The main distinction between acetate and acetic acid is that acetic acid is a neutral compound, while acetate is an anion with a net negative electric charge.
Screening for Frailty With the FRAIL Scale: A Comparison With the Phenotype CriteriaJ Am Med Dir Assoc . 2017 Jul 1;18(7):592-596. doi: 10.1016/j.jamda.2017.01.009. Epub 2017 Mar 6.
A SIMPLE FRAILTY QUESTIONNAIRE (FRAIL) PREDICTS OUTCOMES IN MIDDLE AGED AFRICAN AMERICANSJ Nutr Health Aging. 2012 Jul; 16(7): 601–608. doi: 10.1007/s12603-012-0084-2 PMCID: PMC4515112 NIHMSID: NIHMS709065 PMID: 22836700
Tom Magliozzi, co-host of NPR’s “Car Talk” show, described the formula for happiness as reality minus expectations.
“If You Want To SUCCEED In Life, DEVELOP THESE SKILLS!” Yuval Noah Harari & Jay Shetty Jay Shetty Podcast チャンネル登録者数 200万人
Physical activity and muscle–brain crosstalk(無料要旨) Bente Klarlund Pedersen Nature Reviews Endocrinology volume 15, pages383–392 (2019) Published: 05 March 2019 Cathepsin B is an exercise-induced myokine required for exercise-induced improvement in memory and adult neurogenesis. Exercise enhances neuronal gene expression of FNDC5, the protein product of which might stimulate brain-derived neurotrophic factor in the hippocampus.