- 肉芽腫性免疫応答は,起因物質や病原体を生体から隔絶しようとする防御反応の一種であると考えられる.結核菌や寄生虫などの病原体に反応したマクロファージやこれに
の沈着がみられ,起因物質をさらに強固に隔絶する.肉芽腫性炎症は結核,らい,住血吸虫症,ベリリウム症,サルコイドーシスなど様々な疾患で認められる.https://kenkyuukai.m3.com/journal/FilePreview_Journal.asp?path=sys%5Cjournal%5C20120502165224-62EA5D3B8D71DDBF681202EAC3909644AE3DA37015C53708.pdf&sid=595&id=118&sub_id=1608&cid=471 - サ症の病因は未だに明らかとはなっていないが,その病態は遺伝的素因を背景とした,何 らかの抗原(有機,無機,微生物など)に対する宿主の免疫反応であると理解されている. 免疫病理学的には,病変局所での CD4 陽性(ヘルパー)T 細胞のオリゴクローナルな増殖 と非乾酪性類上皮細胞肉芽腫の形成が見られる https://www.jssog.com/wp/wp-content/themes/jssog/images/system/guidance/2-1-2.pdf
- In the late 1800s, granulomas were first identified as swellings found in tuberculosis, leprosy, syphilis, and leishmaniasis patients (1). They are now defined as an accumulation of immune cells whose function is to confine a chronic nondegradable product (2). They vary considerably in size, composition, function, and organization (3) and are classified according to their etiology (2, 4, 5). Here, we will focus on the hypersensitivity granuloma, formed as a protective response by the immune system to confine/control pathogen spread. Cytokines play a major role in this type of granuloma formation (6,–10), dictating whether T helper 1 (Th1) or T helper 2 (Th2) granulomas are formed, the latter being less well understood. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6759305/