

  1. Digestive system The Noted Anatomist チャンネル登録者数 55.6万人 (41:32) 非常に明解な説明。
  2. 肝臓はどのような構造になっているの?2016/12/29 看護roo! 肝小葉は肝臓全体で50万個ほどあります。肝小葉の周囲にあるグリソン鞘(しょう)には、門脈の枝である小葉間静脈、肝動脈の枝である小葉間動脈、胆汁を胆管に送り出す小葉間胆管が並び、この3つは肝3つ組とも呼ばれます。
  3. 胆のう 中外製薬 胆のうは、胆嚢(たんのう)と書きます。肝臓(かんぞう)で作られた胆汁(たんじゅう)を溜(た)めておくはたらきをしています。


  1. 2.9 Folding of the embryo Leiden Learning & Innovation Centre チャンネル登録者数 8.18万人 (6:42)
  2. Embryological Development of Gastro-Intestinal Tract – ACLAND (5:39) Rahell Omer チャンネル登録者数 1.56万人
  3. Gastrointestinal | Development & Embryology of the GI Tract: Part 1 (26:19) Ninja Nerd チャンネル登録者数 289万人

Role of HOX genes inGut development



The lung is composed of endoderm derived epithelial cells that constitute the luminal surface of the airways and alveolar spaces. Ensheathing the epithelium are mesenchymal derivatives including airway smooth muscle, pulmonary fibroblasts, and vascular endothelium. During development, the epithelium and mesenchyme are involved in a complex circuit of paracrine and autocrine signals that act to drive morphogenesis and patterning of the developing airway structure. The lung initially arises from the anterior foregut endoderm region, which itself arises from the definitive endoderm that develops soon after gastrulation. .

Citation:Lessons from development for directing lung endoderm differentiation in pluripotent stem cells Rachel S. Kadzik and Edward E. Morrisey Cell Stem Cell. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2013 Apr 6. Published in final edited form as: Cell Stem Cell. 2012 Apr 6; 10(4): 355–361. doi: 10.1016/j.stem.2012.03.013 PMCID: PMC3366272 NIHMSID: NIHMS367732 PMID: 22482501


  1. Development of the Respiratory System | Stages of Lung Development | Embryology Byte Size Med (10:13) 最初に完成形を見せてから発生の話に入る順番が良い。