

MAPK経路は、その名Mitogen-activated protein kinaseが示す通り、細胞外からのシグナル(増殖因子など)を受けた細胞が、細胞増殖に向かうための細胞内情報伝達経路として使われるほか、細胞の分化においても働くことがあることが知られています。また、ストレス応答の際の細胞内情報伝達経路としても働きます。細胞増殖、細胞分化、ストレス応答といった全くことなる生命現象を状況に応じて同じ経路が担っているのは不思議に思います。



  1. 後藤由季子教授が2020年秋の 紫綬褒章を受章 「MAPキナーゼ経路」の同定は、生命体の成り立ちを理解するという生命科学の基礎として根源的な発見であったと同時に、「MAPキナーゼ経路」の異常活性化が癌化につながることから医学的社会的インパクトも大きなものでした。
  2. 分化能を失った神経系前駆細胞が、再びニューロンを作り出した! 細胞は、外からの情報に従ってMAPキナーゼ経路を活性化させ、核内にシグナルを伝えます。私は、研究の過程で、このシグナルが細胞の増殖だけでなく、分化にも関わっていることを見出しました。同じシグナル伝達経路を利用しながら、細胞が状況に応じて巧妙に応答を変えることに、驚きと感動を覚えました。


MAPK(マップキナーゼ)が何の略かというと、microtuble-associated protein kinase(MAPを基質とするキナーゼ)の略だと自分は理解していたのですが、今ではmitogen-activated protein kinaseの略だとされているようです。

Mitogen-activated protein kinases, originally known as microtubule-associated protein (MAP) kinases, are activated in response to a variety of stimuli. ‥ Initially, MAP kinase stood for microtubule-associated protein kinase because microtubule-associated proteins such as MAP2 are excellent substrates of MAP kinases (23). (Parkin Protects Dopaminergic Neurons against Microtubule-depolymerizing Toxins by Attenuating Microtubule-associated Protein Kinase Activation(2009))

教科書によってはMAPKのことをMAPキナーゼと書いてあるものがありますが、これはMAPを基質とするキナーゼという初期の研究の名残りでしょう。新しい略からすると、言葉の切れ目としては、Mitogen-activagedプロテインキナーゼということのはずですから。古い論文を見るとmitogen-activated MAP kinaseという言い方もされています。これは別々の研究者が別々の動物種で研究を行っていて、実は同一の細胞内情報伝達経路を調べていたという歴史的事情によるものです。

The protein kinase MAP kinase, also called MAP2 kinase, is a serine/threonine kinase whose activation and phosphorylation are induced by a variety of mitogens, and which is thought to have a critical role in a network of protein kinases in mitogenic signal transduction. ‥ Here we show that a Xenopus kinase, closely related to the mitogen-activated mammalian MAP kinase, is phosphorylated and activated during M phase of meiotic and mitotic cell cycles, and that the interphase-metaphase transition of microtubule arrays can be induced by the addition of purified Xenopus M phase-activated MAP kinase or mammalian mitogen-activated MAP kinase to interphase extracts in vitro.(In vitro effects on microtubule dynamics of purified Xenopus M phase-activated MAP kinase(Nature paper in 1991))

  1. A Mitogen-activated Protein (MAP) Kinase Activating Factor in Mammalian Mitogen-stimulated Cells Is Homologous to Xenopus M Phase MAP Kinase Activaton(JBC paper in 1992)(PDF) . Two related MAP kinases of 43 kDa (ERK1) and 41 kDa (ERK2) are activated in mammalian cells.


ERKは、extracellular signal‐regulated kinase です。その他の登場人物も挙げておきます。

SOS:son of sevenless

Grb2:growth factor receptor bound protein 2


Since ERK1 and its close relative ERK2 (MAPK1) are both involved in growth factor signaling, the family was termed “mitogen-activated“. With the discovery of other members, even from distant organisms (e.g. plants), it has become increasingly clear that the name is a misnomer, since most MAPKs are actually involved in the response to potentially harmful, abiotic stress stimuli (hyperosmosis, oxidative stress, DNA damage, low osmolarity, infection, etc.). (Mitogen-activated protein kinase Wikipedia)


  1. MAPK/ERK pathway (Wikipedia)



These cascades transmit signals through sequential activation of three to five layers of protein kinases known as MAPK kinase kinase kinase (MAP4K), MAPK kinase kinase (MAP3K), MAPK kinase (MAPKK), MAPK and MAPK-activated protein kinases (MAPKAPK). (ERK/MAPK signalling pathway and tumorigenesis(2020))




論文:RAF1 amplification drives a subset of bladder tumors and confers sensitivity to MAPK-directed therapeutics (2021)

  1. RAF is activated by small GTPases of the RAS superfamily, including HRAS, NRAS, and KRAS.
  2. Activated RAF (MAP3K) activates MEK (MAP2K),
  3. which in turn activates ERK (MAPK).



論文 Regulation of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Infectivity by the ERK Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Signaling Pathway(1999)

  1. The mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinases ERK1 and ERK2 (also known as p44/42 MAPK and hereafter referred to as MAPK) are central components of signal transduction pathways activated by diverse extracellular stimuli.
  2. MAPK itself is activated by phosphorylation on threonine and tyrosine residues by the MAPK kinase (also known as MEK).
  3. The best understood mechanism for activation of MAPK is via activation of Ras by growth factor receptors or tyrosine kinases.
  4. Activation of Ras induces Raf-1 targeting to the membrane,
  5. leading to activation of Raf,
  6. which then phosphorylates and activates MEK.
  7. Ras-independent mechanisms have also been implicated in activation of MAPK.
  8. Activation of MAPK occurs during the G0/G1 transition and may be required for progression through the cell cycle.



論文 Inhibition of Ras/Raf/MEK/ERK Pathway Signaling by a Stress-Induced Phospho-Regulatory Circuit(2016)

  1. The three-tiered RAF/MEK/ERK kinase cascade functions as an essential effector cascade required for Ras GTPase signaling in normal and disease states.
  2. Signal transmission through the cascade begins when members of the Raf family are recruited from the cytosol to the plasma membrane, where they bind directly to active GTP-Ras.
  3. Binding to Ras induces conformational changes that promote Raf dimerization,
  4. which in turn mediates kinase activation through an allosteric mechanism that often involves B-Raf/C-Raf heterodimers.
  5. Once activated, Raf initiates the sequential phosphorylation events that ultimately result in ERK activation
  6. and the downstream phosphorylation of key substrates required for a specific response.


さてRasはそもそもどうやって活性化するのかという点にこれまで触れてきませんでしたが、Rasの上流のプレーヤーたちまで含めた説明をしている論文を紹介します。チロシンキナーゼ(protein tyrosine kinase;PTK)活性を持つ受容体の種類は、チロシンキナーゼ型受容体と呼ばれますが、リガンドが結合するとチロシンキナーゼ型受容体は自らをリン酸化します。するとSH2ドメインを持つアダプター分子であるGrb2が、受容体に結合します。Grb2には、Ras特異的グアニンヌクレオチド交換因子(Ganinenucleotide exchange factor; GEF)の一つであるSOSが結合します。RasはGDPと結合した不活性状態にもともとありますが、Grb2-SOS複合体にRas-GDPが結合すると、GDPがGTPに交換されて、活性型すなわちRas-GTPになります。

  1. rasの活性のオンとオフはどのように制御されているのか?GEFとGAPの役割



論文 Positive- and negative-feedback regulations coordinate the dynamic behavior of the Ras-Raf-MEK-ERK signal transduction pathway (2009)

  1. Typically, it is initiated by the growth-factor-induced recruitment of the SOS-Grb2 complex to the plasma membrane.
  2. The SOS-Grb2 complex catalyzes the transformation of an inactive GDP-bound form of Ras (Ras-GDP) into its active GTP-bound form (Ras-GTP).
  3. Ras-GTP binds the Raf-1 kinase with high affinity,
  4. which induces the recruitment of Raf-1 from the cytosol to the cell membrane.
  5. Activated Raf-1 phosphorylates and activates mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase (MEK),
  6. a kinase that in turn phosphorylates and activates mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK).



論文 Optogenetic actuator – ERK biosensor circuits identify MAPK network nodes that shape ERK dynamics(2022年)

  1. Upon binding of their cognate growth factors (GFs), RTKs activate a complex signaling cascade with the following hierarchy:
  2. (i) recruitment of adaptor molecules such as GRB2 ;
  3. (ii) control of the activity of RAS GTPases through Guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) and GTPase activating proteins (GAPs);
  4. (iii) triggering of a tripartite RAF, MEK, ERK kinase cascade
  5. that is further regulated by a variety of binding proteins; and
  6. (iv) ERK‐mediated phosphorylation of a large number of substrates.




Four MAPK cascades have been defined based on the components in the MAPK layer: ERK1/2, c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK), p38 MAPK and ERK5. (ERK/MAPK signalling pathway and tumorigenesis(2020))



The MAPK/extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) pathway is a convergent signaling node that receives input from numerous stimuli, including internal metabolic stress and DNA damage pathways and altered protein concentrations, as well as through signaling from external growth factors, cell-matrix interactions, and communication from other cells.(The MAPK pathway across different malignancies: A new perspective 2014年)



  1. Regulation of Ras Exchange Factors and Cellular Localization of Ras Activation by Lipid Messengers in T Cells 2013年
  2. Regulation of Small GTPases by GEFs, GAPs, and GDIs 2013年

