





  1. Colorectal cancer The Lancet


Interindividual genetic differences could account for 40% of the variation in susceptibility to colorectal cancer

Familial Risk and Heritability of Colorectal Cancer in the Nordic Twin Study of Cancer Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology Volume 15, Issue 8, August 2017, Pages 1256-1264

Heritable factors account for approximately 35% of colorectal cancer (CRC) risk, and almost 30% of the population in the UK have a family history of CRC. (Guidelines for the management of hereditary colorectal cancer from the British Society of Gastroenterology (BSG)/Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland (ACPGBI)/United Kingdom Cancer Genetics Group (UKCGG) Gut Volume 69, Issue 3)


Thirty years of investigations into the genetic causes of colorectal cancer have identified 14 genes that, when mutated, are associated with an increased risk of the disease. Now, a Saudi-US research collaboration has found two more genes, greatly improving the ability of clinicians to identify at-risk individuals, while indicating potential therapeutic options for chemo-therapy-resistant patients. ‥ The results showed two heritable genetic mutations in the genes ATM and PALB2 that were morecommon in cancer patients, suggesting a causal link. (Revealing the missing heritability of colorectal cancer Diagnosis of colorectal cancer may improve following the discovery of two gene mutations. References: AlDubayan, S. et al. The American Journal of Human Genetics 102, 401-414 (2018).)

  1. The missing heritability of familial colorectal cancer Mutagenesis. 2020 Jul; 35(3): 221–231. doi: 10.1093/mutage/gez027 PMCID: PMC7352099



  • 50代になると大腸がんを発症する方が急増
  • 「血便」「便が細い」など大腸がんと思われる症状が現れる時には、すでにがんは進行

大腸内視鏡検査を受ける頻度は?毎年受けたほうがいい? たまプラーザ南口胃腸内科クリニック 神奈川県横浜市青葉区新石川)

  • 内視鏡検査でほぼ防ぐことが可能
  • 2親等以内の親族(祖父母、両親、兄弟姉妹)が大腸がんになった場合には、40歳になったら検査を受けましょう。

大腸内視鏡検査とは 芦屋おく内視鏡クリニック 兵庫県芦屋市大桝町)


  1. Colorectal Cancer #2: Endoscopic Diagnosis and Treatment Doctor’s Insight 10m 00s Broadcast on May 3, 2022 Available until March 31, 2025 www3.nhk.or.jp