黄斑上膜(Epimacular membrane)とは?治療法


黄斑上膜(Epimacular membrane)とは

ほとんどの人は50~70歳くらいになれば眼球の大部分を占める硝子体に変性が起きてきますが、その時に生じた後部硝子体剥離によって硝子体が網膜から離れていった際に、黄斑に硝子体の一部が残ってしまうことがあります。この残った部分が分厚くなってしまうことで黄斑上膜になると考えられていて、これを「特発性黄斑上膜」と呼んでいます。(特発性黄斑上膜と続発性黄斑上膜について 2021年11月26日 眼科ブログ 和田眼科 兵庫県西宮市 今津駅)



  1. Epiretinal Membrane コロンビア大学眼科



Surgery: Removal of Epiretinal Membrane and ILM: Dr. Manish Nagpal  2018/06/23 This video demonstrates the removal of epiretinal membrane and then the removal of the Internal Limiting Membrane after staining it with brilliant blue. An … Cybersight


Surgery: Removal of Epiretinal Membrane and ILM: Dr. Manish Nagpal  2018/06/23 This video demonstrates the removal of epiretinal membrane and then the removal of the Internal Limiting Membrane after staining it with brilliant blue. An … 80 Cybersight


  1. Removal of Epimacular Membranes. Ophthalmology Volume 92, Issue 8, August 1985, Pages 1075-1083. Vitreous surgery was used to remove epiretinal macular membranes in 328 cases, 184 (56%) of which had membranes that were considered idiopathic and 144 (44%) which were due to other causes. The 12- to 92-month follow-up showed that visual acuity improved two lines or more in 243 (74%) of the eyes, 79 (24%) were unchanged and 6 (2%) became worse.

黄斑上膜(Epimacular membrane)に関する臨床研究原著論文

  1. Epiretinal Membrane Surgery: Structural Retinal Changes Correlate with the Improvement of Visual Function. J Clin Med. (MDPI) 2021 Jan; 10(1): 90. Published online 2020 Dec 29. doi: 10.3390/jcm10010090 PMCID: PMC7795238 PMID: 33383922 後ろ向き研究 This study aimed to correlate morphological retinal changes using SD-OCT with visual function in pseudophakic patients affected by ERM after PPV for ERM peeling over a six month follow-up period.

黄斑上膜(Epimacular membrane)に関する臨床研究総説

  1. The role of cytokines and trophic factors in epiretinal membranes: Involvement of signal transduction in glial cells. Chikako Harada, Yoshinori Mitamura, Takayuki Harada. Progress in Retinal and Eye Research Volume 25, Issue 2, March 2006, Pages 149-164 無料抄録