



  1. レチノイン酸シグナル: レチノイン酸はビタミンAの代謝産物であり、HOX遺伝子の発現を直接調節します。特に、胚の前後軸に沿ったHOX遺伝子の発現パターンに重要な役割を果たします。
  2. Wntシグナル: Wntシグナル経路は、細胞の増殖と分化を制御する主要な経路であり、HOX遺伝子の発現にも関与します。この経路は、胚の体軸の形成や分節化に重要です。
  3. FGF(線維芽細胞成長因子)シグナル: FGFシグナルは、細胞の増殖、分化、および移動を調節する役割を持ち、HOX遺伝子の発現パターンの調整にも関与します。
  4. シグナル伝達経路のクロストーク: 上記のシグナル伝達経路は互いにクロストークし、複雑な調整メカニズムを通じてHOX遺伝子の発現を精密に制御します。この相互作用により、胚の発生過程における正確なパターン形成が可能となります。




  1. Iimura and Pourquié 2006 Nature . 2006 Aug 3;442(7102):568-71. doi: 10.1038/nature04838. Epub 2006 Jun 7. Collinear activation of Hoxb genes during gastrulation is linked to mesoderm cell ingression Tadahiro Iimura, Olivier Pourquié PDF (ResearchGate)


  1. Vertebrate hox temporal collinearity: does it exist and what is it’s function? A. J. Durston Pages 523-530 | Received 05 Dec 2018, Accepted 09 Jan 2019, Published online: 15 Feb 2019 https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/15384101.2019.1577652
  2. Some Questions and Answers About the Role of Hox Temporal Collinearity in Vertebrate Axial Patterning Antony J. Durston* PERSPECTIVE article Front. Cell Dev. Biol., 29 November 2019 Sec. Evolutionary Developmental Biology Volume 7 – 2019 | https://doi.org/10.3389/fcell.2019.00257 Does Hox Temporal Collinearity Exist?


  •  comprehensive analysis of hox gene expression during early development did not agree with the hypothesis of temporal collinearity especially in genes belonging to PG2 to PG10.
  • though the complete set of hox genes are identified in many animals, no comprehensive analysis of temporal expression during development has been reported.
  • This is the first comprehensive analysis of hox gene expression during development in vertebrates, and the data questions the hypothesis of temporal collinearity.
  • the “temporal collinearity hypothesis” must be revisited by comprehensive analysis for developmental timing of transcriptional initiation of hox genes, because this hypothesis implicitly includes the idea that de novo mRNA synthesis of hox genes occurs from anterior to posterior paralogous groups, even though no experiment examining de novo mRNA synthesis of hox genes has been ever reported.

Comprehensive analyses of hox gene expression in Xenopus laevis embryos and adult tissues Mariko Kondo 1, Takayoshi Yamamoto 2, Shuji Takahashi 3, Masanori Taira 2 Dev Growth Differ . 2017 Aug;59(6):526-539. doi: 10.1111/dgd.12382. Epub 2017 Aug 9.

temporal collinearity仮説が魅力的なのでエビデンスが少なくても(なくても)皆が信じたがっていただけなのかもしれません。これに関しては著者のプレゼン動画があったので紹介しておきます。日本のラボからの論文でした。

2018/03/17 平良眞規准教授 最終講義『分子生物学から発生学へ:37年の歩み』 東京大学大学院理学系研究科・理学部 School of Science, The University of Tokyo チャンネル登録者数 7.52万人


The in situ hybridization studies, in frog, chicken and mouse embryos, show almost perfectly sequential temporally collinear expression (Izpisúa-Belmonte et al., 1991Gaunt and Strachan, 1996Wacker et al., 2004Iimura and Pourquie, 2006Denans et al., 2015Gouveia et al., 2015Moreau et al., 2018).

Some Questions and Answers About the Role of Hox Temporal Collinearity in Vertebrate Axial Patterning Antony J. Durston* PERSPECTIVE article Front. Cell Dev. Biol., 29 November 2019 Sec. Evolutionary Developmental Biology Volume 7 – 2019 | https://doi.org/10.3389/fcell.2019.00257

結局、原著論文を自分で読んで判断するしかなさそうですね。よくみたら自分が見つけたtemporal collinearity仮説を支持するレビュー論文3報は3報とも同じ著者Antony J. Durstonさんでした。

 In these earliest developmental stages, morphogen concentration gradients are not relevant for setting up this axis. It emerges that at these stages, the core patterning mechanism is timing: BMP-anti BMP mediated time space translation that regulates Hox temporal and spatial collinearities and Hox-Hox auto- and cross- regulation. The known anterior-posterior morphogens and signaling pathways–retinoids, FGF’s, Cdx, Wnts, Gdf11 and others–interact with this core mechanism at and after space-time defined “decision points,” leading to the separation of distinct axial domains.

What are the roles of retinoids, other morphogens, and Hox genes in setting up the vertebrate body axis? Genesis . 2019 Jul;57(7-8):e23296. doi: 10.1002/dvg.23296. Epub 2019 Apr 25.  Antony J Durston https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31021058/


LIFE UNFOLDINGをよむと、一つのクラスタ内の複数のHOX遺伝子を端から順にほどいて読んでいく時間差と細胞移動によって生じる空間の違いとが連動していると紹介されていました。DNAはヌクレオソーム(ヒストン蛋白質8量体にDNAがまきついた複合体)構造をとりますが、一つのヌクレオソームを構成するDNAの長さは146bpで、複数のヌクレオソームがさらに折り畳まれて存在しています。HOXクラスタの長さは140kbくらいだそうです。

In chordates, Hox genes are classified into 13 paralog groups (PGs) according to homeodomain similarity [2]. Hox genes are often found in a relatively narrow region on one chromosome, forming a Hox gene cluster. It is generally accepted that the Hox gene cluster consists of a subset of the 13 PG Hox genes, which are aligned according to PG number, and that have the same transcription direction, spanning about 100–120 kb on a chromosome. https://zoologicalletters.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s40851-017-0078-3



There is considerable evidence that transcription does not occur homogeneously or diffusely throughout the nucleus, but rather at a number of specialized, discrete sites termed transcription factories.  https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Dietmar-Rieder/publication/232739705_Transcription_factories/links/09e4151094770d5dda000000/Transcription-factories.pdf


  1. The expression of murine Hox-2 genes is dependent on the differentiation pathway and displays a collinear sensitivity to retinoic acid in F9 cells and Xenopus embryos N Papalopulu, R Lovell-Badge, R Krumlauf Nucleic Acids Res . 1991 Oct 25;19(20):5497-506. doi: 10.1093/nar/19.20.5497. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/1682879/
  2. Human HOX genes are differentially activated by retinoic acid in embryonal carcinoma cells according to their position within the four loci Cell Differentiation and Development Volume 31, Issue 2, August 1990, Pages 119-127 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/092233719090015O NT2/D1細胞でレチノイン酸添加によるヒトHOX遺伝子33個の発現への効果を調べた。


  1. Opposing FGF and retinoid pathways: a signalling switch that controls differentiation and patterning onset in the extending vertebrate body axis Ruth Diez del Corral 1, Kate G Storey Affiliations expand PMID: 15273988 DOI: 10.1002/bies.20080 Bioessays . 2004 Aug;26(8):857-69. doi: 10.1002/bies.20080.

原始線条(primitive streak)における時間的なHOX遺伝子発現パターンが空間的な発現パターンへと変換されることについて

 The individual Hox genes are expressed in strict temporal sequence determined by their position in the Hox gene cluster(temporal colinearity), the more 3′ genes first and subsequently the more 5′. https://journals.biologists.com/dev/article/130/20/4823/52226/Enhancer-timing-of-Hox-gene-expression-deletion-of

What is the connection between axial identity, Hox genes, and the system of graded RA, Wnt, and FGF signaling? It is important to first distinguish between the initiation of Hox gene expression during gastrulation and the subsequent repositioning of expression boundaries within the PSM and somites (Deschamps and van Nes 2005). During the initiation phase, Hox genes become activated in a striking temporal collinearity within the primitive streak region. This precise sequential activation serves a critical function in contributing to the final spatial collinearity along the body axis (Forlani et al. 2003Juan and Ruddle 2003Wacker et al. 2004Iimura and Pourquié 2006), which ultimately determines axial identity. Importantly, however, this initial blueprint does not entirely match the definitive Hox gene expression (Forlani et al. 2003). Thus, the definitive Hox gene identity does not strictly result from the collinear initiation phase alone, but also from extensive modification of Hox gene expression occurring after cells exit the primitive streak and before they are incorporated into a somite (i.e., while located in the PSM).

Signaling Gradients during Paraxial Mesoderm Development Alexander Aulehla and Olivier Pourquié 2010年

  1. Forlani et al. 2003; Development 15 AUGUST 2003 Acquisition of Hox codes during gastrulation and axial elongation in the mouse embryo
  2. Juan and Ruddle 2003;
  3. Wacker et al. 2004;
  4. Iimura and Pourquié 2006 Nature . 2006 Aug 3;442(7102):568-71. doi: 10.1038/nature04838. Epub 2006 Jun 7. Collinear activation of Hoxb genes during gastrulation is linked to mesoderm cell ingression Tadahiro Iimura, Olivier Pourquié PDF (ResearchGate)
  1. Initiation, establishment and maintenance of Hox gene expression patterns in the mouse February 1999The International Journal of Developmental Biology 43(7):635-50 February 199943(7):635-50
  2. Two phases in the establishment of HOX expression domains J Deschamps 1, M Wijgerde Affiliations expand PMID: 8096483 DOI: 10.1006/dbio.1993.1093 Dev Biol . 1993 Apr;156(2):473-80. doi: 10.1006/dbio.1993.1093.



  1. Hox9 genes and vertebrate limb specification M J Cohn 1, K Patel, R Krumlauf, D G Wilkinson, J D Clarke, C Tickle Nature . 1997 May 1;387(6628):97-101. doi: 10.1038/387097a0.
  2. Spatially Restricted Domains of Homeo-Gene Transcripts in Mouse Embryos – Relation to a Segmented Body Plan October 1988 Development 104(Supplement) October 1988104(Supplement) DOI:10.1242/dev.104.Supplement.169 体軸に沿って発現する位置がHOX遺伝子では異なっていることを示した初期の論文