前立腺がん・去勢抵抗性前立腺(Castration Resistant Prostate Cancer; CPRC)がんとは




しかしながら、ホルモン治療の効果は3年程度しか持続せず、その後は男性ホルモンが低く抑えられているにもかかわらず前立腺がんは増殖するようになる。この状態の前立腺癌は、去勢抵抗性前立腺がん(Castration Resistant Prostate Cancer; CPRC)と呼ばれる。


  1. 去勢抵抗性(ホルモン抵抗性) 前立腺がんの治療について(四国がんセンター)



Orchiectomy is the name given to the surgical procedure to remove the testicles. The procedure is considered a type of hormone therapy, since its main purpose is to reduce the production of testosterone by the body. There are two types of orchiectomy. During a simple orchiectomy, the surgeon removes both testicles by making an incision in the front of the scrotum, while a subcapsular orchiectomy consists of the removal of the tissue from the lining of the testicles, which is where testosterone is produced. In either of the cases, both the penis and the scrotum remain intact.




  • Hormone therapy can be conducted with drugs or surgery.
  • Testosterone and dihydrotestosterone (DHT) are the two main male sex hormones and are called androgens.
  • Androgens are produced by the testicles, adrenal gland and prostate cancer tumor itself





  1. 前立腺がんへのPSMA標的療法で良好なPFS 第Ⅱ相ランダム化比較試験TheraPの追加報告 (2021年02月25日 15:24 Medical Tribune)