
受精後3週目 中胚葉誘導、原始線条、AEVなどのシグナリング


原始線条 primitive streak

ニワトリ卵の原始線条 primitive streak形成の様子。

Chick Primitive Streak BioProfessor101 チャンネル登録者数 2.15万人

  1. Migrating mesoderm cells self-organize into a dynamic meshwork structure during chick gastrulation Yukiko Nakaya, Mitsusuke Tarama, Sohei Tasaki, Ayako Isomura, View ORCID ProfileTatsuo Shibata doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.09.08.507227 Posted September 09, 2022. https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.09.08.507227v1.full
  2. Cell movement during chick primitive streak formation Developmental Biology Volume 296, Issue 1, 1 August 2006, Pages 137-149 細胞の動きを示したsupplementary movie 動画がいくつかあります https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0012160606007299
  3. Cell Movement Patterns during Gastrulation in the Chick Are Controlled by Positive and Negative Chemotaxis Mediated by FGF4 and FGF8 Developmental Cell Volume 3, Issue 3, September 2002, Pages 425-437 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1534580702002563 細胞移動の軌跡を示した動画がいくつかあります。FGF8とFGF4の役割についても非常にわかりやすい実験結果


ヒトに近い動物モデルとしてはマウスがありますが、ヒトの胚盤が「円盤」なのに対して、マウスは「カップ状」という形態的に大きな違いがあります。下の図を見ると、proamniotic cavity(羊膜腔になる予定の空間)が確かにカップ状のepiblastによって囲まれているのがわかります。下のCell論文の図は非常に明解に描かれています。basal membrane と apical 側との違いもわかりやすいと思います。カップ状になる過程が描かれています。

Self-Organizing Properties of Mouse Pluripotent Cells Initiate Morphogenesis upon Implantation Cell Volume 156, Issue 5p1032-1044February 27, 2014 https://www.cell.com/fulltext/S0092-8674%2814%2900075-0


  1. AVE protein expression and visceral endoderm cell behavior during anterior-posterior axis formation in mouse embryos: Asymmetry in OTX2 and DKK1 expression. Developmental biology Hideharu Hoshino et al. 36 citations 2015 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0012160615001748 AVEマーカータンパク質のステージE4.5の時期の発現 

遠位内臓内胚葉(Distal Visceral Endoderm, DVE)

マウス胚における遠位内臓内胚葉(Distal Visceral Endoderm, DVE)は、胚の前後軸(Anterior-Posterior, A-P)形成において重要な役割を果たします。DVEは、特定の遺伝子を発現し、将来の前部内臓内胚葉(Anterior Visceral Endoderm, AVE)へと移動します。このプロセスに関与する遺伝子の発現パターンを理解することは、胚の発生メカニズムを解明する上で重要です。


DVEは、OTX2, HHEX, CER1, LEFTY1, DKK1を発現します。これらの遺伝子は、E4.5からE6.5の間に特定のパターンで発現し、AVEの形成に寄与します

  1. AVE protein expression and visceral endoderm cell behavior during anterior-posterior axis formation in mouse embryos: Asymmetry in OTX2 and DKK1 expression. Developmental biology Hideharu Hoshino et al. 36 citations 2015 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0012160615001748 ステージE5.25-5.75でのAVEタンパク質のDVEにおける発現 OTX2、HHEX、CER1、LEFTY1、および DKK1 は、マウス胚の遠位内臓内胚葉 (DVE) で発現します。



  1. The Mouse Embryo Autonomously Acquires Anterior-Posterior Polarity at Implantation Developmental Cell Volume 10, Issue 4P451-459April 2006 https://www.cell.com/action/showPdf?pii=S1534-5807%2806%2900114-6



    1. Nodal signaling from the visceral endoderm is required to maintain Nodal gene expression in the epiblast and drive DVE/AVE migration Developmental Biology Volume 400, Issue 1, 1 April 2015, Pages 1-9 Developmental Biology https://pdf.sciencedirectassets.com/272543/1-s2.0-S0012160615X00054/1-s2.0-S0012160614006460/main.pdf



  1. Hex: a homeobox gene revealing peri-implantation asymmetry in the mouse embryo and an early transient marker of endothelial cell precursors Development . 1998 Jan;125(1):85-94. doi: 10.1242/dev.125.1.85.  https://journals.biologists.com/dev/article/125/1/85/39778/Hex-a-homeobox-gene-revealing-peri-implantation



マウス胚の遠位内臓内胚葉(DVE)は、OTX2, HHEX, CER1, LEFTY1, DKK1などの遺伝子を発現し、これらの遺伝子はDVEの移動と前後軸の形成に重要な役割を果たします。特にLEFTY1とNodalシグナルは、DVEの非対称性と移動方向を決定する上で重要です。さらに、HexやAdtk1などの遺伝子もDVEおよびAVEの形成に関与しています。(consensus.ai)


Distal Vesceral Endoderm (DVE)の細胞が最初はカップ状の胚の極のところに生じますが、それが端に移動してAnterior Viscereal Endoderm (AVE)になります。

From fertilization to gastrulation: axis formation in the mouse embryo. Curr Opin Genet Dev . 2001 Aug;11(4):384-92. DOI:10.1016/S0959-437X(00)00208-2Corpus ID: 17925624

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc. Object name is nihms-1029344-f0013.jpg

Vertebrate Axial Patterning: From Egg to Asymmetry. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 01 Jan 2017, 953:209-306 https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-46095-6_6 PMID: 27975274 PMCID: PMC6550305 https://europepmc.org/article/pmc/pmc6550305


  1. Nodal signaling from the visceral endoderm is required to maintain Nodal gene expression in the epiblast and drive DVE/AVE migration Developmental Biology Volume 400, Issue 1, 1 April 2015, Pages 1-9 Developmental Biology https://pdf.sciencedirectassets.com/272543/1-s2.0-S0012160615X00054/1-s2.0-S0012160614006460/main.pdf


  1. AVE protein expression and visceral endoderm cell behavior during anterior-posterior axis formation in mouse embryos: Asymmetry in OTX2 and DKK1 expression. Developmental biology Hideharu Hoshino et al. 36 citations 2015 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0012160615001748 ステージE6.5でのAVEにおける特異的なタンパク質の発現



  • Wntシグナルの拮抗因子:Secreted frizzled-related protein 5 (Sfrp5) は、Wntシグナルを拮抗する分泌因子であり、AVEおよび前腸内胚葉で発現します。Dkk1もまた、Wntシグナルを拮抗する分泌因子であり、AVEで発現します。
  • TGFβシグナルの拮抗因子:AVEは、Nodalシグナルを抑制するTGFβ拮抗因子を分泌します。
  • 成長分化因子:Growth-differentiation factor 3 (Gdf3は、Nodalシグナル経路に関与し、AVEの形成に重要な役割を果たします
  • その他の分泌因子:Bone morphogenetic protein 4 (Bmp4) は、AVEの発達と移動を調節するシグナル分子です




Axis Development and Early Asymmetry in Mammals Cell Volume 96, Issue 2p195-209 January 22, 1999 https://www.cell.com/fulltext/S0092-8674%2800%2980560-7

マウス胚での中胚葉誘導の始まり:extraembryonic ectodermからのBMP4シグナル

  • At the blastocyst stage, the polar TE lies adjacent to the epiblast and is fated to form the extraembryonic ectoderm and ectoplacental cone, which will subsequently form the fetal portion of the placenta, whereas the mural TE initially encloses the blastocyst cavity and eventually forms the outer layer of the parietal yolk sac.
  • Between E5.5 and E6.0, the proamniotic cavity expands to the extraembryonic ectoderm, forming the proamniotic canal.


  1. https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/engineering/extraembryonic-ectoderm

下の図のシグナル分子のまとめが非常にわかりやすいと思いました。しかし緑の背景に白抜きの文字は読みにくい。extraembryonic ectodermがBMP4を分泌し、BMP受容体1がそのシグナルを受容して、結果として中胚葉マーカーであるT遺伝子が発現します。これは尾部で起こります。ところが、吻側においては、HEX遺伝子を発現するDistal Visceral Endoderm (DVE)が前方へと移動してAnterior Visceral Endoderm (AVE)になっているのですが、AVEからはBMPシグナルを阻害する因子が分泌されており、中胚葉誘導が阻害されるのです。

Axis Development and Early Asymmetry in Mammals Cell Volume 96, Issue 2p195-209January 22, 1999 https://www.cell.com/fulltext/S0092-8674%2800%2980560-7

  1. The role of BMP4 signaling in trophoblast emergence from pluripotency Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 25 July 2022 Volume 79, article number 447, (2022)


マウス Distal Visceral Endoderm (DVE)におけるHEX遺伝子の発現


  1. Jeremy Davis. Life Unfolding

下の写真のB,C,D,EではHEX遺伝子の原始内胚葉 primitive endodermでの発現が示されています。B,Cの時期はまだカップ状になっていませんが、Dの時期にはカップ状の極の部分に位置しています。さらにE,F,Gとステージが進むと前側にHEX発現細胞が移動しているのがよくわかります。Gの時期には中胚葉マーカーであるT遺伝子が尾側に発現しています。

Whole-mount in situ hybridisation analysis showing asymmetrical Hex expression in the visceral endoderm of pregastrulation stage embryos. (A-C) 4.5 dpc blastocysts showing Oct-4 expression (A) in the inner cell mass and Hex expression (B,C) in the primitive endoderm (black arrowhead). (D,E) Hex expression (black arrowhead) in the distal tip visceral endoderm of 5.5 dpc embryos. Note that the Hex expression domain is immediately proximal to the distal tip in the slightly older embryo shown in E. (F,G) Double in situ hybridisation analysis of Hex (black arrowhead) and T (white arrowhead) at 6.0 dpc (F) and 6.5 dpc (G). Hex expression at 6.0 dpc is clearly asymmetrical within the endoderm prior to the accumulation of T transcripts to the nascent primitive streak at the posterior pole of the embryo (G). Bar, 40 μm (A-C); 50 μm (D); 60 μm (E-G).

Fig.1 Whole-mount in situ hybridisation analysis showing asymmetrical Hex expression in the visceral endoderm of pregastrulation stage embryos. (A-C) 4.5 dpc blastocysts showing Oct-4 expression (A) in the inner cell mass and Hex expression (B,C) in the primitive endoderm (black arrowhead). (D,E) Hex expression (black arrowhead) in the distal tip visceral endoderm of 5.5 dpc embryos. Note that the Hex expression domain is immediately proximal to the distal tip in the slightly older embryo shown in E. (F,G) Double in situ hybridisation analysis of Hex (black arrowhead) and T (white arrowhead) at 6.0 dpc (F) and 6.5 dpc (G). Hex expression at 6.0 dpc is clearly asymmetrical within the endoderm prior to the accumulation of T transcripts to the nascent primitive streak at the posterior pole of the embryo (G). Bar, 40 μm (A-C); 50 μm (D); 60 μm (E-G).

Hex: a homeobox gene revealing peri-implantation asymmetry in the mouse embryo and an early transient marker of endothelial cell precursors Development (1998) 125 (1): 85–94. 01 January 1998


  1. 生殖細胞の起源 http://ikagaku.jp/wp-admin/post.php?post=12454&action=edit

ヒトにextraembryonic ectodermはあるか?

In humans, a structure equivalent to the mouse extraembryonic ectoderm is not thought to form.

Pluripotent Stem Cells Susana M. Chuva de Sousa Lopes, Christine L. Mummery, in Handbook of Stem Cells (Second Edition) , 2013 https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/engineering/extraembryonic-ectoderm

In the post-implantation mouse embryo, formation of the PS and initiation of germ layer formation are driven by signaling activities emanating from the extraembryonic tissues such as the extraembryonic ectoderm, which gives rise to chorionic ectoderm, and visceral endoderm and from within the epiblast. However, in primates, there is no clear equivalent to the TE-derived extraembryonic ectoderm of the mouse, which is a major source of BMP to induce gastrulation and primitive-streak formation. In humans and nonhuman primates, the amnion (amniotic epithelium) is reputed to behave like a signaling center of BMP activity to induce the differentiation of mesoderm in the Cynomolgus embryonic disc and the human PASE (Shao et al., 2017; Yang et al., 2021; Zheng et al., 2019). https://www.cell.com/developmental-cell/pdf/S1534-5807(21)01042-X.pdf


Early mouse embryonic development. As described in the text, the blastocyst at 3.5 dpc consists of two tissues: the inner cell mass and trophectoderm. At 4.5 dpc the primitive endoderm is formed and the embryo starts to implant into the uterine wall. By 5.5 dpc, the embryo is cup-shaped and is often described according to the location of the extraembryonic ectoderm, and thus embryonic regions are located proximal or distal to this tissue. Extraembryonic and embryonic regions are separated by a line. The distal-most cells of the visceral endoderm (dVE) change shape at 5.5 dpc and begin their proximal migration. The parietal endoderm is also depicted at this stage but is removed from later stages for simplification. Gastrulation commences at 6.5 dpc with the formation of mesoderm and the primitive streak. At this stage, the anterior visceral endoderm (aVE) marks the anterior of the embryo and the mesoderm at the opposite side of the embryo, marks the posterior. The cells just anterior to the mesoderm have organizing properties and this region is called the early gastrula organizer (EGO). The extraembryonic region of the embryo is not depicted at 7.0 and 7.5 dpc to allow better visualization of mesoderm migration. By 7.5 dpc, the mesodermal wings have almost met at the anterior midline, and the node has formed at the tip of the embryo.  

Early mouse embryonic development. As described in the text, the blastocyst at 3.5 dpc consists of two tissues: the inner cell mass and trophectoderm. At 4.5 dpc the primitive endoderm is formed and the embryo starts to implant into the uterine wall. By 5.5 dpc, the embryo is cup-shaped https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Early-mouse-embryonic-development-As-described-in-the-text-the-blastocyst-at-35-dpc_fig1_228357767

Embryonic stem cell-based in vitro models to study early mammalian ...


FIGURE 1 Front Cell Dev Biol. 2024 Apr 22;12:1386739. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2024.1386739 A comprehensive review: synergizing stem cell and embryonic development knowledge in mouse and human integrated stem cell-based embryo models https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC11074781/

上皮ー間葉転換 EMT

  1. Basal delamination during mouse gastrulation primes pluripotent cells for differentiation graphic file with name EMS197562-f008.jpg https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC7616279/



人間が歩くときに、片足で地面をつかんで、もう一方の足を前にやり、こんどはその足で地面をつかんで、もう一方の足を前に出すということを繰り返します。細胞も全く同じで、足場に接着し、全体を動かし、足場から離れて、また次の足場にくっつきます。分子としてh、Cdc42, Rac, Rhoなどが関与するよです(下の動画参照)。

Cell locomotion | cell motility | cell migration | Rho-Rac-Cdc42 signaling in cell locomotion Animated biology With arpan チャンネル登録者数 27.8万人



Developmental Biology Volume 265, Issue 1, 1 January 2004, Pages 23-32 Developmental Biology Review Cell migration: Rho GTPases lead the way https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S001216060300544X



Signaling networks of Rho GTPases in cell motility May 2013Cellular Signalling 25(10) DOI: 10.1016/j.cellsig.2013.04.009 SourcePubMed LicenseCC BY-NC-ND 3.0 Samer J HannaSamer J HannaMirvat El-Sibai https://www.researchgate.net/publication/236739227_Signaling_networks_of_Rho_GTPases_in_cell_motility

細胞移動におけるCdc42, Rac, Rhoの役割

Cdcc42, Rac, RhoはどれもRho低分子GTP結合タンパク質のファミリーメンバーです。いずれも細胞骨格の制御に関与します。

Distinct predictive performance of Rac1 and Cdc42 in cell migration ScienceVio チャンネル登録者数 8620人 Published: 04 December 2015 Distinct predictive performance of Rac1 and Cdc42 in cell migration Masataka Yamao, Honda Naoki, Katsuyuki Kunida, Kazuhiro Aoki, Michiyuki Matsuda & Shin Ishii Scientific Reports volume 5, Article number: 17527 (2015)


  1. Cell movement patterns during gastrulation in the chick are controlled by positive and negative chemotaxis mediated by FGF4 and FGF8 Dev Cell . 2002 Sep;3(3):425-37. doi: 10.1016/s1534-5807(02)00256-3. https://www.cell.com/developmental-cell/fulltext/S1534-5807(02)00256-3 蛍光標識した 原始結節(node)の移植片の細胞の移動経路を経時的に観察
  2. Fates and migratory routes of primitive streak cells in the chick embryo Delphine Psychoyos, Claudio D. Stern Author and article information Development (1996) 122 (5): 1523–1534. 01 May 1996  https://journals.biologists.com/dev/article/122/5/1523/39034/Fates-and-migratory-routes-of-primitive-streak


Figure 1

FGF signalling through RAS/MAPK and PI3K pathways regulates cell movement and gene expression in the chicken primitive streak without affecting E-cadherin expression Katharine M Hardy, Tatiana A Yatskievych, JH Konieczka, Alexander S Bobbs & Parker B Antin BMC Developmental Biology volume 11, Article number: 20 (2011) Published: 21 March 2011 https://bmcdevbiol.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1471-213X-11-20

Gene expression pattern Expression of Fgf4 during early development of the chick embryo Mechanisms of Development Volume 85, Issues 1–2, 1 July 1999, Pages 189-192  https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0925477399000933

  1. FGF Signaling Regulates Mesoderm Cell Fate Specification and Morphogenetic Movement at the Primitive Streak Developmental Cell Volume 1, Issue 1p37-49July 2001 https://www.cell.com/developmental-cell/fulltext/S1534-5807(01)00017-X


  1. Targeted disruption of Fgf8 causes failure of cell migration in the gastrulating mouse embryo Genes & Dev. 1999. 13: 1834-1846 https://genesdev.cshlp.org/content/13/14/1834/F1.expansion.html


AK Hadjantonakis: Cell lineage specification & tissue morphogenesis in the early mouse embryo. Genetics Society of America チャンネル登録者数 2040人



Heads or tails: Wnts and anterior–posterior patterning Terry P Yamaguchi Current Biology Volume 11, Issue 17pR713-R724 September 04, 2001 https://www.cell.com/current-biology/fulltext/S0960-9822%2801%2900417-1


The ability of the Nodal pathway to induce both mesoderm specification and axis extension in explants is consistent with its role in vivo, where Nodal is necessary for both (3740). For example, mouse embryos mutant for Nodal signaling components fail to gastrulate entirely (41). Zebrafish embryos lacking all Nodal function – through loss of the coreceptor Tdgf1/Cripto (MZoep-/-) (40), ligands (sqt-/-cyc-/-) (38), or downstream effector Smad2 (MZsmad2-/-) (42) – similarly lack all endoderm and most mesoderm and undergo abnormal gastrulation movements resulting in a severely shortened AP axis.

Temporal dynamics of BMP/Nodal ratio drive tissue-specific gastrulation morphogenesis  https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2024.02.06.579243v1.full

Eomes, Criptなどのシグナル分子

From fertilization to gastrulation: axis formation in the mouse embryo. Curr Opin Genet Dev . 2001 Aug;11(4):384-92. DOI:10.1016/S0959-437X(00)00208-2Corpus ID: 17925624


Figure 1

al, Whole-mount in situ hybridization analysis. a, Uniform symmetric staining in the epiblast at 5.5 d.p.c.; b, a cross section shows lack of expression in the visceral endoderm. cd, Proximal–distal gradient of expression in the epiblast. e, Sagittal section of dfg, Expression shifts caudally before the onset of gastrulation at 6.5 d.p.c. h, Cross-section of g shows widespread expression in the epiblast and no expression in the visceral endoderm. i, Mid-streak stage; j, cross-section shows intense staining in the newly formed embryonic mesoderm. kl, Expression persists in the primitive streak and head process at the neural plate stage. m–r, β-Galactosidase staining of Cripto heterozygotes. mn, Uniform staining in the epiblast before gastrulation. o, Sagittal section shows proximal–distal graded staining just before gastrulation. p, Early-streak stage embryo, and q, cross-section. r, Early neural-plate-stage embryo: note more intense staining at distal end of the primitive streak. In all panels, anterior faces to the left when anterior–posterior orientation can be identified; staging before primitive streak formation is approximate. Scale bars, 0.05 mm. A, anterior; D, distal; ep, epiblast; hp, head process; m, mesoderm; P, posterior; Pr, proximal; ps, primitive streak (bar denotes extent of streak); ve, visceral extra-embryonic endoderm.

figure 4

Cripto is required for correct orientation of the anterior–posterior axis in the mouse embryo Nature volume 395, pages702–707 (1998) Published: 15 October 1998  https://www.nature.com/articles/27215

  1. The Dynamics of Morphogenesis in the Early Mouse Embryo. Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology, 26 Jun 2014, 7(11):a015867 https://doi.org/10.1101/cshperspect.a015867 PMID: 24968703 PMCID: PMC4277506 An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc. Object name is cshperspect-MDV-015867_F3.jpg
  2. Blastocyst lineage formation, early embryonic asymmetries and axis patterning in the mouse J. Rossant, P. Tam Published in Development 1 March 2009 Biology DOI:10.1242/dev.017178Corpus ID: 207151163


  1. Molecular mechanisms controlling the biogenesis of the TGF-β signal Vg1 PNAS October 16, 2023 120 (43) e2307203120 https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2307203120 The TGF-beta signals Nodal and Vg1 (Dvr1/Gdf3) play crucial roles in vertebrate development (12), including the induction of mesendoderm and the generation of left-right asymmetry (317). For example, secreted Vg1-Nodal heterodimers induce a gradient of signaling that patterns the embryonic mesendoderm in zebrafish (10). Vg1-Nodal heterodimers exert their effects as ligands for a receptor complex that comprises Activin serine-threonine kinase receptors and an essential coreceptor called Oep (Tdgf1/CRIPTO) (1820). Activated ligand-receptor complexes catalyze phosphorylation of Smad2 (pSmad2), which accumulates in the nucleus to induce the expression of mesendodermal genes (21).


Brachyury (TBXT (human), also T/Bra (mouse))

  1. TBXT dose sensitivity and the decoupling of nascent mesoderm specification from EMT progression in 2D human gastruloids bioRxiv [Preprint]. 2023 Nov 9:2023.11.06.565933. [Version 2] doi: 10.1101/2023.11.06.565933
  2. The T gene is necessary for normal mesodermal morphogenetic cell movements during gastrulation Development (1995) 121 (3): 877–886. the phenotype of homozygous mutant mouse embryos does not obviously correlate with an essential function for T during the early stages of gastrulation, since development rostral to the forelimb bud appears grossly normal. Only in more caudal trunk regions and in later embryos is the notochord missing and other mesodermal derivatives deficient or defective (Herrmann, 1992; Beddington et al., 1992; Rashbass et al., 1994). https://journals.biologists.com/dev/article/121/3/877/38504/The-T-gene-is-necessary-for-normal-mesodermal 機能的に重要そうなのにノックアウトマウスの表現型は非常にささやか。
  3. A cell autonomous function of Brachyury in T/T embryonic stem cell chimaeras Nature volume 353, pages348–351 (1991)  https://www.nature.com/articles/353348a0
  4. Expression pattern of the mouse T gene and its role in mesoderm formation. Nature, 343(6259), 657–659. 10.1038/343657a0 Wilkinson D. G., Bhatt S., & Herrmann B. G. (1990). https://www.nature.com/articles/343657a0 有料
  5. Effects of the brachyury (T) mutation on morphogenetic movement in the mouse embryo Dev Biol . 1981 Oct 30;87(2):242-8. doi: 10.1016/0012-1606(81)90147-0. 有料








① 医療行為の研究開発は、大学や大病院において医学の研究としてなされ、特
② 医薬品、医療機器等に比較して、医療行為では緊急の対応が求められる場合

は、特許の要件について規定した特許法第 29 条柱書の「産業上利用することがで
ないという趣旨の審査基準を定め、医療行為に関する特許出願を拒絶している。 https://www.jpo.go.jp/resources/shingikai/sangyo-kouzou/shousai/tokkyo_shoi/document/seisakubukai-01-shiryou/tokkyo_6.pdf

知財要求項目では、人間または動物の手術方法、治療方法、診断方法に関する発明に、特許性を認めなければならないとしております(知財要求項目8. 2条(b))。 現在、日本の特許法の審査基準においては、人間が対象に含まれないことが明らかであれば、動物の手術方法・治療方法・診断方法については、特許の対象となるとされております。しかしながら、人体の存在を必須の要件とするもの、具体的には、人間を手術する方法、人間を治療する方法、人間を診断する方法に関する発明は、「産業上の利用可能性」(特許法29条1項柱書)がないとして、特許を受けることができません(特許庁審査基準第Ⅱ部1. 2. 1)。ただし、医療機器、医薬それ自体、医療材料の製造・処理方法(細胞の調製、加工による製品・製剤化)、医療機器の作動方法は、特許の対象になります。 なお、諸外国においては、アメリカは手術方法、治療方法、診断方法ともに特許の対象となるとし、欧州においては、手術方法、治療方法、診断方法の一部は特許の対象になりません(諸外国の法制については、平成20年11月25日付け特許庁「我が国と各国の特許制度比較~医療分野~」(PDFはこちら)(知的財産戦略本部 先端医療特許検討委員会資料))。https://www.kottolaw.com/column/000354.html

  1. 医療行為の特許保護 https://inoue-as.com/409.html


(a) 人又は動物の治療のための診断方法、治療方法及び外科的方法
(b) 微生物以外の動物並びに非生物学的な方法及び微生物学的な方法以外の動植物の生産のための本質的に生物学的な方法」




第3回 医療関連行為の特許保護の在り方に関する専門調査会 議事録 1. 日 時: 平成15年12月18日(木) https://www.kantei.go.jp/jp/singi/titeki2/tyousakai/iryou/dai3/3gijiroku.html


第2回医療行為WG 議事録 特許庁総務部総務課 制度改正審議室 日時:平成14年11月14日(木曜日) https://www.jpo.go.jp/resources/shingikai/sangyo-kouzou/shousai/iryoukoui-wg/02-gijiroku.html


  1. https://www.iip.or.jp/summary/pdf/detail00j/12_04.pdf


  1. https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/shinshumedj/56/2/56_2_65/_pdf/-char/ja
  2. 医療系アカデミアにおける知財戦略と必要な知財教育 〈日本知財学会誌〉Vol. 16 No. 1― 2019 : 65- 72 https://www.ipaj.org/bulletin/pdfs/JIPAJ16-1PDF/16-1_p65-72.pdf


  1. 知財のひきだし! https://www.jpaa.or.jp/cms/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/senseihikidashi_20230323.pdf
  2. 知的財産政策第4回 令和2年4月24日(金) https://www.pp.u-tokyo.ac.jp/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/808fdfa0e945601e0a4aa33814bddebd.pdf
  3. 新規事業で失敗したくない中小企業オーナー必見 あなたは 特許 で こんな 誤解 をしていませんか? ・特許を取れば真似されない。 ・特許を取れば後発品は出てこない。 ・特許を取れば大企業とコラボできる。 ・特許を売ってお金が稼げる。 ・特許を取れれば事業はうまくいく。


子宮内膜症 Endometriosis



子宮内膜症ってどんな病気?― 現代病である子宮内膜症について詳しく知りましょう ― 京都済生会病院 https://www.kyoto.saiseikai.or.jp/pickup/2023/05/post-48.html



  1. 子宮の構造 がんと生きる 子宮頸部は、腟側に顔を出している子宮腟部(しきゅうちつぶ)と、子宮腔(しきゅうくう)に向かった奥の頸管部(けいかんぶ)とに分かれます。


  1. 子宮内膜症(Endometriosis) https://www.kyoukaikenpo.or.jp/~/media/Files/kochi/20140325001/2BB82727E9B14236803BDB605464D597.pdf
  2. Endometriosis https://app.lecturio.com/#/article/2711 Lecturio動画





子宮内膜症 日本産婦人科学会 https://www.jsog.or.jp/citizen/5712/


抗体薬物複合体 antibody-drug-conjugate (ADC)と特許

ADCとは ADC開発の状況

  1. 第一三共のADC https://www.daiichisankyo.co.jp/files/news/ir/pdf/005355/ミーティング資料.pdf https://www.daiichisankyo.co.jp/about_us/
  2. https://www.meti.go.jp/policy/tech_evaluation/e00/03/r05/618.pdf
  3. https://www.rad-ar.or.jp/finder/knowledge/manga-bio-cancer.pdf
  4. 抗体―薬物複合体開発の発展と現状 Drug Delivery System 34―1, 2019 https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/dds/34/1/34_10/_pdf 抗体と薬物を共有結合で結合し、かつ、細胞内で、発現上昇している酵素などで切断するリンカーを組み入れる必要がある。


  1. Antibody-drug conjugates: Intellectual property considerations Ulrich Storz* MAbs. 2015 Nov-Dec; 7(6): 989–1009. Published online 2015 Aug 20. doi: 10.1080/19420862.2015.1082019 PMCID: PMC4966491 PMID: 26292154  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4966491/pdf/kmab-07-06-1082019.pdf


  1. ADC創薬のための主要な特許検索戦略 Kadcyla をケーススタディとして使用し、医薬品イノベーションをさらに推進する可能性を秘めた重要な特許検索および分析方法論


抗体薬物複合体(antibody drug conjugate; ADC)の作用機序


抗体薬物複合体 要素技術と総合技術https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/yakushi/137/5/137_16-00255-F/_pdf

  1. https://www.cas.org/ja/resources/cas-insights/unveiling-potential-antibody-drug-conjugate






  1. モノクローナル抗体
  2. 細胞毒性薬物
  3. リンカー(抗体と薬物を結合)




  1. 医療行為の研究開発は純粋な医学研究として行われ、特許制度によるインセンティブ付与の必要性が低いと考えられている
  2. 医学研究は営利目的にそぐわないとされる
  3. 医療行為は緊急対応が求められる場合が多く、特許権者の承諾が必要となると危険性がある



  • 新規のモノクローナル抗体の構造や製造方法
  • 新しい細胞毒性薬物の化学構造や合成方法
  • 革新的なリンカー技術
  • ADCの製造プロセス
  • ADCの新しい用途(ただし、治療方法としてではなく)








  1. モノクローナル抗体
  2. 細胞毒性薬物
  3. リンカー(抗体と薬物を結合)




  1. 医療行為の研究開発は純粋な医学研究として行われ、特許制度によるインセンティブ付与の必要性が低いと考えられている
  2. 医学研究は営利目的にそぐわないとされる
  3. 医療行為は緊急対応が求められる場合が多く、特許権者の承諾が必要となると危険性がある



  • 新規のモノクローナル抗体の構造や製造方法
  • 新しい細胞毒性薬物の化学構造や合成方法
  • 革新的なリンカー技術
  • ADCの製造プロセス
  • ADCの新しい用途(ただし、治療方法としてではなく)





  1. Seagen社の抗体薬物複合体(ADC)特許と第一三共 Enhertu®(エンハーツ)を巡る特許紛争 特許付与後レビュー(PGR)において米国特許商標庁がSeagen社特許を無効と判断 2024.01.18 https://www.tokkyoteki.com/2024/01/seagen-adc-enhertu-pgr.html
  2. 当社ADC製品に関するSeagen社との特許係争に関するお知らせ 2022 年 4 月 9 日 報道関係者各位 会社名 第一三共株式会社 https://www.daiichisankyo.co.jp/files/news/pressrelease/pdf/202204/20220409_J.pdf
  3. 抗PD-1/PD-L1抗体関連特許に関する訴訟の全面的和解についてのお知らせ 2023.04.07 小野薬品 https://www.ono-pharma.com/ja/news/20230407_2.html


  1. Monomethyl auristatin antibody and peptide drug conjugates for trimodal cancer chemo-radio-immunotherapy Published: 05 July 2022  https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-022-31601-z


  1. http://datespriority:2009/03/06 Antibody drug conjugated that bind monomethyl auristatin e (mmae), compositions comprisimg the same and uses thereof https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/patent/IL-214983-A0
  2. Conjugate of monomethyl auristatin F and trastuzumab and its use for the treatment of cancer https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/patent/US-9669106-B2
  3. 開放特許情報登録日2023/8/24 抗体のエンドサイトーシスを促進するための方策 https://plidb.inpit.go.jp/pldb/html/HTML.L/2023/001/L2023001100.html
  4. 2022-01-26 Application filed by Immunogen Inc 抗体薬物複合体組成物の製剤化方法 https://patents.google.com/patent/JP2022050688A/ja
  5. 2021-10-21 Application filed by 味の素株式会社 抗体薬物複合体の製造方法  https://patents.google.com/patent/WO2022085767A1/ja
  6. 出願日: 2021年08月13日 抗体薬物複合体 https://jglobal.jst.go.jp/detail?JGLOBAL_ID=202303008357424832 要約: 連結された治療用抗体部分と、中間リンカー部分と、細胞傷害性薬物部分とを含む抗体薬物複合体を提供し、治療用抗体部分はHER2を標的とする抗体であり、細胞傷害性薬物部分はカンプトテシン類トポイソメラーゼI阻害剤であり、細胞傷害性薬物部分又はリンカー-細胞傷害性薬物部分に対して重水素置換修飾が行われている。前記抗体薬物複合体はがんの予防又は治療のために使用できる。 TIFF 2023537051000091.tif 76 170 請求項(抜粋): 一般式Ab-(L-U)nを有する抗体薬物複合体又は薬学的に許容されるその塩又は溶媒和物であって、Abは抗体部分を表し、Lはリンカー部分を表し、Uは細胞傷害性薬物部分を表し、nは1~10の整数又は小数から選ばれ、ただし、Uはカンプトテシン類トポイソメラーゼI阻害剤であり、且つL部分及び/又はU部分は重水素修飾を有する、抗体薬物複合体又は薬学的に許容されるその塩又は溶媒和物
  7. 出願日: 1994年04月21日 抗体-薬物複合体 発明者: ラッセル・レイバーン・バートン , スティーブン・ライル・ブリッグズ 出願人/特許権者: イーライ・リリー・アンド・カンパニー 【要約】【目的】 新しい免疫複合体とその製造中間体を提供する。【構成】 式(I):【化1】[Abは薬物の送達が望まれる細胞または組織に関連する抗原を認識する抗体またはその抗原結合性断片を表す。Rは反応に利用できるカルボニル官能性を有する薬物を表す。 ‥ https://jglobal.jst.go.jp/detail?JGLOBAL_ID=200903057953815440



Yes, it is possible to make a patent claim that covers a method of using an antibody-drug conjugate (ADC) composed of a specific antibody (XX) and a specific drug payload (YY) for the treatment of a particular disease (ZZ). This type of patent claim is known as a “method of treatment” claim. In such claims, the inventors can specify the use of a particular composition (like an ADC) to treat a disease by detailing how the composition interacts with the disease target, the dosages, and other relevant therapeutic parameters.

Key Points About Method of Treatment Claims in ADC Patents:

  1. Composition and Mechanism: These claims often describe how the antibody targets a specific antigen on cancer cells and how the cytotoxic drug component, once delivered, kills the cancer cells. For example, an ADC that combines antibody XX (which targets a specific receptor) and drug YY (a cytotoxic agent) could be claimed for the treatment of disease ZZ (such as a specific type of cancer).
  2. Specificity of Antigen Target: You can claim that the antibody binds to a specific antigen that is overexpressed on diseased cells, such as CD33 in leukemia or HER2 in breast cancer. These antigen-targeting claims are critical because they define the ADC’s selectivity and therapeutic application.
  3. Therapeutic Indications: The claim may specify the therapeutic indication, such as using the ADC for treating particular types of cancer, autoimmune diseases, or other conditions where the antibody target is expressed on disease-causing cells. For example, the patent could claim the method of using an ADC that targets HER2 for treating HER2-positive breast cancer​ Empower Innovation.
  4. Dosage and Administration: These claims can also specify the dosage regimen, the route of administration (such as intravenous infusion), and how the therapy is applied in a clinical setting. The inclusion of such details helps to establish the uniqueness of the method of treatment claim.

Examples of Method of Treatment Claims:

  • HER2-Positive Cancer Treatment: A patent might claim the use of an ADC where the antibody targets the HER2 antigen and the cytotoxic drug is a maytansinoid, for treating HER2-positive cancers such as breast or gastric cancers.
  • Blood Cancer Treatment: Another patent might claim the use of an ADC targeting CD22 for the treatment of B-cell lymphomas​.

Legal Considerations:

In some jurisdictions (such as the United States), method of treatment claims are allowed, but the specific rules may differ in other regions, such as the European Union, where method of treatment claims are subject to stricter scrutiny. In Europe, “Swiss-type” claims (use of a substance for the manufacture of a medicament) are often used instead​.

In conclusion, making a patent claim that specifies using a particular antibody (XX) and drug (YY) for treating a particular disease (ZZ) is not only possible but a common strategy in the patenting of ADCs and other targeted therapies.


In Japan, method of treatment claims are generally not accepted. The Japanese Patent Office (JPO) follows the principle that medical treatment methods for humans cannot be patented. This includes methods of surgery, therapy, and diagnosis, as they are considered to fall under the scope of activities that should remain free from exclusive rights to ensure public health. This is similar to the approach taken by the European Patent Office (EPO)​

However, there are alternative ways to protect innovations related to medical treatments:

1. Swiss-Type Claims (Use Claims):

While direct method of treatment claims are not allowed, Japanese law permits Swiss-type claims, which protect the use of a substance for the manufacture of a medicament for a specific therapeutic purpose. For example, instead of claiming “a method of treating cancer using ADCs,” a patent could claim “the use of ADC in the manufacture of a medicament for treating cancer.”

2. Product and Composition Claims:

You can claim the composition of the antibody-drug conjugate (ADC) itself. This would protect the ADC as a product, rather than its use in treating a disease. You can also claim the process for making the ADC or its use in a pharmaceutical composition, as long as the claim does not directly relate to a method of treatment.

3. Dosage Regimens:

Japan has allowed claims related to the dosage regimen of drugs, especially if it is new and inventive. For example, you may be able to patent a specific regimen for administering an ADC if it provides a novel therapeutic effect or improves patient outcomes​.


In Japan, method of treatment claims are not permissible, but alternatives like Swiss-type claims, product claims, or dosage regimen claims can be used to protect therapeutic innovations, including those involving antibody-drug conjugates.





Human eggs do not contain yolk proteins in the same way that bird or reptile eggs do. Here’s an explanation of the key differences:

Mammalian vs. Non-Mammalian Eggs

Non-Mammalian Eggs

Birds, reptiles, and many other non-mammalian species produce eggs with distinct yolks. These yolks are rich in proteins, lipids, vitamins, and minerals that provide nutrition to the developing embryo

 In chicken eggs, for example, the yolk contains about 43% of the total egg protein and all of the egg’s fat

Human/Mammalian Eggs

Human eggs, like those of other mammals, have a fundamentally different structure:

  1. No Distinct Yolk: Human eggs do not have a separate yolk compartment
  2. Different Nutrient Source: Instead of relying on a yolk for nutrition, human embryos receive nutrients directly from the mother’s body through the placenta after implantation
  3. Size Difference: Human eggs are much smaller than bird or reptile eggs, as they don’t need to store large amounts of nutrients.

Protein Content in Human Eggs

While human eggs don’t have yolk proteins per se, they do contain proteins that are crucial for early development:

  • Maternal Proteins: Human eggs contain various maternal proteins essential for fertilization and early embryonic development.
  • Cytoplasmic Components: The egg cytoplasm contains organelles and molecules necessary for initial cell divisions and embryo formation.

Evolutionary Perspective

The absence of yolk in human and other mammalian eggs is an evolutionary adaptation. Mammals have developed a more direct method of nourishing their offspring through placental connections, eliminating the need for a large, nutrient-rich yolk

In summary, while human eggs contain proteins vital for early development, they lack the specific yolk proteins found in the eggs of birds, reptiles, and other non-mammalian species.




  1. https://www.try-it.jp/chapters-15192/sections-15193/lessons-15235/point-3/



その次に起こる明らかな分化は、内部細胞塊の細胞が、胚盤葉上層 epiblast (転写因子Nanogを発現)と原始内胚葉 hypoblast/primitive endoderm (転写因子Gata6を発現) の二種類に分かれる過程です。この2番目の分化の仕組みはどのようなものでしょうか。

内部細胞塊の細胞は最初はNanogとGATA6の両方の遺伝子を発現しています。それがしばらくすると、NanogかGATA6のどちらかを発現する細胞が入り混じった状態(いわゆる”salt and pepper”な状態)になります。

  1. The salt-and-pepper pattern in mouse blastocysts is compatible with signaling beyond the nearest neighbors iScience Volume 26, Issue 11, 17 November 2023, 108106 (sciencedirect.com)
  2. The molecular logic of Nanog-induced self-renewal in mouse embryonic stem cells Nature Communications volume 10, Article number: 1109 (2019) Published: 07 March 2019 https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-019-09041-z


GATA6 Levels Modulate Primitive Endoderm Cell Fate Choice and Timing in the Mouse Blastocyst Developmental Cell Volume 29, Issue 4, 27 May 2014, Pages 454-467 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1534580714002317



  1. NANOG initiates epiblast fate through the coordination of pluripotency genes expression Nat Commun. 2022; 13: 3550; 2022 Jun 21.  https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-022-30858-8


Salt-and-papperの状態だった細胞は、どうやって、それぞれで集合するのでしょうか?Primitive endodermの細胞はblastocoelに面するところに集まらなければなりません。


  1. NANOG helps cancer cells escape NK cell attack by downregulating ICAM1 during tumorigenesis Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research volume 38, Article number: 416 (2019) Published: 16 October 2019  https://jeccr.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13046-019-1429-z
  2. FGF signal-dependent segregation of primitive endoderm and epiblast in the mouse blastocyst Development (2010) 137 (5): 715–724. https://doi.org/10.1242/dev.043471  01 March 2010

primitive endodermからparietal endodermおよびvisceral endodermへの分化

  1. GATA-6 promotes cell survival by up-regulating BMP-2 expression during embryonic stem cell differentiation Mol Biol Cell. 2012 Sep 15; 23(18): 3754–3763. doi: 10.1091/mbc.E12-04-0313 PMCID: PMC3442421



OCT4 (おくとふぉー)

  1. https://youglish.com/pronounce/oct4/english OCT4が関連する研究動画が多数ヒットします。

morula が inner cell mass と trohpoblastに分化する分子メカニズム


Inner cell mass がEpiblastとPrimitive endodermに分化する分子メカニズム



Volume 45, Issue 6, 18 June 2018, Pages 667-679 Journal home page for Developmental Cell Perspective Instructions for Assembling the Early Mammalian Embryo Developmental Cell https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1534580718304052




  1. https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/cell-and-developmental-biology/articles/10.3389/fcell.2020.00079/full





Junctional complex stock photo.



Figure 1



極性を持った上皮細胞では、アドヘレンスジャンクションはゾニューラアドヘレンス(zonula adherens)ないしベルト状アドヘレンスジャンクションと呼ばれる細胞の周囲を完全に囲う構造に加え、スポット状のアドヒージョンプラークとして存在 https://bsd.neuroinf.jp/wiki/アドヘレンスジャンクション


Figure 2



  1. Exp Cell Res. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2018 Sep 1. Published in final edited form as: Exp Cell Res. 2017 Sep 1; 358(1): 39–44. Published online 2017 Mar 31. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.yexcr.2017.03.061 PMCID: PMC5544570 NIHMSID: NIHMS866135 PMID: 28372972 Interplay Between Tight Junctions & Adherens Junctions https://europepmc.org/article/med/28372972#abstract


  1. https://www.sccj-ifscc.com/library/glossary_detail/1113


内部細胞塊inner cell mass (embryoblast)と栄養膜trophoblastへの分化の分子メカニズム


Figure 5


Expression and localization of Cdx2 and Oct4 in Brg1 KD blastocysts. (A) ICC analysis of Oct4 and Cdx2 in Brg1 KD and control blastocysts. In control blastocysts (a-d) Oct4 expression (green) is restricted to the ICM and is largely absent in the Cdx2-positive (red) trophectoderm. In contrast, in Brg1 KD blastocysts (e-h) Oct4 is widely expressed in both the ICM and cdx2-positive (yellow) trophectoderm. Arrowheads denote coexpression of Oct4 and Cdx2. Nuclei were counter stained with DAPI (blue). (B) Quantification of the average number of cells in Brg1 KD and control blastocysts expressing Oct4, Cdx2, and Oct4 & Cdx2 (double expression). Asterisks denote statistical significance (p,0.05) between Brg1 KD and control blastocysts. A total of 25 Brg1 KD blastocysts and 15 control blastocysts were analyzed. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0010622.g002

BRG1 Is Required for CDX2-Mediated Repression of oct4 Expression in Mouse Blastocysts https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Expression-and-localization-of-Cdx2-and-Oct4-in-Brg1-KD-blastocysts-A-ICC-analysis-of_fig7_44614272

  1. https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Expression-of-trophectodermal-and-lineage-specification-markers-in-Ncad-ki-mutants_fig2_6659600
  2. https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Specific-lineage-markers-of-ICM-Oct4-Sox2-and-TE-Cdx2-were-characterized-in-both_fig2_321294065


As YAP and TAZ are transcriptional co-activators, they do not have DNA-binding domains. Instead, when inside the nucleus, they regulate gene expression through TEAD1-4 which are sequence-specific transcription factors that mediate the main transcriptional output of the Hippo pathway.The YAP/TAZ and TEAD interaction competitively inhibits and actively dissociates the TEAD/VGLL4 interaction which functions as a transcriptional repressor.




An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.
Object name is IJSC-13-312-f2.jpg



https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6821267/ この模式図を見るとOct4はエンハンサーにもプロモーターにも結合するようです。




精子の経路に関しては、Sperm release pathway MEDLINEPLUSの説明動画が簡潔で分かりやすいです。

  1. 精巣 testis(精子細胞が形成される場所。つくられた精子は精細管(線毛が液の流れをつくる)を通って精巣上体へと運ばれる)
  2. 精巣上体 epididymis(精子細胞が成熟し運動能を獲得する)*精巣上体は精子の貯蔵場所でもある。
  3. 精管 vas deferens(ductus deferens)
  4. 精管膨大部 Ampulla of ductus deferens
  5. 精囊 seminal vesicle(精液の大半を占める黄色がかった色をした液体成分を分泌)*精嚢に精子が溜っているわけではないことに注意!
  6. 前立腺(精液の成分である乳白色の「前立腺液」を分泌)
  7. 尿道前立腺部 prostatic urethra
  8. 射精管 ejaculatory duct: is formed by the union of the ampulla of the ductus deferens and the seminal vesicle 射精管は短い管の領域。      射精管の役割:The ejaculatory duct delivers sperm into the urethra https://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1949281-overview
  9. 尿道球腺(カウパー腺)(カウパー腺液を分泌)*カウパー腺液は性的興奮の高まりにより分泌されるいわゆる、俗語でいうところの「我慢汁」のこと。
  10. 尿道 urethra(射精するときの通り道)