アブダクション abductionとは 仮説形成により科学的な研究を進める方法論

科学は如何にして進展するのか、科学研究はどのように行われているのかについて調べていったときに必ず遭遇するキーワードが、アブダクション abductionです。自分は英単語として「誘拐」という意味ではabductionを知っていましたが、科学的な推論の文脈におけるabductionは全く知らなかったのでとても新鮮でした。











AならばB. 今、Bなので、A と言っているようなものです。



A⇒B  B⇒A


今の説明を聞いてスンナリ納得できた人はかなりススンデいます。なぜなら、アブダクションという考え方は、科学研究の進展のロジックを高名な科学者(ベーコン 1561-1626、デカルト 1596-1650、ミル 1806 -1873)たちが、あーでもない、こーでもないと考えてきて、比較的最近になって提案されて(パース 1839-1914)、受け入れられた考え方だからです。それまでは、科学研究の方法と言えば、演繹か帰納だったのです。

  1. What’s the difference between deductive reasoning and inductive reasoning? References By Alina Bradford, Mindy Weisberger, Nicoletta Lanese last updated March 7, 2024 説明動画 https://cdn.jwplayer.com/previews/7sN0CWgE (3:01) 演繹、帰納、アブダクションの説明と例示







真実⇒結果 が言えます。











考えてみると、この場合は、袋の中の豆が白いという仮説だけでなく、これらの豆はその袋から取り出されたということも仮説として立てることができます。袋の中の豆が白いことを仮説にすると、帰納法と同じになってしまうので、ここでは「その袋から取り出された」ことを仮説としました。こうすれば、 帰納法の例とは異なる状況になります。

Suppose we know that a bag is full of white beans. We see white beans in the corridor, and we say, “These beans probably come from that bag.” The argumentation can be schemed as follows: – We see White beans (𝐴); – We know that if the beans come from that bag then they are white (𝐶 → 𝐴); – Then we say that probably those beans come from that bag (𝐶). In other words: we observe a fact 𝐴, we know that if a fact 𝐶 would be true, certainly 𝐴 would be true so it is reasonable to assume that 𝐶 is true https://iris.unito.it/retrieve/3504748d-e94e-4e18-8976-bc53c6b9d43f/Thesis%20Final%20-%20PhD%20-%20BarberoM.pdf








  1. 米盛裕二 アブダクション Abuduction 仮説と発見の論理 2007年 勁草書房 :学術書です。重要人物の業績を適宜引用、紹介しながら科学的な研究における推論や仮説形成の方法論が解説されています。アブダクションという書籍タイトルですが、アブダクションと帰納との違いが何かを論じているので当然のことながら「帰納」の話も多いです。
  2. 羽田康祐 k_bird 問題解決力を高める「推論」の技術 2020/1/8 フォレスト出版



  1. Anatomy of the Unsought Finding. Serendipity: Origin, History, Domains, Traditions, Appearances, Patterns and Programmability PEK VAN ANDEL Brit. J. Phil. Sci. 45 (1994), 631-648  https://www.wur.nl/upload_mm/5/a/b/28cef998-bcc4-43de-9b2e-250b3169729e_Pek%20van%20Andel.pdf パースの著書の文章などもたくさん引用されており、米盛裕二氏の著作と併せて読むと良い。
  2. On serendipity: The happy discovery of unsought knowledge Robert M. Davison 24 October 2018 https://doi.org/10.1111/isj.12229
  3. The Antinomies of Serendipity How to Cognitively Frame Serendipity for Scientific Discoveries Published: 02 June 2018 Volume 39, pages 939–948, (2020)



1. Abduction (Peirce’s Concept)

Definition: Abduction, according to Peirce, is a form of reasoning that starts with an observation and seeks the simplest or most likely explanation. It’s often referred to as “inference to the best explanation.”


  • Observation: Something surprising or unexplained occurs.
  • Hypothesis: Formulate a plausible explanation that could make the observation intelligible.


  • Observation: The grass is wet.
  • Abduction: It might have rained last night.
  • Core Feature: It focuses on the generation of hypotheses rather than their validation.

2. Bayesian Abduction

Definition: Bayesian abduction extends Peirce’s concept by incorporating probabilistic reasoning, often using Bayes’ theorem to update the likelihood of hypotheses given new evidence.


Prior Probability ( 𝑃 ( 𝐻 ) P(H)): The initial probability of a hypothesis 𝐻 H.

Evidence Likelihood ( 𝑃 ( 𝐸 ∣ 𝐻 ) P(E∣H)): The probability of the evidence 𝐸 E if the hypothesis 𝐻 H is true.

Posterior Probability ( 𝑃 ( 𝐻 ∣ 𝐸 ) P(H∣E)): The updated probability of 𝐻 H after considering 𝐸 E, calculated as: 𝑃 ( 𝐻 ∣ 𝐸 ) = 𝑃 ( 𝐸 ∣ 𝐻 ) 𝑃 ( 𝐻 ) 𝑃 ( 𝐸 ) P(H∣E)= P(E) P(E∣H)P(H) ​

Key Feature: Bayesian abduction formalizes the evaluation of hypotheses based on their probability, making the abductive reasoning process quantitative. Key Differences Aspect Abduction (Peirce) Bayesian Abduction Nature Qualitative reasoning to generate plausible hypotheses. Quantitative reasoning to evaluate and rank hypotheses. Focus Plausibility of hypotheses. Probability of hypotheses given evidence. Evaluation Informal and intuitive. Formal and mathematical (Bayes’ theorem). Purpose Hypothesis generation. Hypothesis evaluation and ranking.

Example: Diagnosing Disease

Peirce’s Abduction

  • Observation: A patient has a fever and cough.
  • Hypothesis: The patient might have the flu.
  • Reasoning: The flu is a plausible explanation for these symptoms.

Bayesian Abduction

  • Observation: A patient has a fever and cough.
  • Hypotheses: 𝐻 1 H 1 ​ : The flu ( 𝑃 ( 𝐻 1 ) = 0.3 P(H 1 ​ )=0.3). 𝐻 2 H 2 ​ : COVID-19 ( 𝑃 ( 𝐻 2 ) = 0.1 P(H 2 ​ )=0.1).
  • Update: Using Bayes’ theorem, update 𝑃 ( 𝐻 1 ∣ 𝐸 ) P(H 1 ​ ∣E) and 𝑃 ( 𝐻 2 ∣ 𝐸 ) P(H 2 ​ ∣E) given the observed evidence (fever and cough) to decide which hypothesis is more likely.


  • Peirce’s Abduction: A creative, qualitative process for generating explanations.
  • Bayesian Abduction: A probabilistic, quantitative approach that evaluates and ranks explanations using formal Bayesian methods.
  • While Bayesian abduction can be seen as a modern extension of Peirce’s idea, it focuses on hypothesis evaluation rather than generation, emphasizing the formal and probabilistic assessment of competing explanations.

At their core, both Peircean abduction and Bayesian abduction aim to explain observed phenomena by identifying plausible hypotheses. The key distinction lies in how they approach the reasoning process: Peircean abduction is qualitative and intuitive: It’s about hypothesis generation—the creative leap to a potential explanation. It doesn’t require numbers or probabilities; instead, it relies on plausibility and coherence.

Bayesian abduction is quantitative and formal: It focuses on hypothesis evaluation—assessing and ranking explanations based on evidence. It uses probabilistic frameworks like Bayes’ theorem to guide this evaluation.

Why They’re Linked but Not Identical

Peircean abduction provides the foundation: it gives us a way to think about forming hypotheses in the first place. Bayesian abduction takes it further by formalizing how to evaluate and refine those hypotheses once they’re proposed.

Analogy: A Detective Solving a Mystery

  • Peircean abduction: The detective observes a clue (e.g., a broken window) and hypothesizes that it might be a burglary.
  • Bayesian abduction: The detective then gathers more evidence (e.g., fingerprints, a missing TV) and uses probabilities to evaluate if burglary is the most likely explanation compared to, say, an accident or prank.

In essence, they are two sides of the same coin: both aim to infer the best explanation, but they operate on different levels—one is the spark of insight, and the other is the logical testing of that insight.

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