In the 1960s, Dad became interested in two strains of obese mice that arose out of The Jackson Laboratory breeding stocks: ob/ob and db/db. While both of these mice strains are always hungry (hyperphagia) and consequently massively obese, the ob and db mutations are located on different chromosomes.
Douglas L. Coleman, 1931–2014 Thomas R Coleman Diabetologia. 2014 Oct 7;57(12):2429–2430. doi: 10.1007/s00125-014-3393-7
- One such means to link blood supplies involved surgically joining two mice by skin-to-skin anastomosis—a technique termed parabiosis.
- pairing ob/ob with normal mice caused the ob/ob mice to reduce their food intake to that observed in the normal–normal pairing [5].
- This result suggested that the normal mice produce a blood-borne ‘satiety factor’ that could control obesity and that the ob/ob mice recognised and responded to this satiety factor.
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When paired with normal mice, the db/db partners continued to gain weight, while the normal mice in each pair consistently died [6]. At necropsy, the normal mice lacked any food in their stomachs and had no glycogen in their livers: they had starved to death. https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC4218972/
- Effects of parabiosis of normal with genetically diabetic mice. Coleman DL, Hummel KP. Am J Physiol. 1969;217:1298–1304. doi: 10.1152/ajplegacy.1969.217.5.1298. [DOI] [PubMed] [Google Scholar]
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- Leptin and the regulation of body weight in mammals J M Friedman 1, J L Halaas Affiliations Expand PMID: 9796811 DOI: 10.1038/27376 Nature . 1998 Oct 22;395(6704):763-70. doi: 10.1038/27376.
- Identification and expression cloning of a leptin receptor, OB-R. Cell 83, 1263–1271 (1995). Tartaglia, L. A. et al. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0092867495901515?via%3Dihub
- 2012年ノーベル賞を予想する!~生理学医学賞その1~ 2012年09月16日 日本科学未来館 科学コミュニケーターブログ 糖尿病マウスと普通のマウスの血管を繋ぐ実験をしました。この方法では2匹のマウスの血液がお互いの体を流れるので、血液中に「何か」があれば、どちらかのマウスに何かしらの影響が出ると考えられます。Colemanさんは糖尿病マウスの症状が良くなるかどうかを調べようとしたのですが、予想外なことに普通のマウスは食べるのをやめてしまい、やせ細って死んでしまいました。