



問題は食事してしばらくたったあと、あるいは、激しい運動をしてグルコースが枯渇してきた場合です。エネルギー源の貯蔵形態であるグリコーゲンや脂肪酸も枯渇してくると、なんとかしてグルコースを作らなければなりません。そのような状況で働くのが「糖新生」の代謝経路で、肝臓で主として起こります。「糖新生は肝臓で起こる」というのが一つ大事なポイント。なぜかというと、グルコース-6リン酸からグルコースになるステップ(糖新生の最終ステップであり、解糖系の最初のステップでもある)に必要な酵素グルコース-6-ホスファターゼが筋肉には存在せず、肝臓にあるためです。解糖系でグルコースがグルコース6リン酸になるときに働く酵素は別あって、ヘキソキナーゼという酵素でした。一般的に化学反応は可逆反応だといわれますが、なぜヘキソキナーゼが逆反応を触媒できないのかというと、それはこの反応の自由エネルギー変化の大きさのせいです。自由エネルギー変化が0に近い場合は、可逆反応になります。自由エネルギー変化が非常に大きい(グルコースとATPがグルコース6リン酸とADPになる場合のΔG=-33.4 kJ/mol)ので、逆変化のΔG=+33.4 kJ/molとなり逆反応が起きなくなります。

  1. Chandel『代謝ナビゲーション』26~27ページ
  2. https://www.cliffsnotes.com/study-guides/biology/biochemistry-i/introduction-to-biological-energy-flow/free-energy-calculations
  3. Glucose-6-Phosphatase Information
  4. Why is the reaction glucose to glucose 6-phosphate mediated by hexokinase not reversible in glyconeogenesis? (https://chat.openai.com/chat) The reaction of glucose to glucose-6-phosphate, which is catalyzed by hexokinase, is an irreversible step in glycolysis. This reaction is also not reversible in gluconeogenesis. One of the main reasons for this irreversibility is the large negative free energy change that occurs during the hexokinase-catalyzed reaction. The hydrolysis of ATP that occurs during this reaction releases a large amount of free energy, making the reaction highly exergonic. This energy is then used to drive the formation of glucose-6-phosphate. In addition, glucose-6-phosphate is trapped within the cell since it cannot diffuse across the plasma membrane due to its negative charge. In gluconeogenesis, glucose-6-phosphate is produced from fructose-6-phosphate through a different enzyme called glucose-6-phosphatase. This enzyme catalyzes the hydrolysis of glucose-6-phosphate to glucose and inorganic phosphate, which allows glucose to be released from the cell and transported to other tissues.

    Overall, the irreversible nature of the hexokinase-catalyzed reaction is an important feature of glucose metabolism, as it ensures that glucose is rapidly and efficiently converted to glucose-6-phosphate for energy production, and that glucose-6-phosphate is effectively trapped within the cell for further metabolism.



ピルビン酸 CH3-C(=O)-COOH  + グルタミン酸H2N-CH(-COOH)-CH2-CH2-COOH

アラニンCH3-C(-NH2)-COOH +αケトグルタル酸 C(=O)(-COOH)-CH2-CH2-COOH





  1. マークス臨床生化学400ページ


アミノ酸H2N-CH(-COOH)-側鎖  +αケトグルタル酸 C(=O)(-COOH)-CH2-CH2-COOH

αケト酸 C(=O)(-COOH)-側鎖 + グルタミン酸H2N-CH(-COOH)-CH2-CH2-COOH


  1. マークス臨床生化学541ページ、598ページ



質問:When alanine is preferred and when lactate is prefferred in gluconeogenesis as a starting materials?


In gluconeogenesis, both alanine and lactate can be used as starting materials for glucose synthesis, but their utilization is dependent on the specific metabolic conditions. Alanine is typically preferred as a starting material in gluconeogenesis when there is a high demand for glucose and when amino acids are being mobilized from muscle tissue. During intense exercise or prolonged fasting, skeletal muscle breaks down protein to release amino acids, including alanine. Alanine is then transported to the liver where it is converted to pyruvate and used in gluconeogenesis to produce glucose. The conversion of alanine to pyruvate also generates ammonium ions, which can be incorporated into the urea cycle and excreted in urine. Thus, alanine is an important source of both glucose and nitrogen during times of high energy demand. Lactate, on the other hand, is preferred as a starting material in gluconeogenesis when there is a high demand for glucose and a shortage of oxygen. During intense exercise, the demand for ATP exceeds the supply of oxygen, leading to the production of lactate via anaerobic metabolism. Lactate is then transported to the liver, where it is converted to pyruvate and used in gluconeogenesis to produce glucose. This process is important for maintaining blood glucose levels during periods of intense exercise or hypoxia.

Overall, the utilization of alanine or lactate in gluconeogenesis is dependent on the metabolic state of the organism and the specific demands for glucose production.





  1. ChatGPTが米医師資格試験で合格ライン 医学学習支援に活用できる可能性も 2023年02月17日 17:40 MedicalTribune


質問:What is the difference between glucose-alanine cycle and glucose-lactate cycle?


The glucose-alanine cycle and the glucose-lactate cycle are two different metabolic pathways that occur in the body during periods of intense exercise or prolonged fasting.

The glucose-alanine cycle, also known as the Cori cycle, is a metabolic pathway that occurs in the liver and skeletal muscles. During periods of intense exercise, skeletal muscles break down glycogen to produce glucose. The glucose is then transported to the liver, where it is converted to pyruvate and then to alanine, which is released into the bloodstream. The alanine is transported back to the skeletal muscles, where it is converted back to pyruvate and used to regenerate glucose through gluconeogenesis. The glucose is then transported back to the liver, completing the cycle. ん?よくわからないせつめい。

In contrast, the glucose-lactate cycle, also known as the Lactic acid cycle, is a metabolic pathway that occurs in the skeletal muscles. During periods of intense exercise, the skeletal muscles break down glycogen to produce glucose, which is then converted to pyruvate through glycolysis. Under conditions of low oxygen, pyruvate is converted to lactate instead of being further metabolized to produce energy. The lactate is then transported to the liver, where it can be converted back to glucose through gluconeogenesis.

The key difference between the two cycles is the end product that is transported from the muscles to the liver. In the glucose-alanine cycle, alanine is transported, whereas in the glucose-lactate cycle, lactate is transported. Additionally, the glucose-lactate cycle occurs entirely within the skeletal muscles and liver, while the glucose-alanine cycle occurs between the liver and skeletal muscles. これもよくわからない説明



【コリ回路・グルコースアラニン回路】この一本で完結する!テストから国試までのポイントを糖新生と結びつけて理解しよう! 薬juku【薬学生向けテスト対策】