Stem-like intestinal Th17 cells give rise to pathogenic effector T cells during autoimmunity Cell 184(26):6281-6298.E23, DECEMBER 22, 2021. However, recent studies propose that IL-17 and Th17 cells are not critical for driving autoimmune tissue inflammation (Haak et al., 2009; McGinley et al., 2020), whereas granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF)-producing T cells (ThGM) were proposed as the primary inducers of autoimmune tissue inflammation (Komuczki et al., 2019; Rasouli et al., 2020; Codarri et al., 2011; Galli et al., 2019).
CD5L/AIM Regulates Lipid Biosynthesis and Restrains Th17 Cell Pathogenicity. Cell 163(6):1413-1427, DECEMBER 03, 2015. IL-17-producing Th17 cells are present at tissue inflammation sites and contribute to the pathogenesis of human autoimmune diseases and relevant murine models (Kleinewietfeld and Hafler, 2013, Lee et al., 2014). However, not all Th17 cells induce tissue inflammation and disease (i.e., are “pathogenic”).
Knowledge, attitude and practice survey towards COVID‐19 vaccination: A mediation analysis Mitali Sengupta,corresponding author 1 Smita Dutta, Int J Health Plann Manage. 2022 Jul; 37(4): 2063–2080. Published online 2022 Feb 28. doi: 10.1002/hpm.3449 PMCID: PMC9087425 PMID: 35229357
無意識の心理学 PSYCHOLOGY OF THE UNCONSCIOUSA Study of the Transformations and Symbolisms of the Libido A Contribution to the History of the Evolution of Thought BY Dr. C. G. JUNG (Gootenberg eBook)
ユング C. G. Jungの無意識の心理学PSYCHOLOGY OF THE UNCONSCIOUSの序文に、翻訳者BEATRICE M. HINKLEによる解説があります。
The Oedipus Problem
In the beginning the child derives its first satisfaction and pleasure from the mother in the form of nutrition and care for its wants. In this first act of suckling Freud sees already a kind of sexual pleasure, for he apparently identifies the pleasure principle and the sexual instinct and considers that the former is primarily rooted in the latter.
there has been considerable argument as to whetherpsychoanalysis is even a science at all. Some claim that Freud’s work itself was entirely pseudoscientific in nature,
Why We’re Still Fighting over Freud A debate over the relevance of psychoanalysis to brain research highlights science’s lack of progress in understanding the mind By John Horgan on May 13, 2019
Why Freud Should Be Dead Freud’s most implacable modern critic recounts the flaws of psychoanalysis and its founder and deplores their persistent influence By John Horgan on June 12, 2019
Richard Webster Why Freud Was Wrong: Sin, Science, And Psychoanalysis (ウィキペディア)
Freud’s theory of the Oedipus complex was based on the belief that young children experienced an unconscious desire for their opposite-sex parent. It was considered a necessary part of the phallic stage of psychosexual development (between three to five years of age), and Freud believed it could lead to paedophilia if not resolved in time.
To Freud, women were simply men without penises (Cohler & Galatzer-Levy, 2008), so naturally he introduced a stage of ‘penis envy’ – where a woman realises she does not possess a penis, and experiences an envy of the male, which accounted for much of female behaviour.
Psychoanalysis and the Brain – Why Did Freud Abandon Neuroscience? Georg Northoff1,* Front Psychol. 2012; 3: 71. Published online 2012 Apr 2. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2012.00071 PMCID: PMC3317371 PMID: 22485098 1895 writing on a “Project for a Scientific Psychology” where he tries to link neuronal mechanisms to psychodynamic concepts
アドラーは自由精神分析学会(Gesellschaft für Freie Psychoanalyse)を創設したが、それは後に個人心理学会(Gesellschaft für Individualpsychologie)と改称されてさらに国際アドラー心理学会(Internationale Vereinigung für Individualpsychologie)へと発展した。1926年以降活動の拠点をアメリカに移行してて、1935年からは永住した。1937年、心臓発作のため講演旅行中のスコットランドで客死。
I. THE CONCEPT AND PREMISE OF THE PSYCHIC LIFE We attribute a soul only to moving, living organisms.
英語訳には少なくとも2種類あるようです。Walter Beran Wolfeの翻訳で、
We attribute a soul only to moving, living organisms. The soul
stands in innate relationship to free motion. Those organisms which are
strongly rooted have no necessity for a soul. How supernatural it would be to attribute emotions and thoughts to a deeply rooted plant! で始まるものが一つ。
We attribute a consciousness only to moving, living organisms. The existence of consciousness presupposes free motion since those organisms that are strongly rooted in one spot have no necessity for it. How unnatural it would be to attribute emotions and thoughts to an oak tree.
Book I: Human Behavior 人間知の心理学
1 The soul 人間の精神
2 Social aspects of the psychic life 精神生活の社会的性質
3 Child and society 子どもと社会
4 The world we live in 外界の印象
5 The feeling of inferiority and the striving for recognition 劣等感
Personality Theory Created July 7, 2017 by Mark Kelland Alfred Adler was an early member and president of the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society, … アドラー心理学に関する長い纏め・解説記事