

Marks’ Basic Medical Biochemistry Fifth Edition (2018年)のSECTION I Fuel Metabolismの2 The Fed or Absorptive StateのIII. Fate of GlucoseのB. Glucose Metabolism in Other Tissuesの4. Adipose Tissueの項目を読んでいたら、

Insulin stimulates the transport of glucose into adipose cells as well as into muscle cells. Adipocytes oxidize glucose for energy, and they also use glucose as the source of the glycerol moiety of the triacylglycerols they store (Figure 2.2 ⑩).


Figure 2.2 ⑩を見るとグルコースがその先どうなるかが図示されていますが、食事由来の脂肪酸あるいは肝臓で合成された中性脂肪由来の脂肪酸(VLDL経由)と脂肪組織の中であわさって中性脂肪がつくられるような説明になっています。

章末にKEY CONCEPTSとしてまとめが書かれていますがそこにも、

Triacylglycerol synthesized from glucose in the liver is released as VLDL. Adipose tissue is the storage site for triacylglycerol.



Insulin will stimulate glucose uptake in fat cells but does not stimulate fatty acid synthesis in the fat cells (that is unique to the liver) but will lead to enhanced triglyceride synthesis in the fat cells.


Fatty acid synthesis occurs primarily in the liver in humans, although int can also occur, to a lesser extent, in adipose tissue.

Marks’ Clinical Biochemistry 5th Edition. Chapter 31 Synthesis of Fatty Acids, Triacylglycerols, and the Major Membrane Lipids  I. Fatty Acid Synthesis




他の論文やレビューを見ておきます。下は、J Lipid Res. 2019 Oct; 60(10): 1720–1732.というレビュー論文。

Insulin suppresses hepatic glucose output and adipose tissue lipolysis, lowering blood glucose and fatty acid levels. It also increases hepatic lipid synthesis for subsequent storage in adipose tissue and stimulates glucose uptake into fat and muscle.


しかし、脂肪酸de novo合成の場所は肝臓だけなのか脂肪組織もなのか、さらにネットを検索すると混乱します。両方で脂肪酸合成が起きるという説明を見かけます。例えば、ウィキペディア。

In humans, fatty acids are formed from carbohydrates predominantly in the liver and adipose tissue, as well as in the mammary glands during lactation.

Fatty acid synthesis - Wikipedia


Fatty acid synthesis occurs in the liver and in adipose cells. The rate-limiting reaction in fatty acid biosynthesis is that of acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC) that catalyzes the reaction of acetyl-CoA to malonyl-CoA in two steps

Gerald Litwack PhD, in Human Biochemistry (Second Edition), 2022


上は、教科書Gerald Litwack PhD, in Human Biochemistry (Second Edition), 2022からの抜粋なので、教科書同士比べても、書いている内容が一致していないということになりそうです。なんとも悩ましい。



論文で研究した対象が人なのか、実験動物なのかに注意を払う必要があります。1971年の論文「Comparative aspects of lipogenesis in mammalian tissues」では、ラットと違って人では脂肪組織でのde novo脂肪酸合成はないと明言しています。しかしその後の論文を見ると、脂肪組織でもde novo lipogeneis (DNL)があるというものもあります(例えば2011年の論文Collins et al.)。人を対象とした実験であっても、測定手法によっては異なる結果が出ることがあるのかもしれませんので、多くの研究者によって得られたコンセンサスは最近どうなっているのかが気になります。歴史的には正反対の結論を述べた論文が存在している状況で、個々の論文だけ見てしまうと判断がつきません。論文を出すときは、これまでの定説を覆す発見だと言ってアピールするのがよくあることなので、イントロにそう書いてあるからといって著者のその主張を鵜呑みにしていいものでもありません。あくまで、根拠となった原著論文一つ一つのデータの実験条件、妥当性や別の解釈の可能性などを吟味する必要があります。その分野の権威がレビュー論文を書いて何かを主張しても、結局は原著論文を自分で吟味して自分を信じたほうが間違いがありません。


  1. Surplus fatty acid synthesis increases oxidative stress in adipocytes and induces lipodystrophy Nature Communications volume 15, Article number: 133 (2024) https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-023-44393-7 Consistent with our results, adipocyte-specific overexpression of SREBP-1c, a master regulator of lipid synthesis genes including AclyAcc1 and Fasn, causes congenital lipodystrophy32. SREBP1c has also been suggested to play a key role in the pathogenesis of human lipodystrophies33. In addition, increased FASN expression in human adipose tissues is linked to insulin resistance and inflammation34. Therefore, it is reasonable to believe that the low de novo fatty acid synthesis rate in adipocytes is a protective strategy to avoid oxidative stress-induced cell death. … In summary, our findings uncover the physiological significance of the low fatty acid synthesis rate in adipocytes, identify a potential cause of acquired lipodystrophy and may provide an effective means for lipodystrophy management. このイントロダクションによれば、もともと脂肪組織におけるデノボ脂肪酸合成は低く、亢進するのは異常なときのようです。だとすれば脂肪酸の新規の合成の場は肝臓と覚えて問題なさそうに思えます。
  2. De novo lipogenesis fuels adipocyte autophagosome and lysosome membrane dynamics Nat Commun. 2023; 14: 1362. Published online 2023 Mar 13. doi: 10.1038/s41467-023-37016-8 PMCID: PMC10011520 PMID: 36914626 メソッドのセクションをよんだらマウスを用いた研究でした。イントロを読んでも動物種を区別した書き方をしていなかったため人ではどうなのかが不明瞭です。しかし脂肪組織の脂肪酸新規合成は脂肪組織が貯蔵する中性脂肪にはあまり関与していないという認識が紹介されています。Although the above pathways are well established, adipocyte DNL surprisingly accounts for <2% of adipose TG content; instead, most adipocyte TGs are derived from circulating TGs found in lipoproteins4,8. Supporting the notion that DNL contributes minimally to TG in fat stores, loss of adipocyte Fasn, the rate-limiting enzyme of DNL, has little effect on total lipid accumulation in adipose tissues in mice under normal feeding conditions9.
  3. Quantitative Determination of De Novo Fatty Acid Synthesis in Brown Adipose Tissue Using Deuterium Oxide J Vis Exp. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2024 Mar 5. Published in final edited form as: J Vis Exp. 2023 May 12; (195): 10.3791/64219. Published online 2023 May 12. doi: 10.3791/64219 PMCID: PMC10913692 NIHMSID: NIHMS1964853 PMID: 37246886 この論文は中身を見るとマウスを実験動物してつかったものでしたので、人に関してどうかはわかりません。
  4. Regulation and Metabolic Significance of De Novo Lipogenesis in Adipose Tissues Nutrients. 2018 Oct; 10(10): 1383. Published online 2018 Sep 29. doi: 10.3390/nu10101383 PMCID: PMC6213738 PMID: 30274245 Ziyi Song, Alus M. Xiaoli, and Fajun Yang* レビュー論文。However, studies in humans fed with a carbohydrate-rich diet revealed that total fat synthesis in ATs significantly exceeded hepatic DNL [], suggesting that ATs may be the second major site for fat synthesis.  In particular, recent studies show that adipocytes generate adipocyte-specific fatty acids that act to improve systemic insulin sensitivity and decrease inflammation [,]. Therefore, adipocyte DNL is an important source of endogenous fatty acids and plays key roles in maintaining systemically metabolic homeostasis.
  5. De Novo Lipogenesis Products and Endogenous Lipokines Mustafa Yilmaz,1 Kathryn C. Claiborn,1 and Gökhan S. Hotamisligilcorresponding author1,2 Diabetes. 2016 Jul; 65(7): 1800–1807. Published online 2016 Jun 12. doi: 10.2337/db16-0251 PMCID: PMC4915584 PMID: 27288005 要旨 In this review, we will update the current knowledge of DNL in white and brown adipose tissues with the focus on transcriptional, post-translational, and central regulation of DNL. We will also summarize the recent findings of adipocyte DNL as a source of some signaling molecules that critically regulate energy metabolism. 本文 De novo synthesis of fatty acids takes place primarily in the liver (). Under physiological conditions, excess carbohydrates that are not stored as glycogen in hepatocytes are converted into fatty acids and esterified into triglycerides. … studies in humans fed with a carbohydrate-rich diet revealed that total fat synthesis in ATs significantly exceeded hepatic DNL [], suggesting that ATs may be the second major site for fat synthesis. In particular, recent studies show that adipocytes generate adipocyte-specific fatty acids that act to improve systemic insulin sensitivity and decrease inflammation [,].
  6. Adipose tissue regulates insulin sensitivity: Role of adipogenesis, de novo lipogenesis and novel lipids. Smith U., Kahn B.B.  J. Intern. Med. 2016;280:465–475. doi: 10.1111/joim.12540. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5218584/
  7. Downregulation of de Novo Fatty Acid Synthesis in Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue of Moderately Obese Women Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2015, 16(12), 29911-29922; https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms161226206
  8. De novo lipogenesis in human fat and liver is linked to ChREBP-β and metabolic health. Eissing, L., Scherer, T., Tödter, K. et al.  Nat Commun 4, 1528 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1038/ncomms2537
  9. De novo lipogenesis as a metabolic signal transmitter.  Lodhi I.J., Wei X., Semenkovich C.F. Lipoexpediency: Trends Endocrinol. Metab. 2011;22:1–8. doi: 10.1016/j.tem.2010.09.002.
  10. Collins et al., De novo lipogenesis in the differentiating human adipocyte can provide all fatty acids necessary for maturation, Journal of Lipid Research, Volume 52, Issue 9, 2011, Pages 1683-1692, ISSN 0022-2275, https://doi.org/10.1194/jlr.M012195. イントロダクション The pathway of de novo lipogenesis (DNL) was, until recently, believed to be virtually nonexistent in the human adipocyte (123). However, it is becoming increasingly clear that human adipocytes are capable of synthesis of fatty acids and triacylglycerols (TG) from nonlipid precursors. The expression of key enzymes of DNL, including acetyl-CoA carboxylase-A (ACACA) and fatty acid synthase (FAS), has been demonstrated in human adipose tissue (45). Functionally, around 20% of palmitic acid in adipocyte TG arises from DNL, and although hepatic DNL could account for some of this (exported to the adipocyte in very low density lipoprotein TG), there is an excess that appears to have arisen in the adipose tissue (6). During hypercaloric, high-carbohydrate feeding, whole body DNL (measured by indirect calorimetry) increases considerably (7) and exceeds hepatic DNL (measured with tracers); the remainder may occur in adipose tissue (8).
  11. The Human Fatty Acid Synthase Gene and De Novo Lipogenesis Are Coordinately Regulated in Human Adipose Tissue1  https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022316623027554 The Journal of Nutrition Volume 134, Issue 5, May 2004, Pages 1032-1038 Despite its potential importance in obesity and related disorders, little is known about regulation of lipogenesis in human adipose tissue.
  12. Hepatic and whole-body fat synthesis in humans during carbohydrate overfeeding. Aarsland A., Chinkes D., Wolfe R.R.  Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 1997;65:1774–1782. doi: 10.1093/ajcn/65.6.1774.
  13. Synthesis of fatty acids and cholesterol by liver, adipose tissue and intestinal mucosa from obese and control patients A Angel, G A Bray Eur J Clin Invest . 1979 Oct;9(5):355-62. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2362.1979.tb00896.x. PMID: 118029 DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2362.1979.tb00896.x タイトルを読むとヒトの脂肪細胞で脂肪酸合成があるようです。
  14. Fatty acid synthesis by human adipose tissue M S Patel, O E Owen, L I Goldman, R W Hanson Metabolism . 1975 Feb;24(2):161-73. doi: 10.1016/0026-0495(75)90017-7. The results of this study clearly demonstrate that, although human adipose tissue is able to oxidize glucose to CO2, its ability to incorporate glucose-carbon into long chain fatty acids is negligible.  この論文はヒト肥満細胞における脂肪酸de novo合成を否定する論文。
  15. Comparative aspects of lipogenesis in mammalian tissues E Shrago, J A Glennon, E S Gordon Metabolism . 1971 Jan;20(1):54-62. doi: 10.1016/0026-0495(71)90059-x.  PMID: 4992541 DOI: 10.1016/0026-0495(71)90059-x Human adipose tissue, unlike that of the rat, has a poor capacity to synthesize fatty acids de novo. The citrate cleavage enzyme is essentially absent from human adipose tissue, and other related lipogenic enzymatic activities are considerably lower and less adaptive than in rat epididymal fat. Studies carried out with monkey liver indicate, indirectly at least, a closer relationship of primate and rat liver. Comparison of lipogenesis in a number of animals indicates that the rat may be a poor experimental model to study the carbon pathway and regulation of lipogenesis. ヒト肥満細胞における脂肪酸de novo合成を否定する論文。この論文では、人間と他の実験動物とでは大きな違いがあると述べています。
  16. Fatty Acid Synthesis in Human Adipose Tissue. (1969) イントロダクションにおけるリサーチクエスチョンの提示部分:These observations raise a question concerning the pathway of fatty acid biosynthesis de novo, or indeed, whether or not it occurs at all in human adipose tissue. https://www.jbc.org/article/S0021-9258(18)83461-5/pdf この論文は人の肥満細胞が脂肪酸合成をすると結論した論文