The greater omentum is a four-layered peritoneal membrane that extends from the greater curvature of the stomach and covers the entire intestines like an apron. Two layers emerge from the stomach’s front and back, and two layers emerge from the transverse colon’s front and back.
論文 「動物におけるジフテリアと破傷風の血清療法について」1890年エミール・フォン・ベーリング(1901年ノーベル生理学医学賞)、北里柴三郎 von Behring E, Kitasato S. Ueber das Zustandekommender Diphtherie-Immunität und der Tetanus-Immunitätbei Thieren. Deutsche Medicininischen ochenschrift1890;49:1113-4.
Remembering Emil von Behring: from Tetanus Treatment to AntibodyCooperation with Phagocytes Stefan H E Kaufmann 1, mBio. 2017 Feb 28;8(1):e00117-17. doi: 10.1128/mBio.00117-17
Emil von Behring: translational medicine at the dawn of immunology Stefan H. E. Kaufmann (2017) Emil von Behring (1854–1917) discovered passive immunization as an effective treatment for diphtheria and tetanus. Moreover, he brought this discovery from bench to bedside, and his serum therapy markedly reduced deaths from diphtheria — the ‘strangling angel of children’ — which at the time was feared as the deadliest disease of infants. Thus, together with Paul Ehrlich (1854–1915) and Elie Metchnikoff (1845–1916), he is considered one of the founders of immunology. With the subsequent introduction of vaccines and antibiotics, serum therapy left the limelight. However, the emergence of new pathogens with pandemic potential and antibiotic resistance has rekindled interest in serum therapy using tailormade monoclonal antibodies.
A centennial review; the 1890 tetanus antitoxin paper of von Behring and Kitasato and the related developments S S Kantha 1 Affiliations Keio J Med . 1991 Mar;40(1):35-9. 10.2302/kjm.40.35.
Douglas Coleman is recognized as the researcher who raised the hypothesis and predicted that a circulating satiety factor was lacking in the ob/ob mouse, and predicted that this factor acted at the hypothalamic level to modulate food intake. After three decades, in an attempt to identify the genes that were mutated in the ob/ob mouse, Jeffrey Friedman found that the ob gene encodes a protein hormone that reverses obesity and other abnormalities of this genetic rodent model of obesity.
From the conceptual basis to the discovery of leptin Biochimie Volume 94, Issue 10, October 2012, Pages 2065-2068 Biochimie Mini-review
In the 1960s, Dad became interested in two strains of obese mice that arose out of The Jackson Laboratory breeding stocks: ob/ob and db/db. While both of these mice strains are always hungry (hyperphagia) and consequently massively obese, the ob and db mutations are located on different chromosomes.
Douglas L. Coleman, 1931–2014 Thomas R Coleman Diabetologia. 2014 Oct 7;57(12):2429–2430. doi: 10.1007/s00125-014-3393-7
One such means to link blood supplies involved surgically joining two mice by skin-to-skin anastomosis—a technique termed parabiosis.
pairing ob/ob with normal mice caused the ob/ob mice to reduce their food intake to that observed in the normal–normal pairing [5].
This result suggested that the normal mice produce a blood-borne ‘satiety factor’ that could control obesity and that the ob/ob mice recognised and responded to this satiety factor.
Effects of parabiosis of obese with diabetes and normal mice. Coleman DL. Diabetologia. 1973;9:294–298. doi: 10.1007/BF01221857. [DOI] [PubMed] [Google Scholar]
When paired with normal mice, the db/db partners continued to gain weight, while the normal mice in each pair consistently died [6]. At necropsy, the normal mice lacked any food in their stomachs and had no glycogen in their livers: they had starved to death.
Effects of parabiosis of normal with genetically diabetic mice. Coleman DL, Hummel KP. Am J Physiol. 1969;217:1298–1304. doi: 10.1152/ajplegacy.1969.217.5.1298. [DOI] [PubMed] [Google Scholar]
From the conceptual basis to the discovery of leptin Biochimie Volume 94, Issue 10, October 2012, Pages 2065-2068 Biochimie Mini-review
A historical perspective on leptin Douglas L Coleman 変異マウスや健常マウスの皮膚を縫い合わせて血流を共有させた実験結果のまとめの図がわかりやすい。
Leptin and the regulation of body weight in mammals J M Friedman 1, J L Halaas Affiliations Expand PMID: 9796811 DOI: 10.1038/27376 Nature . 1998 Oct 22;395(6704):763-70. doi: 10.1038/27376.
Identification and expression cloning of a leptin receptor, OB-R. Cell 83, 1263–1271 (1995). Tartaglia, L. A. et al.