


  1. Electromagnetic Fields and Cancer in Children Residing Near Norwegian High-Voltage Power Lines March 1997American Journal of Epidemiology 145(3):219-26 March 1997145(3):219-26 DOI:10.1093/oxfordjournals.aje.a009094 SourcePubMed Authors: Tore Tynes Retired T Haldorsen https://www.researchgate.net/publication/14195360_Electromagnetic_Fields_and_Cancer_in_Children_Residing_Near_Norwegian_High-Voltage_Power_Lines
  2. BMJ. 1996 Oct 26; 313(7064): 1047–1051. doi: 10.1136/bmj.313.7064.1047 PMCID: PMC2352388 PMID: 8898595 Magnetic fields of high voltage power lines and risk of cancer in Finnish adults: nationwide cohort study. P. K. Verkasalo, E. Pukkala, J. Kaprio, K. V. Heikkilä, and M. Koskenvuo  The previously suggested associations between extremely low frequency magnetic fields and tumours of the nervous system, lymphoma, and leukaemia in adults and breast cancer in women were not confirmed.

epidemiologic research has rather consistently found associations between residential magnetic field exposure and cancer. This is most evident for leukemia in children.

Environ Health Perspect. 1995 Mar; 103(Suppl 2): 59–62. doi: 10.1289/ehp.95103s259 PMCID: PMC1518848 PMID: 7614949 Childhood leukemia and residential exposure to weak extremely low frequency magnetic fields. M Feychting and A Ahlbom https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1518848/

  1. Schreiber GH, Swaen GM, Meijers JM, Slangen JJ, Sturmans F. Cancer mortality and residence near electricity transmission equipment: a retrospective cohort studyInt J Epidemiol. 1993 Feb;22(1):9–15. [PubMed]  Using the Dutch population registry it was possible to identify retrospectively 3549 inhabitants of the quarter who lived there for at least 5 years between 1956 and 1981. Of these 1552 study subjects lived within 100 m of the electricity transmission equipment and were exposed to magnetic field intensity of 1.0-11.0 milliGauss. The overall standardized mortality ratio and cancer mortality ratios were either not or only slightly elevated. The study does not support previously reported associations of exposure to ELF electromagnetic fields with leukaemia, brain cancer and breast cancer.
  2. Am J Epidemiol . 1993 Oct 1;138(7):467-81. doi: 10.1093/oxfordjournals.aje.a116881. Magnetic fields and cancer in children residing near Swedish high-voltage power lines M Feychting 1, A Ahlbom https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8213751/ A case-control study was conducted to test the hypothesis that exposure to magnetic fields of the type generated by high-voltage power lines increases cancer incidence in children.
  3.  スウェーデンでは「送電線の近くでは小児白血病が多くなる」という研究があると聞いたが、どのような研究ですか? ほくでんネットワーク https://www.hepco.co.jp/network/stable_supply/electromagnetic/sweden.html スウェーデン・カロリンスカ研究所のファイヒティング博士等が1992年に発表した「疫学研究」研究:1960~1985年に220kVおよび400kVの送電線付近約300m以内に住んだことのある約43万人を対象に行った「疫学研究」です。 … 小児白血病の症例が7人と少なく、統計的な精度が低い。

