

What is the neural substrate of subconscious mind in the view of modern neuroscience?


The concept of the subconscious mind is somewhat abstract and doesn’t have a clear-cut neural substrate as it’s often described in psychological and psychoanalytic terms rather than in purely neuroscientific ones. However, modern neuroscience can shed light on some of the underlying processes that may be related to subconscious mental activity. These processes involve various brain structures and networks. Here are some key aspects:

  1. Implicit Memory and Learning: The subconscious mind often involves implicit memory and learning, which are the kinds of memories and knowledge that are not consciously recalled but influence our behavior. The neural basis of implicit memory is associated with structures like the basal ganglia, cerebellum, and various cortical regions.
  2. Emotional Processing: Emotional responses and emotional memories often operate below conscious awareness. The amygdala and other limbic system structures play a significant role in processing emotions and may contribute to subconscious emotional reactions.
  3. Habit Formation: The basal ganglia and related brain regions are involved in habit formation and execution. Many habits and routines are part of our subconscious behavior.
  4. Automatic and Procedural Tasks: The motor cortex and cerebellum are responsible for executing motor skills and tasks without conscious effort. These tasks often fall into the domain of the subconscious.
  5. Perception and Sensory Processing: The thalamus, primary sensory cortices, and various association areas in the brain process sensory information, and some of this processing can occur without conscious awareness.
  6. Unconscious Processing: Various studies in neuroscience, including those involving subliminal stimuli and masked priming, have shown that the brain can process information below the threshold of conscious awareness. These processes may involve the visual cortex, prefrontal cortex, and other regions associated with perception and cognition.

It’s important to note that the subconscious mind is a complex and multifaceted concept, and it doesn’t map neatly onto specific brain regions. Instead, it’s a product of the interactions among various brain areas, with information flowing between them in ways that are not fully understood. Modern neuroscience continues to explore these complex processes, shedding light on how the brain operates at both conscious and subconscious levels.



臨床心理学大系 (第16巻) 臨床心理学の先駆者たち


  1. フロイト:大橋秀夫
  2. ユング:鈴木 龍
  3. ロジャーズ:村瀬孝雄・保坂 亨
  4. ロールシャッハ:空井健三
  5. アイゼンク:木村 駿
  6. エリク・H.エリクソン:鑪幹八郎
  7. スキナー:中野良顯
  8. オルポート:青木孝悦
  9. アドラー:野田俊作
  10. サリヴァン:中井久夫
  11. ミルトン・H.エリクソン:成瀬悟策・宮田敬一
  12. クライン:岩崎徹也
  13. ホーナイ:近藤章久
  14. 森田正馬:大原健士郎・大原浩一
  15. ラカン:加藤 敏
  16. ウイニコット:牛島定信
  17. パールズ:倉戸ヨシヤ




  1. EECS -Module 1- Introduction and Functions UC Berkeley Events チャンネル登録者数 12.5万人 Professor Claire Tomlin カリフォルニア大学バークレー校の線形代数の講義


that comes out of this (Youglish.com) これから言えることは / ここから出てくる~は

The consequence is that (Youglish.com)結果はというと、~

So, here it is: … (Youglish.com)つまり、こういうことです:~

the idea is that … (Youglish.com) その考えはというと、こういうことです、~

The basic idea is that … (Youglish.com) 基本的なアイデアは何かというと、~

the idea is that, if you … (Youglish.com) そのアイデアはこういうことです。もしあなたが、~なら、~。

You might ask “why?”

So, the lesson is that … (Youglish.com) 学ぶべきことは、~

My point is that … (Youglish.com) 私が言いたいことは~

The problems is that … (Youglish.com)問題は、~

, let’s say, ~ (Youblish.com) 、例えば、

Now, suppose I’m … (Youglish.com) 今、私は~だとしましょう。

So, now let me talk about … (Youglish.com)  さて次にお話したいことは、~

So, what I want to talk about is … (Youglish.com) さて、私がお話したいことは、~

What I want to tell you is that …. (Youglish.com) 私が皆さんにお話したいことは、~

… that I am going to tell you (Youglish.com)  ~が私がお話したいことです。/ 私がお話したいことは、~。

If you think that … (Youglish.com) もしあなたが~だと考えるなら、

The truth is that … (Youglish.com)実際はどうかというと、~

It turns out that … (Youglish.com) わかることは(わかったことは)~

And it’s two fold. (Youglish.com) それは2つの段階(部分)からなります。

You might be wondering … (1432 hits Youglish.com) ~という疑問が湧いているかもしれません。/ 皆さんが疑問を抱いているかもしれないことは、~。




例文:”We found him.” 「我々は彼を見つけた。」

It indicates that the action of finding “him” occurred at some point in the past, and there is no specific reference to the present. It’s a straightforward statement of a past event.

例文:”We have found him.” 「我々は彼を見つけた。」

It indicates that the action of finding “him” happened in the past, but there is a connection to the present. It implies that the result of finding “him” is relevant or important in the present context. This tense is often used when the time of the action is not specified or when there’s a focus on the current situation resulting from the action.

例文:”We have found him, and he is on his way here now.”



The present perfect suggests a connection between something that happened in the past and the present time. The situation or event does not have to continue until the time of speaking, only to have some connection or relevance to the present time.

(Unit 8 Present and past time: review,  page 16, Advanced Grammar in Use Third Edition by Martin Hewings, Cambridge University Press)


例文:Ribosome collisions have been shown to be the key cellular trigger for ribosome-mediated quality control in eukaryotic cells that targets problematic mRNAs (Yan and Zaher, 2019). (引用元:https://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(20)30693-0)



肝臓というのは、実はものすごい血管の塊で。(第19回 肝臓のつくりとはたらき 生物基礎監修 東京都立八王子東高等学校教諭 長尾 嘉崇 NHK 生物基礎)





  1. 栄養状態によるアルブミン合成の調節機構 (PDF) 日本栄養・食糧学会誌64(4):215-219 (2011). 肝臓は、1日あたり約6-15gのアルブミンを合成。肝臓が産生する全タンパク質の25%を占める。アルブミンのは、血漿膠質浸透圧の維持脂肪酸ビリルビンと結合して血中で可溶性を保つ。





肝臓の機能:栄養素の貯蔵 ビタミンの貯蔵


  1. ビタミンA:豚レバー、鳥レバー
  2. ビタミンD:アンコウ肝、レバー
  3. ビタミンB2:豚レバー、牛レバー、鶏レバー
  4. ナイアシン(ビタミンB3):豚レバー
  5. パントテン酸(ビタミンB5):鶏レバー、豚レバー
  6. ビタミンB6:牛レバー、豚レバー
  7. ビタミンB12:牛レバー、鶏レバー
  8. 葉酸(ビタミンB9):牛レバー


  1. 脂溶性ビタミン(MSDマニュアル家庭版):脂溶性ビタミンは肝臓や脂肪組織に貯蔵されます。‥ 肝疾患や アルコール依存症によって、ビタミンの処理(代謝)や貯蔵が阻害されることもあります。
  2. ビタミン A を貯蔵する肝星細胞が肝臓の炎症を制御していた(京都大学):肝星細胞は肝臓構成の細胞のうち約5%を占め、ビタミン A を貯蔵する役割がひろく知られています。
  3. 【一覧表】ビタミンが多い食べ物 melos.media)
  4. 食肉にはどんなビタミンが含まれている? 日本食肉消費総合センター
  5. ビタミンKの働きと1日の摂取量 健康長寿ネット
  6. ビタミン及びビタミン様物質の一覧 lbv.jp









頭のいい人、ちゃんと考えている人は、「具体」と「抽象」を行ったり来たりできる。「具体的な話」ができないのは、経験が足りないと判断される。‥ 「定義は?」と聞くのは、経験を抽象化して考えているかを見抜くためだ。自分の経験を抽象化して考える癖をつけている人は、応用がきく。目の前の人が「仕事してるフリだけの浅い人」か「できる人」かを一瞬で見分ける質問 安達裕哉:ティネクト株式会社 代表取締役 キャリア・スキル 頭のいい人が話す前に考えていること 2023.10.7 4:50 DIAMOND ONLINE)








  1. 知識: ある特定の分野やトピックについての知識や情報を持っていること。これは学校での学習、読書、研究、経験から得られることがあります。
  2. 思考能力: 論理的思考創造的思考批判的思考など、さまざまな思考プロセスを効果的に行える能力。
  3. 問題解決能力: 複雑な問題に取り組み、解決策を見つける能力。これには情報収集分析判断力が含まれます。
  4. 学習能力: 新しい情報やスキルを素早く吸収し、適用する能力。柔軟性と適応力も含まれます。
  5. コミュニケーションスキル: アイデアや情報を他の人に効果的に伝える能力。聴解能力や説明能力も重要です。
  6. 社会的知能: 他の人との関係を築き協力し、対話する能力。感情知能も含まれます。
  7. 倫理的判断: 道徳的価値観を持ち、倫理的な判断を下す能力。






The Fogg Behavior Model (FBM) shows three elements that converge for a behavior to happen: Motivation, Ability and Trigger.

(The Fogg Behavior Model by B J Fogg, Stanford University)(1ページのPDFファイル

So this came together for me in about 2007. And it is a model that describes all behavior types in all cultures so it’s a universal model and it goes like this. A behavior happens with three things come together at the same moment. One, there is motivation to do that behavior. Two, there’s ability to behavior. And, three, there’s a prompt; something that says do this behavior now. And when all those things come together the behavior happens. (Building Habits: The Key to Lasting Behavior Change April 18, 2023 Stanford Business) トランスクリプト付きポッドキャスト(BJフォッグ氏のインタビュー)

以前はFogg Behavior Model (FBM)と呼んだようですが、その後B=MATと言ってみたり、最近ではB=MAP(Pはprompt)と呼んだりしているようです。

  1. https://behaviormodel.org/
  2. 習慣超大全——スタンフォード行動デザイン研究所の自分を変える方法  2021/5/26 BJ・フォッグ ダイヤモンド社ダイヤモンドONLINEの関連記事
  3. Designing for Behavior Change—New Models and Moral Issues An Interview with B.J. Fogg B.J. Fogg &Jim Euchner Research-Technology Management Volume 62, 2019 – Issue 5 Pages 14-19 | Published online: 05 Sep 2019. https://doi.org/10.1080/08956308.2019.1638490 BJフォッグ氏のインタビュー記事 有料
  4. A behavior model for persuasive design Author: BJ Fogg Authors Info & Claims Persuasive ’09: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Persuasive TechnologyApril 2009Article No.: 40Pages 1–7https://doi.org/10.1145/1541948.1541999. In this model (FBM), behavior is a product of three factors: motivation, ability, and triggers, each of which has subcomponents. The FBM asserts that for a person to perform a target behavior, he or she must (1) be sufficiently motivated, (2) have the ability to perform the behavior, and (3) be triggered to perform the behavior.


  1. ユーザーの行動変容のためのFogg行動モデルの実用化(Anders Toxboe, UI Patterns, 2019)2022-05-14 【翻訳】


動機x能力x機会=行動 という図式は一番最初に誰が考えて提唱したものなのでしょうか。

  1. Capability, opportunity, and motivation: an across contexts empirical examination of the COM-B model. Taylor Jade Willmott, Bo Pang, and Sharyn Rundle-Thiele. BMC Public Health. 2021; 21: 1014.
  2. Physical activity capability, opportunity, motivation and behavior in youth settings: theoretical framework to guide physical activity leader interventions. Rosenkranz et al., Published online: 26 Apr 2021 International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology
  3. Applying the Capability, Opportunity, and Motivation Behaviour Model (COM-B) to Guide the Development of Interventions to Improve Early Detection of Atrial Fibrillation Jatau et al., Clin Med Insights Cardiol. 2019; 13: 1179546819885134.
  4. The behaviour change wheel: a new method for characterising and designing behaviour change interventions. Susan Michie, Maartje M van Stralen, Robert West. Implement Sci . 2011 Apr 23:6:42. At the centre of a proposed new framework is a ‘behaviour system‘ involving three essential conditions: capability, opportunity, and motivation (what we term the ‘COM-B system‘).




人間の行動について考えると、何が自分を動かしているのだろうと不思議になります。最近本屋で見かけた本に、行動behavior=動機motivation x 能力ability x機会prompt すなわちB=MAPという公式が成り立つと説明されていました。言われてみると確かにそうかもしれないと思います。


I once called this element the “Trigger.” I changed this term in late 2017. Now I use “Prompt.” (Fogg Behavior Model Prompts tell people to “do it now!”



ちなみにB=MAPというモデルと同じものとして、COM-Bモデルというものがあります。 αべとは、それぞれCapability, Opportunity, and Motivation-Bahavior から取られていて、意味的にB=MAPやB=MATと全く同じですね。

Self-Determination Theory

Self-determination theoryは1970代にリチャード・ライアンとエドワード・デシによって提唱されました。

  1. Why We Do What We Do: Understanding Self-Motivation 1996/8/1 Edward L. Deci , Richard Flaste. If you reward your children for doing their homework, they will usually respond by getting it done. But is this the most effective method of motivation? No, says psychologist Edward L. Deci, who challenges traditional thinking and shows that this method actually works against performance. The best way to motivate people – at school, at work, or at home – is to support their sense of autonomy. Explaining the reasons why a task is important and then allowing as much personal freedom as possible in carrying out the task will stimulate interest and commitment, and it is a much more effective approach than the standard system of reward and punishment.
  2. Self-Determination Theory: 3 Basic Needs That Drive Our Behavior Sprouts チャンネル登録者数 154万人
  3. PubMed検索 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?term=Self-Determination+Theory&filter=pubt.review

後悔死ぬ前に後悔すること・人生における 後悔と意思決定の関係





2012にオーストラリアンの医療関係者Bronnie Wareが本を出版しておりその本で紹介された、人が死ぬ前に後悔することのランキング1位は

I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me




  1. Stem-like intestinal Th17 cells give rise to pathogenic effector T cells during autoimmunity Cell 184(26):6281-6298.E23, DECEMBER 22, 2021. However, recent studies propose that IL-17 and Th17 cells are not critical for driving autoimmune tissue inflammation (Haak et al., 2009; McGinley et al., 2020), whereas granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF)-producing T cells (ThGM) were proposed as the primary inducers of autoimmune tissue inflammation (Komuczki et al., 2019; Rasouli et al., 2020; Codarri et al., 2011; Galli et al., 2019).
  2. Single-Cell Genomics Unveils Critical Regulators of Th17 Cell Pathogenicity CELL 163(6):1400-1412, DECEMBER 03, 2015
  3. CD5L/AIM Regulates Lipid Biosynthesis and Restrains Th17 Cell Pathogenicity. Cell 163(6):1413-1427, DECEMBER 03, 2015. IL-17-producing Th17 cells are present at tissue inflammation sites and contribute to the pathogenesis of human autoimmune diseases and relevant murine models (Kleinewietfeld and Hafler, 2013, Lee et al., 2014). However, not all Th17 cells induce tissue inflammation and disease (i.e., are “pathogenic”).