


  1. Takaki K (1885) On the cause and prevention of kak’ke. Trans Sei-I-Kwai 39 (Suppl 4):29–37
    1. On the cause and prevention of Kak’ke. 1885 K Takaki PMID: 1421790 Nutrition . 1992 Sep-Oct;8(5):376-81; discussion 382-4.
  2. SYNTHESIS OF VITAMIN B1 R. R. Williams and J. K. Cline Cite this: J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1936, 58, 8, 1504–1505, August 1, 1936 https://doi.org/10.1021/ja01299a505  ビタミンB1(チアミン)の化学合成の方法を示した短い論文


  1. J R Soc Med. 2013 Aug; 106(8): 332–334. doi: 10.1177/0141076813497889 PMCID: PMC3725862 PMID: 23897451 Kanehiro Takaki and the control of beriberi in the Japanese Navy Yoshifumi Sugiyama1 and Akihiro Seita2 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3725862/
  2. Beriberi, Military Medicine, and Medical Authority in Prewar Japan Alexander R. Bay Japan Review No. 20 (2008), pp. 111-156 (46 pages) Published By: International Research Centre for Japanese Studies, National Institute for the Humanities
  3. A Child of Many Fathers: The Question of Credit for the Discovery of Thiamine, 1884-1936 (PDF) Kevin Fujitani Ohio State University, USA International Workshop on the History of Chemistry2015 Tokyo Finally, in 1934, Robert Runnels Williams (1886-1965) managed to determine the
    correct molecular formula from a crystallized sample, and two years later, while working for
    the Merck chemical company, developed a procedure to produce thiamine in the laboratory.
  4. Of Birds and B 1 : The Story of Beriberi LG Goh and KH Phua Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health Vol. 2, No. 1 (1988), pp. 76-81 (6 pages) JSTOREのダウンロードやサブスクが有料。無料だと視聴件数に制限があり、ダウンロードや印刷は不可
  5. 谷口論文に対するEditorial Comment (PDF) ビタミンB1が欠乏すると,解糖系内でピルビン酸からアセチルCoA に変換することができず,乳酸が蓄積する.これが3カ月以上持続すると脚気(beriberi)を生じる.ちなみにberiスリランカ語weakenessを意味しており,beriberiは「何もできないほどに衰弱している」状態を意味している
  6. Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) Julianna L. Martel; Connor C. Kerndt; Harshit Doshi; Reddog E. Sina; David S. Franklin. Author Information and Affiliations Last Update: January 31, 2024. NIH