


  1. Abnormal modulation of theta oscillations in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder NeuroImage: Clinical Volume 27, 2020, 102314
  2. Guo et al., 2019 When attention was directed by social cues, the weakened alpha modulation in children with ADHD was mainly manifested in the left hemisphere and that was correlated with inattentive symptoms
  3. ter Huurne et al., 2017  ADHD adults have been reported to have an attenuated modulation in the mu rhythm while engaged in the task response
  4. Wang et al., 2016 In children with ADHD, the ERP components related to target selection and distractor suppression were inhibited in a visual search task
  5. Vollebregt et al., 2016 the posterior alpha modulation was attenuated in covert spatial attention in children with ADHD.
  6. Cross-Villasana et al., 2015 the event-related potential (ERP) component related to target selection was delayed in adults with ADHD
  7. ter Huurne et al., 2013 the posterior alpha modulation was attenuated in covert spatial attention in adults  with ADHD.




  1. 精神疾患における脳波を用いた治療予測―うつ病を中心に― 西田圭一郎1) 吉村匡史1) 山根倫也1),2)加藤正樹1) 木下利彦 特集「臨床神経生理学が精神疾患の治療において果たす役割―update―」臨床神経生理学 47巻3号168 発行日: 2019/06/01 残念ながら現時点では定量脳波解析単体ではうつ病をはじめとした精神疾患の病態解明,また治療反応性に関しての臨床利用は依然難しい状況である。


  1. EEG Frequency Bands in Psychiatric Disorders: A Review of Resting State Studies  Front Hum Neurosci. 2018; 12: 521. Published online 2019 Jan 9. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2018.00521 PMCID: PMC6333694 PMID: 30687041


  1. Changes of the brain’s bioelectrical activity in cognition, consciousness, and some mental disorders Med J Islam Repub Iran. 2017; 31: 53. Published online 2017 Sep 3. doi: 10.14196/mjiri.31.53 PMCID: PMC5804435 PMID: 29445682
  2. うつ病に対する簡易型脳波計測装置を用いた症状評価解析技術の開発 試験ID UMIN000027917  登録日時 2017年6月25日 臨床研究情報ポータルサイト 選択基準 / Include criteria 1)DSM-5の診断基準によりうつ病と診断された20歳以上の患者 主要評価項目 / Primary outcomes 特定周波数の特徴的脳波パターンの振幅変動


  1. Computer-Aided Diagnosis of Depression Using EEG Signals Acharya et al.,  Eur Neurol 2015;73:329-336 https://doi.org/10.1159/000381950


  1. Larger Error Signals in Major Depression are Associated with Better Avoidance Learning James F Cavanagh 1, Andrew J Bismark, Michael J Frank, John J B Allen Affiliations expand PMID: 22084638 PMCID: PMC3210982 DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2011.00331 Front Psychol . 2011 Nov 9;2:331. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2011.00331. eCollection 2011.


  1. Worry, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, and Emotion: Evidence from the EEG Gamma Band Biol Psychol. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2009 Oct 1. Published in final edited form as: Biol Psychol. 2008 Oct; 79(2): 165–170. Published online 2008 Apr 15. doi: 10.1016/j.biopsycho.2008.04.005 PMCID: PMC2597009 NIHMSID: NIHMS74702 PMID: 18499328

前帯状皮質anterior cingulate cortex (ACC)の生理機能、役割


  1. 前帯状皮質(脳科学辞典):大脳半球内側面の前方部に存在する、帯状溝周辺および帯状回の領域。ブロードマン24野、ブロードマン25野、およびブロードマン32野に相当。解剖学的あるいは機能の違いから、3つの領域に分類される。行動モニタリングおよび行動調節に関わる領域、社会的認知に関わる領域、および情動に関わる領域に大きく分かれる。
  2. 前帯状皮質(ぜんたいじょうひしつ、Anterior cingulate cortex ACC)(ウィキペディア):血圧心拍数の調節のような多くの自律的機能の他に、報酬予測意思決定共感情動といった認知機能に関わっているとされている。





  1. What Is the Purpose of Theta Brain Waves? healthline.com Another 2017 study explored the way that theta wave activity seems to be linked to one particular type of learning. This type of learning occurs when you’re doing something that you may not have conscious access to, like learning to ride a bike.


  1. Learning to Synchronize: Midfrontal Theta Dynamics during Rule Switching Pieter Verbeke, Kate Ergo, Esther De Loof and Tom Verguts Journal of Neuroscience 17 February 2021, 41 (7) 1516-1528; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1874-20.2020
  2. Neural signatures of arbitration between Pavlovian and instrumental action selection Samuel J. Gershman ,Marc Guitart-Masip,James F. Cavanagh February 10, 2021 https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1008553 PLOS Computational Biology : EEGとfMRIを使用。
  3. NeuroImage Midfrontal theta phase coordinates behaviorally relevant brain computations during cognitive control. Joan Duprez, RasaGulbinaite, Michael X.Cohen NeuroImage Volume 207, 15 February 2020, 116340  レビュー論文
  4. Michael X Cohen | public lecture | April 2019 that’s really just mid frontal theta so I find that quite remarkable and this is highly replicable now so replicable in fact that it’s it’s it’s boring if you tried to do this research and just publish this basic finding it won’t get published anywhere 
  5. Frontal network dynamics reflect neurocomputational mechanisms for reducing maladaptive biases in motivated action Jennifer C. Swart ,Michael J. Frank,Jessica I. Määttä,Ole Jensen,Roshan Cools,Hanneke E. M. den Ouden PLOS Biology October 18, 2018 https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.2005979
  6. Error, rather than its probability, elicits specific electrocortical signatures: a combined EEG-immersive virtual reality study of action observation Rachele Pezzetta, Valentina Nicolardi, Emmanuele Tidoni, and Salvatore Maria Aglioti 31 AUG 2018 https://doi.org/10.1152/jn.00130.2018  Journal of Neurophysiology
  7. Frontal theta band oscillations predict error correction and posterror slowing in typing. Kalfaoglu, C., Stafford, T. and Milne, E. (2017) Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. ISSN 0096-1523 https://doi.org/10.1037/xhp0000417 (PDF)
  8. Frontal midline theta reflects anxiety and cognitive control: Meta-analytic evidence Journal of Physiology-Paris Volume 109, Issues 1–3, February–June 2015, Pages 3-15 (無料要旨Frontal-midline theta signals reflecting MCC (the midcingulate cortex) activity are moderated by anxiety and predict adaptive behavioral adjustments グラフィックアブストラクトが分かりやすい。
  9. (No) time for control: Frontal theta dynamics reveal the cost of temporally guided conflict anticipation Joram van Driel, J. Swart, T. Egner, K. R. Ridderinkhof, Michael X. Cohen less Published 26 June DOI:10.3758/s13415-015-0367-2 Corpus ID: 16134799
  10. Theta and Alpha Band Modulations Reflect Error-Related Adjustments in the Auditory Condensation Task Nikita A. Novikov,1,* Dmitri V. Bryzgalov,1,2 and Boris V. Chernyshev1,2 Front Hum Neurosci. 2015; 9: 673. Published online 2015 Dec 18. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2015.00673 PMCID: PMC4683210 PMID: 26733266
  11. A neural microcircuit for cognitive conflict detection and signaling. Cohen MX Trends Neurosci. 2014 Sep; 37(9):480-90. レビュー論文
  12. Frontal theta as a mechanism for cognitive control. Cavanagh JF, Frank MJ Trends Cogn Sci. 2014 Aug; 18(8):414-21.レビュー論文 良くまとまった内容。
  13. Midfrontal conflict-related theta-band power reflects neural oscillations that predict behavior Michael X Cohen, and Tobias H. Donner 15 DEC 2013 https://doi.org/10.1152/jn.00479.2013 Journal of Neurophysiology PDF
  14. Not All Errors Are Alike: Theta and Alpha EEG Dynamics Relate to Differences in Error-Processing Dynamics Joram van Driel, K. Richard Ridderinkhof and Michael X Cohen Journal of Neuroscience 21 November 2012, 32 (47) 16795-16806; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0802-12.2012
  15. Frontal Oscillatory Dynamics Predict Feedback Learning and Action Adjustment August 2011 Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 23(12):4106-21 DOI:10.1162/jocn_a_00110 PDF at ResearchGate
  16. EEG oscillations and recognition memory: theta correlates of memory retrieval and decision making Joshua Jacobs 1, Grace Hwang, Tim Curran, Michael J Kahana Neuroimage . 2006 Aug 15;32(2):978-87. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2006.02.018. Epub 2006 Jul 12.
  17. Frontal midline theta and the error-related negativity: neurophysiological mechanisms of action regulation Clinical Neurophysiology 115 (2004) 1821–1835 PDF



頭皮上で記録される電位は,複数の脳領域で発生した電位の総和であり,直下の脳組織の活動を反映しているわけではない.‥ 頭皮上で記録される電位は,その直下の脳組織で生じる電位よりも,周辺の頭皮から流れ込む電位をずっと多く含んでおり,空間的に拡散した(スムージングされた)状態にある.(事象関連電位入門  入戸野宏・堀忠雄)


事象関連電位 ERP(脳波)とその解析方法などについて

脳波研究における事象関連電位(event-related potential: ERP)とは、外からの刺激あるいは内的な事象(心理的な変化など)に関連して一過的に生じた電位変化のことです。ERPのシグナルの大きさは、脳波の通常の振幅より一桁小さいため、生データを眺めていてもERPのシグナルは「背景」の揺らぎに埋もれてしまっていて、見ることはできません。しかし刺激呈示時刻でそろえて、多数のデータを平均してやると、通常の揺らぎは位相がバラバラなのでキャンセルされて、ERPのシグナルが見えてきます。下の画面で、左側12個のパネルは、ひとつひとつの測定の生データ、右側上は多数の生データの平均、右側下は、ERP部分を拡大した(縦軸を引き延ばした)ものです。

(Broad overview of EEG data analysis analysis 2017/10/01 Mike X Cohen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QBGjPtU_C6s


  1. How inappropriate high-pass filters can produce artifactual effects and incorrect conclusions in ERP studies of language and cognition. Tanner et al., August 2015Psychophysiology 52:997-1009 DOI:10.1111/psyp.12437 (Free PDF at researchgate.net) However, high-pass filters with cutoffs at 0.3 Hz and above produced artifactual effects of opposite polarity before the true effect.


  1. 平均しないと,背景脳波とERPを区別できないので,一回だけしか起こらない現象に対するERP波形は測定できない.加算回数が増えるにつれて背景脳波は平坦化し,ERPが明瞭に現れてくる.背景脳波が時間経過に対して完全にランダムに変動していれば(正規分布変動),加算回数を増やすことでその振幅は相殺されて,最後にはゼロになる.(事象関連電位入門
  1. 事象関連電位入門  入戸野宏・堀忠雄 2000 心理学研究における事象関連電位(ERP)の利用広島大学総合科学部紀要IV理系編, 26, 15-32.に加筆・修正を行った解説記事.



  1. 特集「脳機能計測法を基礎から学ぶ人のために」事象関連電位 P300基礎 加賀佳美、相原正男  臨床神経生理学 41巻2号80  象関連電位P300は刺激提示後,潜時約300 ms付近に生じる陽性波で,刺激に対する比較,評価,判断,選択的注意,認知文脈の更新に関与しているといわれている.1965年Suttonによって発見され,オドボール課題がP300の測定法としてよく知られている。
  2. 斑核−ノルアドレナリン仮説 Nieuwenhuis et al., 2005
  3. Walter(1965) P300の報告
  4. Desmedt, Debecker, & Manil(1965) P300の報告
  5. Sutton, Braren, Zubin, & John, 1965 Science誌  P300の報告


  1. Osterhout & Holcomb, 1992


  1. N1とも呼ばれる。
  2. Coles et al., 1990


  1. Kutas and Hillyard(1980)


when scientists began to take advantage of signal averaging the event-related potential (ERP) technique quickly became the primary tool of the cognitive neuroscientist (). Despite the rise of modern neuroimaging methods, several advantages of the ERP technique continue to make it one of the most widely used methods to study the architecture of cognitive processing.

doi: 10.3758/APP.72.8.2031


  1. 事象関連電位を用いたブレイン–コンピュータ・インタフェースのための集合識別器に関する研究 博士(工学)学位論文 大西 章也 九州工業大学大学院生命体工学研究科脳情報専攻神経回路情報処理講座 2015年3月
  2. 脳波を用いた知覚・認知情報の抽出に関する研究 2013年1月博士(工学) 横 田 悠 右 豊橋技術科学大学
  3. 誤り単語の視覚・聴覚提示における事象関連電位による違和感分析 小田垣ら 2013
  4. ERPLAB: an open-source toolbox for the analysis of event-related potentials. Front. Hum. Neurosci., 14 April 2014 | https://doi.org/10.3389/fnhum.2014.00213
  5. Workshop: ERP Testing Dennis L. Molfese, Ph.D. University of Nebraska – Lincoln Friday, January 14, 2011 (PDF slides)
  6. 進化認知科学言語情報科学特別講義 I2011.9.30 (4コマ目)大石 衡聴(理研・言語発達研究チーム/JSPS特別研究員
  7. Brief Introduction to the Use of Event-Related Potentials (ERPs) in Studies of Perception and Attention Geoffrey F. Woodman Atten Percept Psychophys. 2010 Nov; 72(8): 10.3758/APP.72.8.2031. doi: 10.3758/APP.72.8.2031 PMCID: PMC3816929 NIHMSID: NIHMS523370 PMID: 21097848 A  チュートリアル的なレビュー論文
  8. 事象関連電位とミスマッチ陰性電位 九州大学大学院医学研究院脳研臨床神経生理前川敏彦 飛松省三2006 年 6 月 1 日 Version 1.0
  9. 事象関連電位をどう使うか-若手研究者からの提言(3)2006年 日本心理学会第70回大会ワークショップ(WS066)
  10. 入戸野 宏『心理学のための事象関連電位ガイドブック』 September 1, 2005 北大路書房
  11. 事象関連電位をどう使うか-若手研究者からの提言(1)2004年9月14日 日本心理学会第68回大会ワークショップ
  12. 事象関連電位(ERP)を用いた認知機能の評価 昭和大学医学部精神医学教室 中込和幸 昭和医会誌第65巻第1号〔2-13頁,2002〕
  13. 脳波の周期性振動活動から言語処理を探る試み 第33回関西心理言語学研究会 (KCP) ミーティング 立命館大学スポーツ健康科学部 大石衡聴


  1. 大阪大学大学院人間科学研究科 入戸野研究室


  1. BCI Competition III






  1. a 1-channel EEG system
  2. a frontal electrode
  3. an ear clip reference electrode
  4. conductive gel is not necessary
  5. the signal is transmitted wirelessly through Bluetooth interface
  6. weight is 119 g. The device is recommended
  7. for neurofeedback training and gaming


  1. User Experience of 7 Mobile Electroencephalography Devices: Comparative Study JMIR Health and Health Journal 3.9.2019; Vol 7, No 9

InteraXon Inc



  1. Muse2 MU-03-GY-ML
  2. ブレインテックのハコスコ、脳活動計測デバイス「Muse」国内初の代理店としてMuse 2の取り扱いと販売店の募集を開始 2020/3/04  ハコスコ


  1. Choosing MUSE: Validation of a Low-Cost, Portable EEG System for ERP Research. Front. Neurosci., 10 March 2017 | https://doi.org/10.3389/fnins.2017.00109




  1. 14 saline-based wet felt sensors
  2. The signal is transmitted wirelessly through Bluetooth interface.
  3. The EPOC device has a weight of 116 g.
  4. Emotiv EPOC X 14チャンネル 価格 202,449円 (税込) 楽天ショップ


  1. User Experience of 7 Mobile Electroencephalography Devices: Comparative Study JMIR Health and Health Journal 3.9.2019; Vol 7, No 9
  2.  Classification of color imagination using Emotiv EPOC and event-related potential in electroencephalogram Je-HunYuKwee-BoSim Optik Volume 127, Issue 20, October 2016, Pages 9711-9718
  3. EEG Wave Identification in Human Brain with Emotiv EPOC for Motor Imagery Procedia Computer Science Volume 72, 2015, Pages 269-276
  4. Performance of the Emotiv Epoc headset for P300-based applications BioMedical Engineering OnLine volume 12, Article number: 56 (2013) Published: 25 June 2013 それほど大きな差ではないように思える。むしろポジティブな結果では。
  5. Research Use of Emotiv EPOC P300 and Emotiv EPOC: Does Emotiv EPOC capture real EEG? Posted on October 7, 2011 by Hiran Ekanayake (Originally on December 25, 2010)
  6. A P300-BASED QUANTITATIVE COMPARISON BETWEEN THE EMOTIVEPOC HEADSET AND A MEDICAL EEG DEVICE Matthieu Duvinage and Thierry Castermans and Thierry Dutoit TCTS Lab University of Mons


Dev Kit

  • portable development-oriented, dry EEG system
  • an 8-channel amplifier Drypad, Flex, and HydroFlex sensors
  • a fabric headband Wireless technology
  • a time resolution of 500Hz
  • converted to digital data at 24 bits
  • Optional In-Ear EEG

参考 https://6d84d99d-09e3-4530-b1c6-abafffdcb36c.filesusr.com/ugd/ea87ee_67ea30d6ff754850bc6d5264fd4e4375.pdf


  1. フィジオテク2019パンフレット

ANT Neuro b.v.

waveguard touch

  1. dry EEG system
  2. 32 soft, multipin electrodes
  3. 製品サイト(ANT Neuro)
  4. Validation of Soft Multipin Dry EEG Electrodes Sensors 2021,21, 6827 (PDF) 同じメーカーのウェットな電極を用いた場合との比較。遜色ない結果。


4S Jellyfish device

  • a wireless dry electrode EEG device
  • The 4 electrodes that are mounted on a headband
  • The reference is an adhesive electrode at the mastoid.
  • The device weighs 95 g.


  1. User Experience of 7 Mobile Electroencephalography Devices: Comparative Study JMIR Health and Health Journal 3.9.2019; Vol 7, No 9

32 Trilobite device

  • 32 EEG channels
  • frontal 3  are foam-based electrodes
  • 29 are spring-loaded pin electrodes
  • a ground and a reference electrode, both applied with a clip on the ear lobes.
  • Signal transmission occurs wirelessly through Bluetooth.
  • weight is 524 g.


  1. User Experience of 7 Mobile Electroencephalography Devices: Comparative Study JMIR Health and Health Journal 3.9.2019; Vol 7, No 9


BR8+ device

  • 8 dry electrodes.
  • frontal 2 of them are foam-based electrodes
  • 6 are spring-loaded pin electrodes.
  • ground and reference ear clip electrodes
  • a wireless signal transmission through Bluetooth
  • weighs 269 g


  1. User Experience of 7 Mobile Electroencephalography Devices: Comparative Study JMIR Health and Health Journal 3.9.2019; Vol 7, No 9



  • comprises 16 pin electrodes that are mounted on a traditional EEG cap.
  • The cap size can vary among small, medium, and large.
  • However, to reduce financial costs, we used only the medium-sized cap.
  • Adhesive ground and reference electrodes
  • signal is transmitted wirelessly by means of g.Nautilus device that is attached at the back of the EEG cap.
  • weight of 233 g.


  1. User Experience of 7 Mobile Electroencephalography Devices: Comparative Study JMIR Health and Health Journal 3.9.2019; Vol 7, No 9




nia Game Controller

BrainMaster Technologies

Discovery 20 / Discovery 24

  1. ユニポス


Neuroelectrics is developing a unique platform to treat brain dysfunction with cloud-based, personalized neuromodulation.

Enobio 8

  • 24 bits, 0.05 uV
  • easy set-up  in just 1-2 minutes with dry electrodes
  • portable: a rechargeable battery. wireless data transmission (range of 10 meters from the computer running the controller software NIC2). SD card recording (holter mode) for 19-hour without PC.
  •  Rawデータ出力 (TCP/IPストリーム);  MATLAB用開発キット: MATNIC   (取り扱い:日本バイナリー株式会社


Brain Products

actiCAP Xpress


  1. MedicalExpo 医療技術設備 > モニタリング > 脳波計


  1. Biosensor Technologies for Augmented Brain–Computer Interfaces in the Next Decades Article in Proceedings of the IEEE · May 2012



The National Research Council’s 2012 report of 21stcentury skills challenges us to recognize the critical role soft skills play in our lives, both on and off the job. They stress the need for students and working adults to be able to identify and develop skills that include innovation, creativity, problem solving, critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and self-management; (Frontal Gamma Asymmetry in Response to Soft Skills Stimuli: A Pilot Study July 2015NeuroRegulation 2(2):70-85 DOI:10.15540/nr.2.2.70 Bonnstetter et al.)




  1. Measuring Soft Skills in Authentic Learning Environments Gabriel et al.,  Australian Learning Analytics Summer Institute 2019 ラウンドテーブルディスカッションの紹介
  2. Frontal Gamma Asymmetry in Response to Soft Skills Stimuli: A Pilot Study July 2015NeuroRegulation 2(2):70-85 DOI:10.15540/nr.2.2.70 PDF available at ResearchGate
  3. Learning in balance: Using oscillatory EEG biomarkers of attention, motivation and vigilance to interpret game-based learning Cowley & Ravaja  Published online: 29 Sep 2014 Cogent Education Volume 1, 2014 – Issue 1  To study the psychophysiological underpinning of learning that occurs in such “soft skills” or knowledge-focused games, we must examine learners’ tonic brain activity, not only event-related activity as is usually studied. We present results from an experiment designed to address this need, motivated by the opportunity to build greater understanding of how serious game play can induce learning. We focus mainly on the electroencephalogram (EEG), notably frequency band power and asymmetry, which relate to such important aspects of learning as vigilance and motivation.
  4. Waldman, Balthazard, and Peterson (2011) . They used qEEG to link coherence and inspirational leadership traits, wherein they found a correlation between right frontal coherence and socialized visionary communication.


  1. Russian Scientists Determine Intelligence Levels by Measuring EEG at Rest 04/30/2021 South Ural State University
  2. EEG Correlates of Task Engagement and Mental Workload in Vigilance, Learning and Memory Tasks (PDF) 2007

Soft skills

  1. Soft Skills: Personality Development for Life Success 3rd Edition November 29, 2021 English Edition by Prashant Sharma

脳波データの解析 方法論の論文


  1. Geometric classification of brain network dynamics via conic derivative discriminants F. Singh, Todd S. Braver, ShiNung Ching doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/201905 Now published in Journal of Neuroscience Methods doi: 10.1016/j.jneumeth.2018.06.019 Youtube lab introduction 読みやすい文章 わかりやすい説明(YOUTUBE動画)
  2. A dynamical systems approach for estimating phase interactions between rhythms of different frequencies from experimental data. PLoS Comput Biol. 2018 Jan; 14(1): e1005928. Published online 2018 Jan 16. doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1005928 PMCID: PMC5770039 PMID: 29337999
  3. The sleeping brain as a dynamical system – insightsfrom time series analysis of the human sleep EEG. (PDF) Olbrich PROCEEDINGS OF BIOSIGNAL 2010, JULY 14-16, 2010, BERLIN, GERMANY
  4. Analysis of EEG Signals For EEG-based Brain-Computer Interface Jessy Parokaran Varghese School of Innovation, Design and Technology Mälardalen UniversityVasteras, Sweden Supervisor and Examiner: Dr. BARAN ÇÜRÜKLÜ Date: July 2009 学位論文なので、背景説明が平易でわかりやすい。
  5. A GENERALIZED FRAMEWORK FOR EVENT-RELATED DESYNCHRONIZATION (ERD) Steven Lemm, Klaus-Robert Müller, and Gabriel Curio PLoS Computational Biology August 2009. 併設ウェブ記事




Point process analysis of large-scale brain fMRI dynamics July 2011https://www.researchgate.net/publication/277217130_Point_process_analysis_of_large-scale_brain_fMRI_dynamics