Exploring the “Dark Matter” of Social Interaction: Systematic Review of a Decade of Research in Spontaneous Interpersonal Coordination.Front. Psychol., 11 October 2021
Incorporating Interpersonal Synchronization Features for Automatic Emotion Recognition from Visual and Audio Data during CommunicationSensors 2021, 21(16), 5317
Human attachments shape interbrain synchrony toward efficient performance of social goals.NeuroImage Volume 226, 1 February 2021 The current study utilized hyperscanning EEG to measure neural synchrony during two naturalistic interactions: joint motor activity and empathy-giving, in male-female pairs who were either long-term cou- ples, best friends, or strangers. … In order to assess the brain synchrony between the couples, data was bandpass to alpha (8–12Hz), beta (13–30Hz) and gamma (31–48Hz), and phase-locking value (PLV) was calculated between each pair of between-subject electrodes and for every frequency.
Prior physical synchrony enhances rapport and inter-brain synchronization during subsequent educational communication. 04 September 2019 Scientific Reports 9: 12747 (2019) Nozawa et al. Using functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) hyperscanning, we tested the effects of preceding physical synchrony on subsequent dyadic teaching-learning communication.
Using second-person neuroscience to elucidate the mechanisms of social interaction Nature Reviews Neuroscience volume 20, pages495–505 (2019)
Brain-to-Brain Synchrony during Naturalistic Social Interactions.Scientific Reports 7: 17060 (2017) 06 December 2017 Kinreich et al. Using hyperscanning EEG recordings, we measured brain-to-brain synchrony in 104 adults during a male-female naturalistic social interaction, comparing romantic couples and strangers. 人間対人間の自然なやりとりにおける脳波の同調を報告した初の例 ‥ Brain areas that support brain-to-brain neural synchrony may involve temporal-parietal structures, including the posterior superior temporal sulcus (pSTS) and temporo-parietal junction (TPJ), and studies using a variety of methods have indeed pinpointed neural synchrony to these regions. 同調が認められる脳の部位 Hyperscanning EEG is a recently-developed methodology for recording EEG simultaneously from two or more individuals engaged in a social task. やりとりをする複数の人の脳活動を同時計測するハイパースキャニング脳波計測
The Science of Empathy Helen Riess, MD Journal of Patient Experience First published online May 9, 2017Empathy plays a critical interpersonal and societal role, enabling sharing of experiences, needs, and desires between individuals and providing an emotional bridge that promotes pro-social behavior. This capacity requires an exquisite interplay of neural networks and enables us to perceive the emotions of others, resonate with them emotionally and cognitively, to take in the perspective of others, and to distinguish between our own and others’ emotions.
Empathy: A Review of the Concept April 2016 Emotion Review 8(2):144-153 DOI:10.1177/1754073914558466 Authors: Benjamin M.P. Cuff UKHSA Research Gate
A new methodical approach in neuroscience: assessing inter-personal brain coupling using functional near-infrared imaging (fNIRI) hyperscanning.Front. Hum. Neurosci., 27 November 2013
The neural basis of empathy(無料要旨)Annu Rev Neurosci . 2012;35:1-23. doi: 10.1146/annurev-neuro-062111-150536. Empathy—the ability to share the feelings of others—is fundamental to our emotional and social lives. Previous human imaging studies focusing on empathy for others’ pain have consistently shown activations in regions also involved in the direct pain experience, particularly anterior insula and anterior and midcingulate cortex. 他人の痛みを見て共感する人では、痛みを感じたときに活動する脳部位が活動する。
The two-brain approach: how can mutually interacting brains teach us something about social interaction? Front. Hum. Neurosci., 24 July 2012 The second group of studies has recorded dual EEG/NIRS from two people interacting, in (1) face-to-face turn-based interactions, investigating functional connectivity between theory-of-mind regions of interacting partners, or in (2) continuous mutual interactions on millisecond timescales, to measure coupling between the activity in one person’s brain and the activity in the other’s brain. レビュー論文
Gamma-band activity in the human superior temporal sulcus during mentalizing from nonverbal social cues Cohen et al. 23 December 2008 Psychophysiology The posterior superior temporal sulcus (pSTS) is a key structure for our ability to infer others’ mental states based on social cues including facial expressions, body posture, and gestures (“mentalizing“)
Research skills and the data spreadsheet: A research primer for low- and middle-income countries. Afr J Emerg Med. 2020; 10(Suppl 2): S140–S144. Published online 2020 Jun 7. doi: 10.1016/j.afjem.2020.05.003 PMCID: PMC7718460
Using macros in microsoft excel to facilitate cleaning of research data. J Community Hosp Intern Med Perspect. 2021; 11(5): 653–657. Published online 2021 Sep 20. doi: 10.1080/20009666.2021.1954282 PMCID: PMC8462890
Secure Medical Data Collection – Best Practices with Excel, and Leveling Up to REDCap & CollaboratoR 1,011 回視聴 2021/08/31 The R/Medicine presentation covers Best practices for Secure Medical Data Collection with demonstrations provided by Peter Higgins, Will Beasley, Amanda Miller, and Kenneth McLean.
Combating cachexia: New approaches 11,910 回視聴 2015/12/20 Earn CME for related activities: https://www.naccme.com/oln The 20th Annual Perspectives in Thoracic Oncology, held in New York, NY from November 21-22, 2015 provided thoracic oncology clinicians and researchers with the latest information on the complex biology and treatment of lung cancer. This conference series has become the premier forum to update knowledge in the field, confirm current best-practices, and provide valuable take-home information on exciting new screening and staging modalities, management approaches, and emerging treatment options. In this presentation, Dr. Phil D. Bonomi examines new approaches for combating cachexia.
Ischemic Preconditioning How it works and does it matter 1,654 回視聴 2020/09/30 How to Be A Complete Anesthesiologist? – MD DNB Anesthesia Package You Tube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kDVyR… Comprehensive Critical Care Medicine – Why you have to learn it? | Dr. Ranjith Karthekeyan
Rehabilitation to Competition Day: Potential Application of Ischemic Preconditioning
817 回視聴 2019/10/22 Rehabilitation to Competition Day: Potential Application of Ischemic Preconditioning, by Dr Scott Cocking, Physiologist – Aspire Academy
Session-Specific Learning Objectives:
On completion of this activity, participants should be able to:
1- Describe how Ischemic Preconditioning is performed
2- Recall certain mechanisms of action that take place following ischemic preconditioning
3- Assess how and when ischemic preconditioning may provide the greatest benefit to an athlete
Remote Ischemic Preconditioning for Heart Surgery 2015/10/08 Remote ischemic preconditioning has been reported to reduce biomarkers of ischemia and reperfusion injury in patients who undergo cardiac surgery. But does it really improve clinical outcomes? New research findings are summarized in a short video. 結論:効果なし
Preconditioning with ischemia: a delay of lethal cell injury in ischemic myocardium. CHARLESE.MURRY,B.S.,ROBERTB.JENNINGS,M.D.,ANDKEITHA.REIMER,M.D.,PH.D. Circulation (pdf ahajournals.org)
小腸陰窩に位置するパネート細胞から分泌される抗菌ペプチド及び蛋白質(Antimicrobial peptides and proteins: AMPs)は、病原菌の排除と腸内細菌の構成を制御する。https://kaken.nii.ac.jp/ja/grant/KAKENHI-PROJECT-20K22646/
Midkine is a heparin-binding growth factor, originally reported as the product of a retinoic acid-responsive gene during embryogenesis, but currently viewed as a multifaceted factor contributing to both normal tissue homeostasis and disease development. Midkine is abnormally expressed at high levels in various human malignancies and acts as a mediator for the acquisition of critical hallmarks of cancer, including cell growth, survival, metastasis, migration, and angiogenesis. Several studies have investigated the role of midkine as a cancer biomarker for the detection, prognosis, and management of cancer, as well as for monitoring the response to cancer treatment. (https://www.nature.com/articles/s41388-019-1124-8)
Doctors React to Controversial Cosmo Cover
2021/02/08 Today I interview Dr. Arghavan Salles, MD, PhD., and board-certified bariatric surgeon about the recently released covers of Cosmopolitan magazine, depicting women of all shapes and sizes and boldly claiming “this is healthy.” Dr. Salles and I dove into the nuances of the Healthy At Every Size (HAES) movement, fatphobia, and reality of obesity. There are some difficult subjects in here, like struggles with insurance and diets/dieting, so please let me know your thoughts down below!
What Happens Next? – Should We Change How We Think About Fat?
2022/03/28 Last week on Monash University’s What Happens Next? podcast, the show’s guest experts served up some unappetising truths about weight loss. Ultimately, our body types are not necessarily dictated by the foods we eat or the amount of exercise we do.
HILT Grants: Scaling the STRIPED e-learning module
2019/04/11 Building on the work of their 2016 Spark Grant, Dr. S. Bryn Austin (HMS-CH) and team extended a prototype for transforming traditional teaching cases into e-learning modules by developing a new e-module designed for continuing professional education online platforms with a 2017 Advance Grant from the Harvard Initiative for Learning and Teaching.
In the late 1800s, granulomas were first identified as swellings found in tuberculosis, leprosy, syphilis, and leishmaniasis patients (1). They are now defined as an accumulation of immune cells whose function is to confine a chronic nondegradable product (2). They vary considerably in size, composition, function, and organization (3) and are classified according to their etiology (2, 4, 5). Here, we will focus on the hypersensitivity granuloma, formed as a protective response by the immune system to confine/control pathogen spread. Cytokines play a major role in this type of granuloma formation (6,–10), dictating whether T helper 1 (Th1) or T helper 2 (Th2) granulomas are formed, the latter being less well understood. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6759305/