


FLIR Lepton(センサモジュール)

SparkFun FLiR Lepton Camera Module(YOUTUBE)

FLIR X6550sc

FLIR A655sc-7 LWIR Science-Grade Camera 640 x 480 thermal image    image transfer over GigE Vision    Stream data directly to a PC running software for live viewing, recording, analysis Your Price: $28,330.00 tequipment.net

FLIRA325sc リアルタイムでの解析 が可能 な赤外線 320×420ピクセルの熱画像を生成する非冷却酸化パナジウム(Vox) のマイクロボロメーター検知器 GIGE VisionTM規格との互換性 https://www.flirmedia.com/MMC/THG/Brochures/RND_010/RND_010_JP.pdf

  1. FLIR A35(W)  PoE(パワー・オーバー・イーサネット) 1本のLANケーブルでデータ収集と電力供給が可能 精度定格 測定値の±5%または±5℃のどちらか大きい方 通常価格: 693,000 円(税込) 新古品アウトレット 販売価格: 519,750 (税込)
  2. FLIR -4 to 2,192°F (-20 to 1,200°C) Thermal Imaging Camera mscdirect.com 4″ Color LCD Touchscreen Display, SD Card Storage Capacity, 384 x 288 Resolution Web Price $12,500.00 ea.

FLIR社 x Matlab


  1. Thermal analysis with FLIR camera MathWorks
  2. FLIR Thermal Face Detection and Tracking in Matlab Teledyne FLIR YOUTUBE
  3. Opening FLIR Movies with Matlab Software YOUTUBE 向きが変わった場合の顔の認識
  4. FLIR Thermal Face Detection and Tracking in Matlab YOUTUBE
  5. Thermal Analysis with MATLAB and FLIR cameras YOUTUBE
  6. “Thermal Analysis with MATLAB and FLIR Cameras” demo files


  1. Nostril in RGB Imaginary by Using NI Vision LabVIEW Proceedings of Engineering and Technology Innovation, vol.4,2016, pp. 37-39 we used FLIR thermal cameraP384-20 that has resolution 384 x 288 pixels with 50 frames per second (fps) in color mode.
  2. ThermoVision LabView Digital Toolkit Ver.3.1.  (PDF) FLIR SYSTEMS ThermoVision A20, A40、ThermoVision 320M、SC500, SC2000, SC3000, SC1000
  3. Grabbing an image from a FLIR A615 using LabVIEW Markus Tarin
  1. FLIRフリアースカウトⅡ320 サーマル暗視スコープ (税込 386,100円) satosokuteiki.com
  2. サーマルカメラ satosokuteiki.com


  1. IR camera temperature data integrated with LabVIEW and MATLAB software Published: 08 June, 2017 Fluke has introduced a new software feature that integrates high-resolution thermal data from the company’s TiX580 and TiX560 infrared cameras with National Instruments’ LabVIEW and MathWorks’ MATLAB software


  1. Software tutorial | LabVIEW integration 動画


  1. みえちゃう?! 赤外線アレイセンサーAMG8833【電子工作始めますか?】 Signal Flag “Z” AMG8833 画素8x8
  2. AMG8833 ROBOKITS INDIA 8X8 GRID EYE INFRARED/IR ARRAY THERMAL CAMERA SENSOR 2D TEMPRATURE DETECTION 7METER I2C INTERFACE  The AMG8833 thermal imaging camera sensor is an 8×8 infrared thermal sensor array.It has a temperature measurement range of 0°C to 80°C (32°F to 176°F).When connected to your microcontroller (or Raspberry Pi), it will return a set of 64 separate infrared temperature readings via I2C.


InfraTec GmbH Infrarotsensorik und Messtechnik(ドイツ)

  1. PIR uc 605 Category Industrial thermal cameras DirectIndustry
  2. VarioCAM® HDx head S
  3. VarioCAM® HDx head 600 GigE-Vision interface for camera control and data acquisition


赤外線サーモグラフィカメラ InfReC TS600シリーズ ±2°Cまたは±2%の高精度で温度計測 160万円(日経テック 低価格な設置型の赤外線サーモグラフィーカメラ「InfRec TS600」シリーズを開発、2017年2月上旬に発売する。価格を従来製品の半分以下)


サーモグラフィ(赤外線・1024画素・乾電池式) CHE-TG32  JANコード 4969887888575 標準価格 ¥58,080(税抜き ¥52,800) 測定温度精度 ±2℃または±2% -20℃~300℃の幅広い温度測定が可能 microSDメモリに画像データを保存 赤外線解像度32×32(1,024)ピクセルの解像度


try-e.co.jp 発熱者検出用に特化。販売価格 P.D.Cam-Advanced:\150,000(税込/送料別) P.D.Cam-Pro:¥165,000円(税込/送料別) (※価格はAdvanced、Proともに付属品 + 専用アプリ「P.D.Cam Viewer」を含む)


What are IR Camera Lenses Made Of? | Teledyne FLIR What lens is used in a thermal camera? Infrared cameras, on the other hand, make images from heat, aka infrared or thermal radiation, instead of visible light. It’s for this reason that FLIR camera lenses are made of germanium or other materials that are transparent in the infrared spectrum.Apr 30, 2021


  1. Explained: Night Vision vs Thermal Imaging A good night vision unit, even weapon-mountable models, can be had for a few hundred dollars, but thermal imagers will set you back at least $2,000