Drawing (A) of a ventral view of a 3- to 4-week embryo shows the anterior neuropore and the early formation of the maxillary processes. Drawing (B) in the late fourth week shows closure of the anterior neuropore and the location of the future frontonasal process. (Modified with permission from Netter’s Atlas of Human Embryology. Edited by Cochard, L.R., PhD. 2002. Icon Learning Systems, Teterboro, New Jersey, Figures 9.5. Netter Illustrations from www.netterimages.com, © Elsevier Inc, All rights reserved).
ヒトの顔が胎児期にどのように形成されるのかを理解するための方法として、Stomodeum 口陥(こうかん)を取り囲む5個の突起すなわち、frontonasala process, maxillary processes(左右1対)、mandibular processes(左右1対)という3つの構造がそれぞれ何になるかという観点をもつとスッキリと整理できます。これら5個の突起(3つの構造)は総称してfacial primodiaと呼ばれます。
Stomodeum 口陥(こうかん)は、将来、口や口腔になる、外胚葉の落ち込んだ部分のことです。
発生学の模式図を眺めていると、Maxillary processes上顎突起と下顎突起Mandibular processesは、2つの異なる鰓弓のように一見見えますが、どちらも第1鰓弓(第1咽頭弓)に由来し、第1鰓弓から分かれたものです。
- 左 https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-26158-4_21
- 中 https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-53099-0_1
- 右 https://www.ajnr.org/content/34/12/2233
The first pharyngeal arch splits into two distinct processes during early development: Maxillary processes: These are lateral extensions of the first arch. Mandibular processes: These are ventral extensions that fuse at the midline to form the lower jaw. (ChatGTP)
下の動画ではprimitive mouth pitとも紹介されています。
Development Of Face || Face Development || Development Of Face Embryology || Stomodeum #medicine Medicine Simplified チャンネル登録者数 1620人
buccopharyngeal membraneとは
上の動画で出てくるbuccopharyngeal membraneは、oropharyngeal membraneと同じことのようです。
質問:Is “buccopharyngeal membrane” the same as “oropharyngeal membrane”?
The buccopharyngeal membrane and the oropharyngeal membrane refer to the same embryological structure, but the terminology used depends on the context or preference of the source.
- Embryological Structure: Both terms describe the bilaminar membrane that forms at the cranial end of the developing embryo, consisting of ectoderm externally and endoderm internally. This membrane separates the primitive oral cavity (stomodeum) from the foregut.
- Developmental Significance: The buccopharyngeal/oropharyngeal membrane breaks down during the fourth week of development to establish a connection between the oral cavity and the pharynx.
- Terminological Preference:
- Buccopharyngeal membrane: This term is more traditional and emphasizes the boundary between the future oral (buccal) and pharyngeal regions.
- Oropharyngeal membrane: This is more commonly used in modern embryology texts and aligns with the terminology of the adult anatomy (oral cavity and pharynx).
The two terms are interchangeable and refer to the same structure. “Oropharyngeal membrane” is now more widely used in contemporary literature, reflecting updated anatomical terminology.
下の画がわかりやすいと思います。buccopharyngeal membrane(oropharyngeal membrane)が、消失して口腔内と繋がる前(第4週の終わり頃)(左図A)と消失後(第5週のはじめ)(右図B)とが示されています。