
神経誘導におけるノーダル nodalの役割

神経誘導は、デフォルトが神経系への分化でありそれをBMPシグナルが表皮になるようにしているところ、BMP阻害因子であるNoggin, Chordin, Follistatinなど作用することでBMPシグナルを抑えた領域が神経系になるという「神経分化デフォルト」説で一般的に説明されます。しかしFGFが神経誘導に関与するという報告もあり、必ずしも統一的な見方が確立しているように思えません。


 Gilbert Developmental Biology FIGURE 12.21 noggin mRNAインジェクションによるUV腹側化胚の背側構造レスキュー(A)、内在性noggin mRNAの局在(B)。(B) Localization of noggin mRNA in the organizer tissue, shown by in situ hybridization. At gastrulation (i and ii, stage 9), noggin mRNA (dark areas) accumulates in the dorsal marginal zone. When cells involute (i and iii, stages 9 and 10), noggin mRNA is seen in the dorsal blastopore lip. During convergent extension (iii, stage 10), noggin is expressed in the precursors of the notochord, prechordal plate, and pharyngeal endoderm, which in the neurula (iv, v) extend beneath the ectoderm in the center of the embryo. Barresi, Michael; Gilbert, Scott. Developmental Biology XE (English Edition) (p.3663). Sinauer Associates is an imprint of Oxford University Press. Kindle 版.




TGFß signals belonging to the Nodal family set up the embryonic axes, induce mesoderm and endoderm, pattern the nervous system, and determine left-right asymmetry in vertebrates.

Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology Volume 19, 2003 Review Article Nodal Signaling in Vertebrate Development Alexander F. Schierhttps://www.annualreviews.org/content/journals/10.1146/annurev.cellbio.19.041603.094522 本文有料

Nodal-related 1 (ndr1) and nodal-related 2 (ndr2)genes in zebrafish encode members of the nodal subgroup of the transforming growth factor-β superfamily. We report the expression patterns and functional characteristics of these factors, implicating them in the establishment of dorsal–ventral polarity and left–right asymmetry.

Zebrafish Nodal-Related Genes Are Implicated in Axial Patterning and Establishing Left–Right Asymmetry Michael R. Rebagliati a , Reiko Toyama a , Cornelia Fricke b , Pascal Haffter b , Igor B. Developmental Biology Volume 199, Issue 2, 15 July 1998, Pages 261-272 Dawid https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0012160698989357?via%3Dihub


下の論文はよくまとまったレビューだと思います。原始結節で生み出された左右差がどのようにして側板中胚葉Lateral Plate Mesodermにつたわるのかは謎だとしています。

Details are in the caption following the image

Follow your gut: Relaying information from the site of left–right symmetry breaking in the mouse Yukio Saijoh, Manuel Viotti, Anna-Katerina Hadjantonakis First published: 19 April 2014 https://doi.org/10.1002/dvg.22783



Snail family genes are required for left–right asymmetry determination, but not neural crest formation, in mice Stephen A. Murray and Thomas Gridley tom.gridley@jax.orgAuthors Info & Affiliations Edited by Kathryn V. Anderson, Sloan–Kettering Institute, New York, NY, and approved May 26, 2006 July 5, 2006 103 (27) 10300-10304 PNAS https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.0602234103


下の論文の図のd Control k81(表皮のマーカー)、sox2(神経板のマーカー)を見ると、外胚葉が表皮と神経板とに分化した様子が見事にわかります。非常に興味深いのはNodalを胞胚腔に注入した胚における神経板の広がりです。表皮の部分が狭まり、その分、神経板が大きく広がっています。つまり、Nodalは強力な神経誘導作用を持つと言えます。ただし、直接的な作用なのか、間接的な作用(誘導因子を誘導して)なのかの区別がメカニズムを考えるうえで重要になります。タンパク質を胞胚腔に顕微注入しているので、内胚葉、中胚葉、外胚葉全てに作用しうる実験条件だと思います。

Figure 5Nodal/Activin Pathway is a Conserved Neural Induction Signal in Chordates Nat Ecol Evol. 2017 Jul 3;1(8):1192–1200. doi: 10.1038/s41559-017-0226-3 図の説明: d, Expression of sox2 and k81 in control embryos and in embryos injected with zBMP4, nodal or both recombinant proteins. Scale bar, 250 μm. 方法: Xenopus embryos were injected in the blastocoel with 10 ng mouse recombinant Nodal protein (R&D), 3.5 ng zebrafish recombinant BMP4 protein (R&D), or 30 ng recombinant human Noggin (R&D).

アフリカツメガエルにはNodalは複数種類発現しており、Nodal-related番号 で呼ばれています。

Temporal and spatial expression of Xnr-1 and Xnr-2 during Xenopus development. (A) RNAse protection analysis of Xnr-1 and Xnr-2 expression during Xenopus development. Transcripts are detected during late blastula (stage 9) and gastrula (stage 10 and 10. 5) stages. A very low level of Xnr-1 RNA is detected during neurula stages (stage 17), but no expression is detected for Xnr-2 after gastrulation (stage 13). Stage 8 represents an RNA pool before zygotic transcription begins, and transcripts for Xnr-1 and Xnr-2 are not detected. ODC is a loading control, and the tRNA lane demonstrates specificity of signal to embryo RNA. (B-H) Whole-mount in situ hybridization analysis of Xnr-1 and Xnr-2 expression. All embryos are cleared albino embryos, viewed from the vegetal surface with dorsal oriented upward. The dorsal lip is indicated by the black arrowhead. (B) Stage 9 embryos show punctate perinuclear Xnr-1 signal over the entire vegetal region. Xnr-2 shows the same pattern (data not shown). (C) Xnr-1 signal at stage 10.25 is restricted to the dorsal marginal zone (dark arc at bottom left is a background artefact). (D) Xnr-2 signal in stage 10 pregastrula is primarily located in the dorsal marginal zone, but also in adjacent dorsovegetal cells. (E) Xnr-2 signal in the stage 10.5 gastrula is highly concentrated just above the dorsal lip, with a gradual decrease laterally and ventrally. (F) Whole-mount stained stage 10.25 embryo, split open along the dorsal/ventral plane and viewed internally to show Xnr-2 expression at the dorsal lip. Superficial and slightly deeper staining is observed. Some out-of-focus vegetal cells below the lip express Xnr-2 (white arrowhead). (G) noggin mRNA hybridization in a stage 10.5 embryo shows deeper mesodermal expression extending anteriorly along the dorsal midline. (H) Xnr-2 sense strand control, stage 10.25 embryo. (I) RNAse protection analysis of Xnr-1 and Xnr-2 distribution in dissected gastrulae. Lanes 1-3: at stage 10.25, Xnr-1 and Xnr-2 transcripts are detected in the marginal zone, at greatly reduced levels in vegetal tissue, but are undetectable in animal tissue. Lanes 4 and 5: in stage 10 embryos, Xnr-1 RNA and, to a lesser extent, Xnr-2 RNA, is enriched in dorsal halves of embryos compared to ventral halves. EF1-α assesses RNA integrity and loading.

Fig. 4. Temporal and spatial expression of Xnr-1 and Xnr-2 during Xenopus development.(B-H) Whole-mount in situ hybridization analysis of Xnr-1 and Xnr-2 expression. All embryos are cleared albino embryos, viewed from the vegetal surface with dorsal oriented upward. The dorsal lip is indicated by the black arrowhead. (B) Stage 9 embryos show punctate perinuclear Xnr-1 signal over the entire vegetal region. Xnr-2 shows the same pattern (data not shown). (C) Xnr-1 signal at stage 10.25 is restricted to the dorsal marginal zone (dark arc at bottom left is a background artefact). (D) Xnr-2 signal in stage 10 pregastrula is primarily located in the dorsal marginal zone, but also in adjacent dorsovegetal cells. (E) Xnr-2 signal in the stage 10.5 gastrula is highly concentrated just above the dorsal lip, with a gradual decrease laterally and ventrally. (F) Whole-mount stained stage 10.25 embryo, split open along the dorsal/ventral plane and viewed internally to show Xnr-2 expression at the dorsal lip. Superficial and slightly deeper staining is observed. Some out-of-focus vegetal cells below the lip express Xnr-2 (white arrowhead). https://journals.biologists.com/dev/article/121/11/3651/38534/Nodal-related-signals-induce-axial-mesoderm-and



  • Several TGFβ ligands present in the blastula embryo, including Activin, Vg1, Derriere and the Nodal-related factors Xnr1 and Xnr2, each have the ability to induce the expression of both general and organizer-specific mesodermal markers (Asashima et al., 1990; Smith et al., 1990; Thomsen et al., 1990; Thomsen and Melton, 1993; Jones et al., 1995; Kessler and Melton, 1995; Sun et al., 1999).
  • Genetic studies in the mouse and zebrafish demonstrate a requirement for Nodal-related genes in mesoderm and organizer formation (Schier and Shen, 2000).
  • Loss-of-function mutations in the mouse and the zebrafish Nodal genes result in embryos which fail to form an organizer and lack mesoderm (Conlon et al., 1994; Feldman et al., 1998). Likewise, inhibition of Nodal signaling in Xenopus, using a Nodal-specific form of Cerberus, blocks mesoderm and organizer formation (Agius et al., 2000).
  • While Nodal signaling induces mesoderm in the equatorial region of the blastula, the organizer forms in a dorsal equatorial domain in response to maternal Wnt signaling (reviewed in Harland and Gerhart, 1997; Heasman, 1997; Moon and Kimelman, 1998).
  • Wnt3 and Nodal function are required in the mouse for gastrulation and node formation (Liu et al., 1999; Conlon et al., 1994),

Cooperation of Siamois and TGFβ signals Siamois cooperates with TGFβ signals to induce the complete function of the Spemann-Mangold Organizer MARK J. ENGLEKA and DANIEL S. KESSLE Int. J. Dev. Biol. 45: 241-250 (2001) 241



Temporal and spatial expression patterns of Xnr5 and Xnr6. (A) Temporal expression analyzed by RT-PCR. Zygotic expression of Xnr5 and Xnr6 starts at stage 8-8.5, at the mid-blastula transition (MBT). Xnr1, Xnr2, Xnr4 and derrière (derr) are only weakly expressed at this stage. (B-M) Spatial expression patterns of Xnr3 (B,C,I), Xnr5 (D,E,J,K), Xnr6 (F,G,L,M) were analyzed by whole-mount in situ hybridization. Sense probe was used as a control (H). Xnr3 is detected at the dorsal marginal region of the embryo, not at the vegetal region. By contrast, Xnr5 and Xnr6 are first detected at the dorsal vegetal region, and subsequently throughout the deep endoderm. Xnr6 is detected under the dorsal lip (DL, indicated by arrowhead) at stage 10. B,D,F,G are vegetal views; C,E are dorsal views; H-M, wild-type embryos were hemisectioned before hybridization (dorsal is towards the right); J,L are stage 8.5 embryos; B-F,H,I,K,M are stage 9 embryos; G is a stage 10 embryo. (O,P) Spatial expression patterns were analyzed by RT-PCR. Embryos were dissected into four parts (dorsal-vegetal, lateral-vegetal, ventral-vegetal and rest of the embryo; O). Xnr5 and Xnr6 are strongly expressed in the dorsal- and lateral-vegetal regions (P). WE indicates whole embryo at the same stage. Xnr3 is highly expressed in the dorsal region.

Fig. 2. The spatial distribution of Xnr5 and Xnr6 expression was analyzed by whole-mount in situ hybridization as previously described (Harland, 1991). The spatial distribution of Xnr5 and Xnr6 expression was analyzed by whole-mount in situ hybridization as previously described (Harland, 1991). In the late blastula embryo, Xnr5 and Xnr6 mRNA was detected from the vegetal pole to the dorsal vegetal region, including the Nieuwkoop center (Fig. 2D-F). At early gastrula, an Xnr6 signal was seen at just beneath the dorsal lip (Fig. 2G), whereas no Xnr5 signal could be detected at this stage (data not shown). Unlike Xnr3 (Fig. 2B,C), Xnr5 and Xnr6 transcripts did not localize at the Spemann’s organizer.

Secondary axis induction by Xnr5 and Xnr6. (A) Xnr5 (2 pg/embryo) and (B) Xnr6 (5 pg/embryo) mRNA induces a secondary axis. mRNA was injected into both ventral-vegetal blastomeres at the eight-cell stage and embryos were cultured until stage 30. (C,D) Transverse section of Xnr5- and Xnr6-injected embryos. The secondary axes have pharynx (ph), otic vesicle (ot), neural tube (neu), muscle (mus) and notochord (not). lacZ mRNA (250 pg/embryo) was injected with (E) or without (F) Xnr5 (2 pg/embryo), and was detected by X-gal staining. Xnr5-expressing cells, indicated by the blue staining, differentiate into endoderm. Xnr6 has a similar activity (data not shown).

Secondary axis induction by Xnr5 and Xnr6.  https://journals.biologists.com/dev/article/127/24/5319/41043/Two-novel-nodal-related-genes-initiate-early

These results indicate that the structures of Xnr5 and Xnr6 are quite similar to Xnr1 and Xnr2. All of these four factors can induce a secondary axis lacking the head structures when they are misexpressed ventrally. Xnr4 also has similar activity (S. T., C. Y., Y. O. and M. A., unpublished).



Cerberus is a head-inducing secreted factor () that acts as a multifunctional antagonist of Nodal, BMP (Bone Morphogenetic Proteins) and Wnt signals (). A carboxy-terminal fragment of Cerberus, called Cerberus-short (Cer-S), lacks the anti-Wnt and anti-BMP activities but retains full anti-Xnr1 activity (). In biochemical studies, Cer-S was found to bind Xnr1, but not Activin nor Vg1 proteins (). https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC2292107/


Endodermal Nodal-related signals and mesoderm induction in Xenopus Eric Agius 1,*,‡, Michael Oelgeschläger 1,*, Oliver Wessely 1, Caroline Kemp 1, E M De Robertis 1,§ Development. 2000 Mar;127(6):1173–1183. doi: 10.1242/dev.127.6.1173

  1. Smad2 mediates Activin/Nodal signaling in mesendoderm differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells Teng Fei, Shanshan Zhu, Kai Xia, Jianping Zhang, Zhongwei Li, Jing-Dong J Han & Ye-Guang Chen Cell Research volume 20, pages1306–1318 (2010) https://www.nature.com/articles/cr2010158
  2. FELDMAN, B., GATES, M.A., EGAN, E.S., DOUGAN, S.T., RENNEBECK, G., SIROTKIN, H.I., SCHIER, A.F. and TALBOT, W.S. (1998). Zebrafish organizer development and germ-layer formation require nodal-related signals. Nature 395: 181-185.


TFG-βスーパーファミリーは、いくつかのサブファミリーに分かれます。TFG-βファミリー、BMPファミリー、Nodal・アクチビンファミリーといったサブファミリーがあります。TFG-βスーパーファミリーに共通する細胞内情報伝達機構はSmadタンパク質の利用です。Smadには大きくわけて2種類あり、Smad4が全てに共通してはたらき、他のSmadとともに二量体を形成して転写因子として働きます。Smad4でないSmadはスーパーファミリーごとに使われるSmadの番号がことなりますが、リガンドが受容体に結合することでリン酸化されてSmad4と協調して転写因子として働くことになる点が共通します。あとは、Smad7, Smad6など抑制性の制御因子として働くSmadも見つかっています。

Figure 3:

Neural induction and early patterning in vertebrates Mohammad Zeeshan Ozair 1, Chris Kintner 2, Ali H Brivanlou 1,* Wiley Interdiscip Rev Dev Biol. 2012 Oct 15;2(4):479–498. doi: 10.1002/wdev.90  https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC6945772/



Dimeric TGFβ ligands bind type II receptors that phosphorylate and activate type I receptors in a hetero-tetrameric complex. Receptor activation, in turn, leads to the propagation of signaling by at least two pathways involving Smad (in the canonical pathway) or Traf/TGFβ-Activated-Kinase-1 (TAK1, in the non-canonical pathway).

Neural induction and early patterning in vertebrates Mohammad Zeeshan Ozair, Chris Kintner, Ali H Brivanlou Wiley Interdiscip Rev Dev Biol. 2012 Oct 15;2(4):479–498. doi: 10.1002/wdev.90  https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC6945772/




  • 発生学は再生医療の基礎となる
  • ツールキット遺伝子:Shh, Wnt, Hox, Pax6など発生の時期や部位が違っていても、何回も付か言わされている。家を建てるときの工具のように、使っていることから。
  • 発生で使わた遺伝子は、成体でも使われていることがある。
  • Wntは、増殖シグナル。がんとの関連がある。
  • 個体発生は系統発生を繰り返す という見方から、「砂時計モデル」へ
  • 海中での生活から陸上への生活へと進化するための発生学上の変化:鰭(ひれ)が肢に。鰓(エラ)が呼吸には必要なくなったので、浮袋になるべきところを肺に作り替えた。不要になった鰓(エラ)は耳の一部や、頭蓋、顔の骨や筋肉に。口蓋扁桃、胸腺など。
  • 陸に上がったが、発生は依然として水の中で生じる(羊水の中で)
  • 原始線条は尾方へ退行して短くなっていき完全に消失する。
  • 神経溝が神経管として閉鎖する過程は、まんなかあたり(警部第5体節あたり)で始まり、頭側と尾側の両方向に向かって閉鎖が進行する。図4-5
  • 神経提細胞になる部分(神経板)は「神経ヒダ」
  • 神経堤細胞が鰓弓に入り込んで鰓弓のふくらみができる。顔の大部分の形成に関与する。
  • 鰓弓I:上顎骨、下顎骨、咀嚼筋など
  • 鰓弓II:アブミ骨、表情筋など
  • 神経堤細胞の運命:色素細胞、神経叢(消化管の表面)、心臓の中隔の一部、後根神経節(感覚神経)、交感神経、シュワン細胞など
  • 神経堤細胞の分化する運命は、移動経路や部位で決まると考えられている。
  • 外胚葉を中胚葉に誘導する作用を持つ因子として、アクチビン、FGF,ノーダルなどが同定されたが、発生で実際に一番重要な働きをしているのはノーダル。
  • ノーダル濃度が高いと中胚葉のなかでも特に背側中胚葉、オーガナイザーや脊索が誘導される。ノーダルの濃度が中程度だと筋肉が誘導される。ノーダルの濃度が低いと血液など。
  • ノーダルはモルフォゲンとして作用する。
  • オーガナイザーや脊索はnoggin, chordin follistatinなどのBMP阻害因子を分泌して神経誘導を行う。
  • シグナル伝達機構のまとめ
    • shh は非存在のときはGliRが遺伝子抑制の働きをし、存在下ではGliAによる遺伝子活性化の働きをする。Smo(Smoothened)は通常はShhの受容体であるptch(Patched)によって抑制がかけられている。その状態ではGliは微小管に結合しておりPKAにより分解されて核内に移行し、抑制的に働らく。shhが受容体Ptchに結合するとSmoに対する抑制が解かれて、結果的にGliが核内に移行して活性化の働きをする。
    • Wntは造語で、winglessとintegrated-1とを併せて作られた。winglessはショウジョウバエの遺伝子で、integrated-1は哺乳類の遺伝子で、両者が同一であることがわかったため。ウイントと読む。
      • Wnt経路には、βカテニンが関与するカノニカル経路とPlannar Cell Porlarity (PCP)経路、IP3/Ca経路が存在する。
    • FGF経路
    • TGF-βスーパーファミリー
      • TGF-β
      • Nodal, Activin
      • BMP
    • FGF
    • HGF
    • NTF (Neurotrophic factor)
    • 神経管の区域化:Prosencephalon(前脳)、Mesencephalon((中脳)、rhombencephalon(後脳)のうち、前脳と中脳の区域化ひは、Otx, Emxなどのホメオボックス遺伝子が関与する。後脳と脊髄の区域化にはHOX遺伝子群が関与する。
    • 前脳は、telencephalon, Diencephalonに分かれる。後脳はMetencephalon, Myelencephalonにわかれる。
    • Prechordal plate 脊索前板:脊索よりも先に原始線条から陥入し、口咽頭膜に向かって正中部を前進する細胞集団。Shhを分泌し、この分泌されたshhがPax6の発現を抑制することで、eye fieldが左右に分割される。
    • 眼の形成:水晶体を覆う表皮は角膜corneaになる。
    • 眼胞は表皮につくと、BMP4、FGF8, Deltaなどのシグナルを出す。一方、誘導された水晶体は複数の種類のFGFを分泌する。このように誘導が繰り返されて眼が形成される。




硝子体手術|いけだ眼科クリニック 硝子体手術|いけだ眼科クリニック



  1. Synergism between temporally distinct growth factors: bFGF, insulin and lens cell differentiation Author links open overlay panel W.P.J. Leenders , S.T. van Genesen , J.G.G. Schoenmakers 1 , E.J.J. van Zoelen , N.H. Lubsen Mechanisms of Development Volume 67, Issue 2, October 1997, Pages 193-201 Mechanisms of Development  https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0925477397001214


  1. Involvement of BMP-4/msx-1 and FGF pathways in neural induction in the Xenopus embryo DGD 25 December 2001 https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1046/j.1440-169x.2000.00514.x






  1. 「自己肯定感高い人と低い人」幼少期の決定的な差 誕生後2年間でそれぞれに起きていること シュテファニー・シュタール : 心理学者、心理療法士 2021/12/31 6:00 東洋経済ONLINE https://toyokeizai.net/articles/-/478161
  2. 客観的に見て人より優れていそうなのに、本人の自己肯定感が低いのはなぜでしょう? https://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/qa/question_detail/q14270888194




  1. Face detection in untrained deep neural networks Seungdae Baek, Min Song, Jaeson Jang, Gwangsu Kim & Se-Bum Paik Nature Communications volume 12, Article number: 7328 (2021) https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-021-27606-9 Fig. 2 We showed that a biologically inspired DNN develops face-selective units without training, solely from statistical variations of the feedforward projections.





  1. A catenin-dependent balance between N-cadherin and E-cadherin controls neuroectodermal cell fate choices Mechanisms of Development Volume 152, August 2018, Pages 44-56 Mechanisms of Development https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0925477318300819 Unlabelled Image
  2. N- and E-cadherins in Xenopus are specifically required in the neural and non-neural ectoderm, respectively, for F-actin assembly and morphogenetic movements Development (2009) 136 (8): 1327–1338. https://doi.org/10.1242/dev.031203 15 April 2009 Fig. 3. N-cadherin is required to assemble F-actin in the apical cytoplasm of neural plate cells. (A-D) Injection of a 16-cell embryo (A; the arrow indicates the injected cell) gives rise to labeled clones in the neural plate at st. 14 (B; the dashed line indicates boundaries of the neural plate). Neural plates (C) were stained for F-actin (D). (E) The boundary between N-cadherin-depleted (*) and uninjected (#) cells in a neural plate stained with N-cadherin antibody to show the reduction in N-cadherin protein in the injected cells. (F) Transverse section of a neural plate showing that C-cadherin continues to be expressed in N-cadherin-depleted embryos. (G) The dramatic reduction in F-actin in N-cadherin-depleted cells (red) as compared with untreated neighboring cells of a neural plate. (H) Quantitation of staining intensity for F-actin and of mean apical surface area of injected as compared with untreated cells.(I) Transverse section through the neural plate in G, to show that only the apical regions of the neural plate cells are affected by N-cadherin depletion. White arrows indicate circumferential cortical actin belt. Yellow arrows indicate F-actin assembly is retained in the basal cytoplasm of N-cadherin-depleted neural plate cells. (J) Injection of Xenopus tropicalis N-cadherin mRNA, which does not include sequence complementary to the MO, rescues the F-actin expression in N-cadherin-depleted cells. The left-hand panel shows the RLDX lineage tracer (red); the center panel shows only the F-actin staining in the same specimen. Asterisk indicates the treated cells; #, the untreated region. The right-hand panel shows quantitation of the cortical actin staining from the pixel intensity. ***Statistically significant difference in phalloidin staining between control and N-cadherin-depleted neural plate cells (P<0.001). Scale bars: 50μm, except 100 μm in J and 200 μm in D.



Molecular signaling directing neural plate border formation  Published: 9 July 2024 Int. J. Dev. Biol. 68: 65 – 78 (2024) https://doi.org/10.1387/ijdb.230231me Vol 68, Issue 2https://ijdb.ehu.eus/article/230231me

Fig. 4. Shh- and Noggin-expressing cells prevent or down-regulate Slug expression in the dorsal neural tube and influence the expression of other dorsal neural tube genes.

Figure 2 Induction of Floor Plate Cells in Response to Shh and Chordin In Vivo (N and O) Coexpression of (N) Shh and (O) chordin in the HH st-10 caudal notochord. 

Effects of Shh and Noggin on neural crest formation demonstrate that BMP is required in the neural tube but not ectoderm Development (1998) 125 (24): 4919–4930.





Post-transcriptional tuning of FGF signaling mediates neural crest induction PNAS December 21, 2020 117 (52) 33305-33316



個人的には、外胚葉がBMPを出していて、神経管の上部でもBMPがシグナリングセンターになり、下側に目をやると、脊索が最初シグナリングセンターになってshhシグナルによって神経管の下部をFLOOR PLATEに誘導し(実際の誘導の時期は、神経管になってからではなく、神経板の段階)、今度はFLOOR PLATE自身がshhを分泌するようになるというところが面白いと思います。ゾンビによって自分もゾンビ化されてしまうみたいな。


Roof plate天板ではBMPが、Floor plate底板ではshhがシグナルとなって、神経管の上下の端がシグナリングセンターとなり、神経管の内外に対して働きかけます。神経管の内部ではこれらのシグナルによって背腹軸方向の神経細胞のアイデンティティが決定されます。

Bone morphogenetic protein signalling and vertebrate nervous system development | Nature Reviews Neuroscience



下のrの文の図は、Roof plateで確かにBMPが発現していることを示す実験データ。BMPシグナリングの下流で転写因子として働くリン酸化SmadもRoof plateに局在しています。

The roof plate (RP) loses responsiveness to BMP signaling. a, c In situ hybridization for Bmp4 at the neural crest (NC) and RP stages. b, d Antibody staining for pSMAD1,5,8. Note positive signaling in the dorsal neural tube (NT) at the NC stage (delimited by dotted yellow lines, see "Methods" for definition). In contrast, the definitive RP (dorsal to the dotted yellow lines, see "Methods" for definition) lacks a pSMAD signal yet the domain ventral to the yellow lines containing dorsal interneurons is positive. e, f Dorsal views of whole mounted embryo fragments following dorsally directed electroporations (EP) of BMP-responsive element (BRE)-GFP along with control RFP to monitor electroporation efficiency. Note positive and negative BMP reporter signaling at NC and RP stages, respectively. Embryos were electroporated at either E2 (e-e") or E3 (f-f") and analyzed 16 h later. White dashed lines delineate the NT in b and d. C caudal, DI dorsal interneurons, R rostral. Bar in a = 40 μM; b, d = 80 μM; c = 50 μM 
