



  1. A catenin-dependent balance between N-cadherin and E-cadherin controls neuroectodermal cell fate choices Mechanisms of Development Volume 152, August 2018, Pages 44-56 Mechanisms of Development https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0925477318300819 Unlabelled Image
  2. N- and E-cadherins in Xenopus are specifically required in the neural and non-neural ectoderm, respectively, for F-actin assembly and morphogenetic movements Development (2009) 136 (8): 1327–1338. https://doi.org/10.1242/dev.031203 15 April 2009 Fig. 3. N-cadherin is required to assemble F-actin in the apical cytoplasm of neural plate cells. (A-D) Injection of a 16-cell embryo (A; the arrow indicates the injected cell) gives rise to labeled clones in the neural plate at st. 14 (B; the dashed line indicates boundaries of the neural plate). Neural plates (C) were stained for F-actin (D). (E) The boundary between N-cadherin-depleted (*) and uninjected (#) cells in a neural plate stained with N-cadherin antibody to show the reduction in N-cadherin protein in the injected cells. (F) Transverse section of a neural plate showing that C-cadherin continues to be expressed in N-cadherin-depleted embryos. (G) The dramatic reduction in F-actin in N-cadherin-depleted cells (red) as compared with untreated neighboring cells of a neural plate. (H) Quantitation of staining intensity for F-actin and of mean apical surface area of injected as compared with untreated cells.(I) Transverse section through the neural plate in G, to show that only the apical regions of the neural plate cells are affected by N-cadherin depletion. White arrows indicate circumferential cortical actin belt. Yellow arrows indicate F-actin assembly is retained in the basal cytoplasm of N-cadherin-depleted neural plate cells. (J) Injection of Xenopus tropicalis N-cadherin mRNA, which does not include sequence complementary to the MO, rescues the F-actin expression in N-cadherin-depleted cells. The left-hand panel shows the RLDX lineage tracer (red); the center panel shows only the F-actin staining in the same specimen. Asterisk indicates the treated cells; #, the untreated region. The right-hand panel shows quantitation of the cortical actin staining from the pixel intensity. ***Statistically significant difference in phalloidin staining between control and N-cadherin-depleted neural plate cells (P<0.001). Scale bars: 50μm, except 100 μm in J and 200 μm in D.