



  1. リガンドが受容体に結合
  2. 受容体が2量体化
  3. JAKが受容体に結合
  4. JAKが近傍のJAKをリン酸化
  5. リン酸化JAKが受容体をリン酸化
  6. 受容体のリン酸化部位にSTATが結合
  7. リン酸化JAKがSTATをリン酸化
  8. リン酸化STATが2量体をつくって核へ移行
  9. リン酸化STAT2量体がDNAに結合して遺伝子発現制御



  1. リッピンコット免疫学原書2版 78ページ





Roles for the interleukin-4 receptor and associated JAK/STAT proteinsin human articular chondrocyte mechanotransduction(2006)

  1. IL4 exerts its biological actions by binding to a heterodi-meric receptor complex, the IL4 receptor (IL4R), present on the cell surface.
  2. Two functional IL4R subtypes have beenidentified; the Type I IL4R consists of IL4Ra and common gamma (gc) subunits whilst the Type II IL4R is composed ofIL4Ra and IL13Ra1 subunits.
  3. Binding of IL4 to IL4Ra sub-unit
  4. leads to receptor dimerisation by recruitment of the second receptor subunit
  5. and the subsequent activation of the Janus kinase/signal transducers and activators of transcription (JAK/STAT) pathway.
  6. The JAKs are cytoplasmic receptor-associated tyrosine kinases that were first implicated in cytokine-stimulated signalling pathways.
  7. To date four members of the JAK family have been identified: JAK1,JAK2, JAK3 and Tyk2.
  8. In contrast to JAK1, JAK2 and Tyk2,which are ubiquitously expressed and can associate with a number of cytokine receptor subunits, JAK3 has been shown to be selectively associated with the gc subunit.
  9. Receptor dimerisation is associated with autophosphorylation and transphosphorylation of JAKs.
  10. Activated JAK proteins further phosphorylate the IL4R,
  11. allowing recruitment of SH2 domain-containing STATs,
  12. which are subsequently phosphorylated by the activated JAKs.
  13. Once phosphorylated, STATs form homo or heterodimeric complexes
  14. that translocate to the nucleus
  15. where they can regulate transcription of specific genes.
  16. STAT6 functions as a critical mediator of IL4-stimulated gene activation.


A(過程) leads to B (過程)by C (過程)and subsequent D(過程)

A(過程)is associated with B(過程)

A(分子)further posphorylate(動作) B(分子), allowing C(過程)

A(分子)動詞(動作)that 動詞(過程)where 動詞(役割)

leads toやallowingは次の動作が起こることを説明するのに頻出するキーワード。subsequentやfurtherといった形容詞や副詞も次の順番を表す言葉。興味深いのは、that節やwhere節を使うことにより、順に起こる過程を説明できることだと思います。


The role of JAK-STAT signaling pathway and its regulators in the fate of T helper cells(2017 )の説明(一部省略しています)

  1. Type I- and II receptors are constitutively associated with JAKs.
  2. The binding of ligand (cytokine) to its receptor
  3. causes receptor dimerization
  4. and subsequently, JAKs are activated following close proximity.
  5. These activated JAKs initiate trans-phosphorylation on specific tyrosine residues (also named transactivation),
  6. generating docking sites for recruitment of latent cytoplasmic transcription factors known as STATs.
  7. Unphosphorylated STATs (Off) reside in the cytoplasm.
  8. If phosphorylation of STATs (On) and STAT dimerization occur upon activation of JAKs,
  9. phosphorylated STATs abandon docking sites on the receptors.
  10. Therefore, they translocate to the nucleus
  11. and bind to specific DNA sequences
  12. either to activate or suppress gene transcription.


A(過程) causes B(過程) and subsequently C(過程)

A (分子)initiate B(過程), generating C(状態)

A (動作 文)to B(動詞 家庭)



The molecular details of cytokine signaling via the JAK/STAT pathway(2018)

  1. Each cytokine binds to a specific receptor on the surface of its target cell.
  2. These receptors contain intracellular domains which are constitutively associated with members of the JAK (Janus Kinase) family of tyrosine kinases.
  3. JAKs are inactive prior to cytokine exposure
  4. however binding of cytokine to its receptor induces their auto-activation by transphosphorylation.
  5. Once activated, JAKs phosphorylate the intracellular tails of the receptors on specific tyrosines
  6. which in turn act as docking sites for members of the Signal Transducers and Activators of Transcription (STAT) family of transcription factors.
  7. Receptor-localized STATs are then phosphorylated by JAK
  8. which leads to their disassociation from the receptor and translocation to the nucleus,
  9. where they drive the expression of cytokine-responsive genes,
  10. often leading to proliferation and/or differentiation.


in turnやthenといった語句が、2つの事柄の順序関係を示すのに使われています。変化を表すための、lead toはこのての文章には必須の語句ですね。


Tuning the Cytokine Responses: An Update on Interleukin (IL)-4 and IL-13 Receptor Complexes (2018)

  1. The Jak kinases, associated with γc (Jak3), IL-4Rα (Jak1), or IL-13Rα1 (Tyk2, Jak2),
  2. will auto- and cross-phosphorylate each other,
  3. resulting in their activation and the subsequent tyrosine (Y) phosphorylation of critical Y residues in IL-4Rα chain.
  4. Upon phosphorylation, the Y residues in the intracellular domains of IL-4Rα serve as docking sites for SH domains of intracellular signaling molecules.
  5. STAT6 and IRS molecules, in particular, become activated on these tyrosine residues in response to the activation of the type I IL-4 receptor.
  6. Once activated, STAT6 molecules homodimerize
  7. and translocate to the nucleus
  8. where they bind specific accessible DNA sequences, for example, on the CD23 promoter in human B-cells and on the arginase1 enhancer in mouse macrophages (25, 26).


resultingやsubsequent、become ~ in response to、といた言葉が使われています。


The JAK/STAT signaling pathway: from bench to clinic(2021)

  1. JAKs are noncovalently associated with cytokine receptors,
  2. mediate tyrosine phosphorylation of receptors,
  3. and recruit one or more STAT proteins.
  4. Tyrosine-phosphorylated STATs dimerize
  5. and are then transported into the nucleus through the nuclear membrane
  6. to regulate specific genes


mediate、then、to 不定詞(結果用法)程度しか使っていなくてあとは普通に何が起こるのかを示す動詞を使っているだけなのですが、実に簡潔にまとめています。


  1. The JAK-STAT Pathway at Twenty

