



The words “demonstrate,” “show,” “indicate,” “imply,” and “suggest” represent different levels of confidence or certainty in a statement or assertion. Here is the order of confidence from the strongest to the weakest, along with examples:

  1. Demonstrate: This word indicates a very high level of confidence. When you say something is “demonstrated,” you are asserting that there is clear and unequivocal evidence to support your claim.Example: “Numerous scientific studies demonstrate that smoking is a major risk factor for lung cancer.”
  2. Show: “Show” also suggests a high degree of confidence, although it may be slightly less strong than “demonstrate.” When you say something is “shown,” you are asserting that there is strong and compelling evidence.Example: “The data from the experiment show a strong correlation between the two variables.”
  3. Indicate: “Indicate” is a word that suggests moderate confidence. It implies that there is evidence or signs that point in a certain direction, but there may be room for interpretation.Example: “The preliminary results of the study indicate a possible link between diet and heart health.”
  4. Imply: “Imply” implies a lower level of confidence. It suggests that there are suggestions or hints, but the evidence is not strong or definitive.Example: “His comments during the interview imply that he may be considering a career change, but it’s not clear.”
  5. Suggest: “Suggest” is the least confident of these words. It indicates a weak or speculative connection and implies that there may be multiple possible interpretations.Example: “The results of the survey suggest that public opinion on this issue is divided, but further research is needed to confirm.”

These words convey different degrees of certainty in your statements, and it’s important to choose the one that accurately reflects the strength of your evidence or the level of confidence you have in your assertion.


In scientific research papers, the choice of auxiliary verbs can convey the degree of certainty associated with your findings and assertions. Here are some common auxiliary verbs used in accordance with the degree of certainty:

  1. High Certainty:
    • Can/Could: These auxiliary verbs indicate that the findings are based on strong evidence or are highly likely.
      • Example: “The results of the controlled experiments can accurately predict the behavior of this material under different conditions.”
  2. Moderate Certainty:
    • May/Might: These auxiliary verbs suggest that the findings are plausible but not entirely conclusive.
      • Example: “The data suggest that the new treatment approach may be effective in reducing symptoms.”
  3. Low Certainty:
    • Seem/Appear: These auxiliary verbs convey a sense of uncertainty and suggest that the findings are preliminary or based on limited evidence.
      • Example: “Based on the available data, it appears that there is a correlation between these two variables, but further research is needed to confirm.”
  4. No Certainty (Hypothetical or Speculative):
    • Would/Should: These auxiliary verbs indicate that the findings are based on hypothetical or speculative scenarios.
      • Example: “In theory, if the model is accurate, this material should exhibit these properties under extreme conditions.”

It’s important to choose auxiliary verbs that accurately reflect the level of confidence in your scientific research paper. Overstating or understating certainty can lead to misunderstandings or misinterpretations of your findings. Additionally, the use of these auxiliary verbs can help you maintain a cautious and objective tone in scientific writing.


In scientific research papers, adverbs and adverb phrases can be used to convey the degree of certainty or uncertainty associated with your findings and assertions. Here are examples of adverbs and adverb phrases that can be used in accordance with the degree of certainty:

  1. High Certainty:
    • Definitely: This adverb expresses a high level of certainty.
      • Example: “The results definitely confirm the hypothesis.”
    • Certainly: This adverb indicates strong confidence.
      • Example: “The evidence certainly supports the theory.”
    • Without a doubt: This phrase emphasizes the absolute certainty of a statement.
      • Example: “Without a doubt, the data show a significant correlation.”
  2. Moderate Certainty:
    • Likely: This adverb suggests a reasonable degree of confidence.
      • Example: “It is likely that the new treatment will improve patient outcomes.”
    • Probably: This adverb implies a moderate level of probability.
      • Example: “The model probably underestimates the true value due to a small sample size.”
    • Possibly: This adverb indicates that an outcome is plausible but not certain.
      • Example: “It is possibly related to changes in environmental conditions.”
  3. Low Certainty:
    • Potentially: This adverb suggests that something is a possibility but not confirmed.
      • Example: “The observed changes are potentially caused by external factors.”
    • Hypothetically: This adverb implies that the statement is based on a theoretical or speculative scenario.
      • Example: “Hypothetically, if this trend continues, it may lead to unexpected consequences.”
  4. No Certainty (Hypothetical or Speculative):
    • If/Suppose/Assuming: These adverb phrases are used to introduce hypothetical or speculative scenarios.
      • Example: “If this interpretation is correct, it would explain the observed results.”
    • In theory: This phrase suggests that something is theoretically possible but not confirmed.
      • Example: “In theory, these particles should interact in this manner under specific conditions.”

The choice of adverbs and adverb phrases is crucial in maintaining the appropriate level of caution and objectivity in scientific writing. Using these words and phrases can help you accurately convey the degree of certainty associated with your research findings.


