- リガンド:shh (sonic hedgehog)
- レセプター:patcd (patched)
- トランスデューサー: smoothened (smo)
- エフェクター:Gli (Gli2 が活性化、Gli3が抑制)
The hedgehog signaling pathway – Part 1: Normal situation Onkoview チャンネル登録者数 7700人
shhシグナリングではsmoothenedがshhの受容体patchedからの束縛から解放されて繊毛へはいっていくことが大事です。細胞に繊毛があるということは、つまり、shhシグナルの受けてとなる細胞は上皮細胞にそもそも限られていると理解していいのでしょうか。ChatGPT 4oに訊いてみました。
Yes, that’s correct! The recipient cells of Sonic Hedgehog (Shh) signals are generally ciliated, as cilia are crucial for proper Shh signaling transduction. In vertebrates, the primary cilium is essential for Shh signaling because it serves as a compartment where key signaling components, like the receptors Patched (Ptch) and Smoothened (Smo), are localized and activated.
Here’s a bit more detail on the process:
- Shh Binding to Patched (Ptch): In the absence of Shh, Ptch inhibits Smoothened (Smo), keeping it out of the cilia. When Shh binds to Ptch, this inhibition is relieved.
- Smoothened Translocation to Cilia: With Ptch inhibition lifted, Smo moves into the cilia. This movement initiates downstream signaling, which eventually leads to the activation of Gli transcription factors and influences gene expression.
- Role of Cilia: The cilium acts as a signaling hub in this process. Cells lacking primary cilia or with defective ciliary function are typically unable to transduce Shh signals effectively, underscoring the importance of cilia in Shh pathway activation.
Since primary cilia are a feature of most epithelial cells, it’s often these ciliated cells that can respond to Shh signaling. However, ciliated cells are not limited to epithelial tissues; some types of neuronal cells, for example, also have primary cilia and can respond to Shh signaling.
SHh-mediated transduction is initiated via extracellular SHh ligand binding to the 12-span transmembrane receptor, PATCHED-1 (PTCH-1) or the redundant receptor PTCH-2, in target cells (9, 10). In the absence of SHh, PTCH-1 and, redundantly, PTCH-2, catalytically inhibit downstream signaling activity with seven-transmembrane G-protein-coupled receptor, Smoothened (SMO) (11–13). Upon SHh binding to PTCH, the inhibitory interaction is terminated through internalization of PTCH, releasing SMO and allowing for phosphorylation to transduce signal into the cytoplasm (14). The resultant signal leads to the component dissociation of a large protein complex comprising of Sufu and GLIs in the cytoplasm, releasing the GLI transcription factors. Finally, the released GLI transcription factors translocate into the nucleus to execute transcriptional activation of specific target genes (15). https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/oncology/articles/10.3389/fonc.2021.673154/full
Vertebrate hedgehog signaling requires the primary cilium, and components of the pathway are localized to cilia (Corbit et al., 2005; Haycraft et al., 2005; Huangfu et al., 2003; Rohatgi et al., 2007). Ptch1 is a Shh receptor and is localized to the cilium in the absence of Shh, whereas Smoothened (Smo) enters the cilium upon Shh stimulation (Corbit et al., 2005; Marigo and Tabin, 1996; Rohatgi et al., 2007). Gli2 and Gli3 proteins mediate the transcriptional response to Shh signaling and are processed to either an activator form (GliA) in the presence of Shh, or to a repressor form (GliR) without Shh ligand (Aza-Blanc et al., 2000; Ruiz i Altaba, 1998). Normally, the relative localization of Ptch1 and Smo shifts upon Shh stimulation, permitting Gli proteins to be enriched in cilia (Chen et al., 2009; Haycraft et al., 2005; Rohatgi et al., 2007; Tukachinsky et al., 2010). https://journals.biologists.com/dev/article/139/21/4062/45364/Temporal-deletion-of-Arl13b-reveals-that-a
After secretion into the extracellular milieu, the 20-kDa domain binds to a transmembrane receptor called patched. In the absence of Shh protein, patched interacts with and inhibits another transmembrane signaling protein called smoothened, repressing the expression of smoothened target genes. In contrast, in the presence of Shh protein, smoothened is no longer inhibited. Instead, it is transported into a primary (non-motile) cilium projecting from the cell’s surface, where it accumulates in the cilium’s cell membrane. This activates an intracellular signaling cascade that results in transcriptional activation of target genes. It is interesting to note that smoothened signaling in mammals involves three proteins (called Gli proteins) that function as transcriptional activators or repressors. These proteins are orthologs of the Drosophila Ci, or cubitus interruptus protein. When Shh is absent, Gli2 and Gli3 are cleaved and act as transcriptional repressors (GliR). When Shh is present, this proteolytic cleavage is inhibited, and Gli2, 3, and Gli1, which is induced in response to Shh signaling, act as transcriptional activators (GliA). The levels (concentration) of Shh determine the ratio of GliA versus GliR in a cell, which in turn determines the fate of that cell (see Fig. 5.19B).
Larsen’s Human Embryology
Yes, in the presence of Shh signaling, Gli1 expression is primarily induced by Gli2 acting as an activator. Here’s how it works:
- Shh Signal Activation: When Shh binds to Ptch, it relieves inhibition on Smoothened (Smo), allowing it to move into the cilia. This initiates downstream signaling events that lead to activation of Gli proteins.
- Role of Gli2 as an Activator: Gli2 is the main transcriptional activator in the Shh pathway. In response to Shh signaling, Gli2 is stabilized and accumulates in its active form, which then translocates to the nucleus to drive the transcription of Shh target genes, including Gli1. Therefore, Gli2 is crucial for inducing Gli1 expression in Shh-responding cells.
- Gli3 as a Repressor: Gli3 predominantly functions as a repressor in the absence of Shh signaling. Without Shh, Gli3 is processed into a repressor form that inhibits target gene expression. In the presence of Shh, Gli3 processing into its repressor form is inhibited, allowing the pathway to activate Gli1 and other target genes through Gli2.
- Gli1 as an Amplifier: Interestingly, Gli1 itself doesn’t act as an initial activator but rather serves as an amplifier of Shh signaling. Once expressed, Gli1 provides positive feedback, reinforcing the activation of Shh target genes.
In summary, Gli2 is the primary inducer of Gli1 expression when Shh signaling is active, with Gli1 serving to further amplify the pathway’s response.
- Shhの濃度と持続時間の役割:
- Shhは、脊椎動物の神経管の背腹軸をパターン化するために、濃度と曝露時間に応じて異なる神経細胞のアイデンティティを生成します。負のフィードバックがShhの分布と細胞内シグナル伝達の持続時間を調整します。
- Gli転写因子の役割:
- Gli転写因子の活性勾配がShhシグナリングの細胞内対応物として機能し、神経管のパターン形成を調整します。Shhの濃度変化はGli活性の変化に対応し、シグナルの持続時間も重要なパラメータです。
- Shhの分泌と受容体の関与:
- Shhは高度に疎水性であり、SCUBEタンパク質によって分泌されます。SCUBE-SHH複合体は直接的にPatched1(PTCH1)受容体を介してシグナルを伝達するのではなく、CDON/BOCおよびGAS1コレセプターを介してシグナルを伝達します。
- Shhの空間的および時間的勾配:
- Shhシグナルの空間的および時間的勾配は、下流の転写ネットワークによって解釈され、細胞の位置情報と遺伝子発現を組織化します。このネットワークはシグナルの変動に対する耐性を提供し、シグナルの記憶を保持します。
- Shhの分布と機能:
- Shhペプチドは、脊椎動物の中枢神経系、体節、四肢のパターン形成に関与し、特定の時期に特定の部位で発現します。Shhの長距離シグナル伝達は、他のシグナルの活性化によって間接的に媒介される可能性があります。
- Shhシグナリングのモデル化:
- Shhシグナリングは、上皮-間葉相互作用を介して、腎線維症の進行を促進します。Shhは、腎臓の線維芽細胞を活性化し、細胞外マトリックスの生成を促進します。