impact on evolutionary processes due to their potential to introduce significant genetic changes and their direct transmission to offspring.



In the context of evolution, both errors during DNA synthesis and mutations in germ cells caused by chemical or physical mutagens contribute to mutagenesis. However, errors during DNA synthesis, particularly during DNA replication, are often highlighted as a significant source of mutations.

Errors During DNA Synthesis

  • DNA Replication Errors: Most mutations in actively dividing cells originate during DNA replication. Errors can occur when copying an undamaged DNA template or during the bypass of DNA lesions, making DNA replication a major contributor to mutagenesis  .
  • Error-Prone DNA Polymerases: DNA polymerases, especially those involved in translesion synthesis, can introduce mutations by misincorporating incorrect nucleotides or through frameshift deletions, contributing significantly to mutagenesis .
  • Repair-Associated Mutations: DNA repair processes, such as homologous recombination and non-homologous end-joining, can also introduce mutations, particularly when repairing double-strand breaks .

Mutations in Germ Cells by Chemical or Physical Mutagens

  • Environmental Mutagens: Chemical and physical mutagens can cause DNA lesions that lead to mutations if not properly repaired. These mutagens include alkylating agents and radiation, which can induce various types of DNA damage  .
  • Germ Cell Mutagenesis: Studies on germ cells, particularly in model organisms like mice, have shown that chemical and radiation-induced mutations can vary significantly depending on the germ cell stage and the type of mutagen.


While both mechanisms contribute to mutagenesis, errors during DNA synthesis, particularly those occurring during replication and repair processes, are often emphasized as a primary source of mutations. Chemical and physical mutagens also play a crucial role, especially in germ cells, but the inherent errors in DNA replication and repair processes are consistently highlighted as significant contributors to evolutionary mutagenesis.

1 Mutagenesis and the three R’s in yeast. Mutagenesis in yeast occurs through DNA replication, recombination, and repair processes, with recombination and repair contributing more to mutagenesis than previously thought. 2006·14Citations·Amy L. Abdulovic et al.· DNA repair

2 Mechanisms of mutagenesis induced by DNA lesions: multiple factors affect mutations in translesion DNA synthesis Multiple factors, including DNA lesions, affect mutations in translesion DNA synthesis, including misincorporation of incorrect nucleotides, frameshift deletions, and blockage of DNA replication. 2020·8Citations·Huidong Zhang· Critical Reviews in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

3 Error-prone bypass of DNA lesions during lagging strand replication is a common source of germline and cancer mutations Error-prone damage bypass on the lagging strand plays a major role in human germline and cancer mutations, with at least 10% of mutations arising due to DNA damage. Info In Vitro Trial Info Rigorous Journal 2017·33Citations·V. Seplyarskiy et al.· Nature genetics

4 Protection of the C. elegans germ cell genome depends on diverse DNA repair pathways during normal proliferation Different DNA repair pathways contribute to preventing germ cell mutagenesis, with a broad spectrum of mutational outcomes observed in C. elegans germ cells. Info Rigorous Journal Ask this paper 2021·17Citations·B. Meier et al.· PLoS ONE

5 Mutational signatures are jointly shaped by DNA damage and repair Combining exposure to DNA damaging agents and DNA repair deficiency in C. elegans leads to altered mutation rates and new mutational signatures. Info Highly Cited 2019·144Citations·Nadezda V. Volkova et al.· Nature Communications

6 The biochemistry of mutagenesis. Mutagenesis, a process that causes genetic changes, can lead to metabolic and neoplastic diseases, and its mechanisms are subject to genetic controls. Info Highly Cited 1976·347Citations·J. Drake et al.· Annual review of biochemistry

7 POLE proofreading defects: Contributions to mutagenesis and cancer. Mutations in DNA polymerases contribute to mutagenesis and tumor development, particularly in cancers involving DNA polymerase epsilon. 2019·47Citations·Vivian S. Park et al.· DNA repair

8 Role of mouse germ‐cell mutagenesis in understanding genetic risk and in generating mutations that are prime tools for studies in modern biology Mouse germ-cell mutagenesis has played a crucial role in assessing genetic harm from radiation and chemicals, and its products have contributed to modern biology by providing valuable tools for studying various aspects of biology. 1994·14Citations·L. B. Russell· Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis

9 Unravelling roles of error-prone DNA polymerases in shaping cancer genomes Error-prone DNA polymerases may compensate for DNA repair defects, shaping the mutational landscape of cancer cells. Info Rigorous Journal 2021·0Citations·Cyrus Vaziri et al.· Oncogene

10 Mutations arising during repair of chromosome breaks. https://www.annualreviews.org/content/journals/10.1146/annurev-genet-110711-155547 Homologous recombination, a safe pathway for repairing double-strand chromosomal breaks, is a significant source of mutations that contribute to human disease and evolution.

consensusの回答もイマイチでした。進化の原動力としての突然変異について訊いたのに、単に突然変異のことしか根拠となる論文がありません。10個挙げられた論文のうち10番目だけ進化に言及があるようです。要旨に”Overall, homologous recombination, which is traditionally considered a safe pathway of DSB repair, is an important source of mutagenesis that may contribute to human disease and evolution.”とあります。しかしconsensusの要約だと、論文の要旨には存在していたmayが抜けてしまって断定的に書き直されています。これは全く信用なりません。AIはまだまだ信頼できないですね。


The main sources of DNA mutations in evolution include spontaneous mutations, transposable elements, replication errors, and quantum effects. These mutations are crucial for generating genetic variation, which is essential for evolutionary processes.

Key Sources of DNA Mutations

  • Spontaneous Mutations: These are random mutations that occur naturally and are the ultimate source of genetic variation necessary for evolution. They can arise from errors during DNA replication or from environmental factors .

  • Transposable Elements: These mobile DNA sequences can cause mutations by inserting themselves into new genomic locations. They are a significant source of spontaneous mutations and can have dramatic effects on organismic evolution .

  • Replication Errors: DNA replication errors are a common source of mutations. The fidelity of DNA replication is crucial, and errors that escape repair mechanisms, such as DNA mismatch repair, can lead to mutations. These errors are often corrected by cellular repair systems, but deficiencies in these systems can increase mutation rates.

  • Quantum Effects: Quantum mechanics, particularly quantum tunneling, has been proposed as a mechanism that can lead to genetic mutations. This suggests that quantum effects might play a role in the mutation process, contributing to evolutionary changes.

  • Microsatellite Mutations: These are mutations in repetitive DNA sequences that occur at higher rates than other types of DNA. They contribute to genetic variation and are influenced by factors such as age, sex, and the specific genomic context.


DNA mutations arise from a variety of sources, including spontaneous mutations, transposable elements, replication errors, and quantum effects. These mutations are essential for creating the genetic diversity upon which natural selection acts, driving evolutionary change. Understanding these sources helps elucidate the mechanisms of evolution and the development of genetic variation.

1 Evolution of the Insertion-Deletion Mutation Rate Across the Tree of Life An inverse relationship exists between mutation rate and effective population size, suggesting that natural selection reduces mutation rates per effective genome until random genetic drift becomes overwhelming. Info Highly Cited 2016·89Citations·Way Sung et al.· G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics

2 Transposable elements: possible catalysts of organismic evolution. Transposable elements are a major source of spontaneous mutations, and their potential to produce mutations with dramatic effects on organismic evolution is discussed. Info Highly Cited 1995·134Citations·John F. McDonald· Trends in ecology & evolution

3 Quantum Evolution and Genetic Mutations Quantum tunnelling plays a main role in genetic mutation, which is the origin of evolution in organisms. Ask this paper 2024·0Citations·H. Hossieni· Qeios

4 Evolutionary Genetics: Mobile DNAs as Sources of Adaptive Change? Mobile DNA insertions in Drosophila simulans are associated with an apparent selective sweep and an elevation in expression level of an adjacent gene, creating insecticide resistance. 2004·16Citations·J. Brookfield· Current Biology

5 Genetic drift, selection and the evolution of the mutation rate Natural selection primarily improves DNA-replication fidelity, with random genetic drift setting the ultimate limits to what can be achieved. Info Highly Cited 2016·641Citations·M. Lynch et al.· Nature Reviews Genetics

6 Evolutionary tuning knobs Simple sequence repeats (SSRs) provide a source of abundant quantitative genetic variation and may serve as ‘tuning knobs’ for efficient adaptation in evolution. Info Highly Cited 1997·156Citations·D. King et al.· Endeavour

7 DNA mismatch repair preferentially protects genes from mutation MMR deficiency increases the frequency of smaller-scale insertions and deletions, and preferentially protects genes from mutation, impacting understanding of genome evolution during natural selection and human tumor growth. Ask this paper 2018·64Citations·E. Belfield et al.· Genome Research

8 Genomes and the origin of genetic variation Selfish genetic elements and unequal crossing over are main sources of DNA mutations in evolution, contributing to the presence of large amounts of noncoding DNA and the repetitive structure of the genome. 2019·0Citations·Glenn-Peter Sætre et al.· Evolutionary Genetics

9 Microsatellite mutations in the germline: implications for evolutionary inference. Microsatellite mutation rates in the germline are highly heterogeneous, with differences between species, repeat types, loci, and alleles, and age and sex affecting the mutation rate. Info Highly Cited 2000·724Citations·H. Ellegren· Trends in genetics : TIG

10 The origins, determinants, and consequences of human mutations Recent insights into the rates, spectrum, and determinants of genomic mutations inform our understanding of both Mendelian and complex human diseases, and future research should focus on developing new technologies to access and quantify mutations. Info Highly Cited 2015·142Citations·J. Shendure et al.· Science

木村資生(きむらもとお)の中立説とは ダーウィンの自然選択説との違い


  1. 【「進化=自然選択」だと思っていませんか?】進化学のこれからについて学ぶ 2022/10/12 東京大学オープンコースウェア open courseware  現在の進化学では、なんでも自然選択理論で説明してしまうのは、正しくないだろうと考えられています。
  2. ダ ー ウ ィニ ズ ム に つ い て の 誤 解 1988年 科学基礎論研究
  3. ダーウィンの自然選択説に関する二つの疑惑 (学説の先取権争いに関すること)
  4. ダーウィンの進化説には重大な矛盾点がある…?【知らなくても困らない。でも知ってるとちょっと楽しい宇宙の話】  oggi.jp



  • 淘汰論では、なんらかの意味で生存に有利な突然変異だけが進化の過程で生き残っていると考える。
  • 突然変異が生じても生物が生きてゆく上であまり影響がないこともある。これらを「中立突然変異」とよぶ。
  • 中立突然変異を持つ個体が子孫を増やせるかどうかは、「遺伝的浮動」と呼ぶ偶然に支配される。
  • その結果、生き残る遺伝子の大部分は中立突然変異だというのが中立論の主張である。
  • 中立論は、少数ながら生存に有利な突然変異が生き残っていることも認めている。

図17 中立論と淘汰論の違い 遺伝子は35億年の夢を見る  斎藤成也 大和書房


Neutral Theory of Molecular EvolutionAnders Gorm Pedersen3.56K subscribers


中立説・遺伝的浮動【進化】 高校生物 矢口はっぴー 9.62K subscribers



ミトコンドリア・イブ、アダム、 Most recent common ancestor(MRCA), LUCA


現在地球上に生きているすべての人間のミトコンドリアDNAの共通祖先DNAは必ず存在する。ミトコンドリアDNAは母系遺伝をするので、その共通祖先DNAは、ひとりの女性が持っていたものである。(65ページ 遺伝子は35億年の夢を見る 斎藤成也 大和書房 1997年 新装版2001年)

  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mitochondrial_Eve




(65~67ページ 遺伝子は35億年の夢を見る 斎藤成也 大和書房 1997年 新装版2001年)


ミトコンドリアDNAは常にひとまとまりで遺伝するので、全世界の人間の共通祖先遺伝子は一個だけである。ところが遺伝子の大部分はミトコンドリアではなく、二三対の染色体に分かれている細胞核内のDNAにある。これらの遺伝子は両親から伝えられ、それぞれの遺伝子座ごとに祖先がいるのである。しかもその祖先のいた時代は、遺伝子座によってばらばらである。これは染色体のなかで絶えず組換えが生じるので、同一の染色体の中でも少し離れたところに位置する遺伝子は、それぞれ独立に子孫遺伝子を増やしているとみなすことができるからである。全染色体を考えればこのようにセットで伝わる遺伝子の種類は数万を超えると考えられている。したがって、各DNA遺伝子のアダムとイブはさまざまな時代に数万人が散らばっているのである。特定の男女が全人類の共通祖先であるなどということはないのである。(67ページ 遺伝子は35億年の夢を見る 斎藤成也 大和書房 1997年 新装版2001年)


  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recent_African_origin_of_modern_humans
  2. https://www.nbcnews.com/sciencemain/genetic-adam-eve-traced-they-didnt-know-each-other-6c10822690
  3. Genetic ‘Adam never met Eve’  http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/sci/tech/999030.stm Monday, 30 October, 2000, 22:05 GMT
  4. The Human Family Tree: 10 Adams and 18 Eves May 2, 2000 https://archive.nytimes.com/www.nytimes.com/library/national/science/050200sci-genetics-evolution.html
  5. Genetic Adam and Eve did not live too far apart in time Ewen Callaway Nature (2013) Published: 06 August 2013
  6. https://www.americanscientist.org/article/we-are-all-africans

Most recent common ancestor(MRCA)とは

  1. https://www.chemeurope.com/en/encyclopedia/Most_recent_common_ancestor.html#MRCA_of_two_individuals 丁寧な説明 文章だけなので少し分かりにくいのですが。



  1. https://www.livescience.com/12937-10-mysteries-humans-evolution.html

receptor-interacting protein homotypic interaction motif (RHIM)



  1. The structure of mouse RIPK1 RHIM-containing domain as a homo-amyloid and in RIPK1/RIPK3 complex Jing Liu, Xia-lian Wu, Jing Zhang, Bing Li, Hua-yi Wang, Jian Wang & Jun-xia Lu Nature Communications volume 15, Article number: 6975 (2024) https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-024-51303-y
  2. Evolutionary and functional analyses reveal a role for the RHIM in tuning RIPK3 activity across vertebrates Elizabeth J FayKolya IsterabadiCharles M RezankaJessica LeMatthew D Daugherty Department of Molecular Biology, School of Biological Sciences, University of California, San Diego, San Diego, United States https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.102301.1
  3. Evolutionary link between metazoan RHIM motif and prion-forming domain of fungal heterokaryon incompatibility factor HET-s/HET-s Andrey V. Kajava, Karsten Klopffleisch, Shuhua Chen & Kay Hofmann Scientific Reports volume 4, Article number: 7436 (2014) https://www.nature.com/articles/srep07436



大阪星光首席から奈良医2日で退学→慶医・千葉医に面接落ちも39℃の高熱で京大医学部10位合格した漢(もご) トマホークTomahawk チャンネル登録者数 27.4万人




さりげなく他の遊びに誘ったりし、気分転換させるようにしました。 ベネッセ教育情報 O.Sさん Aちゃん (体験談当時の年齢:3歳0ヵ月頃〜4歳1ヵ月頃 女 第2子 大阪府)



小1息子の自慰行為にとまどっています。どうしたらいいですか? あんふぁん



乳幼児の自慰行為について NHKエデュケーショナル 2017/05/13出典:すくすく子育て[放送日]2017/05/13[再放送]2017/05/19 https://www.sukusuku.com/contents/129008

「ある意味正常な行為」その夫のひと言で気にならなくなりました。 N.Tさん Mくん (体験談当時の年齢:5歳0ヵ月頃〜6歳0ヵ月頃 男 第1子 千葉県)

自慰行為、こんな働きかけをしてみました ベネッセ教育情報


お悩みSV⑨・福岡会場:「5歳の園児の自慰行為、どう対応したらいい?」 2021年11月28日 [シンポジウム, 第12回育児セラピスト全国大会2021]


マスターベーションをする子どもについて ▶4歳男児の担任より


  1. 私にとって自慰は安心感と接続する行為だった――17人の著者が「自身の身体」を語るエッセイ集『私の身体を生きる』 文芸・カルチャー PR更新日:2024/6/11 ダヴィンチ



  1. 「息子には同じ道を辿ってほしくない」自分本位の性欲と罪悪感 ESSAY2020.08.19 パパ友がいない