Midline estimating statistic of rhythm (MESOR)とは


周期的な測定データを回帰モデルで表現する場合にMidline estimating statistic of rhythm (MESOR)というものが登場することがあります。

回帰モデル式 Y(t) = M + A*cos (2*pi*t / τ + φ) + e(t)

M: the MESOR (Midline Statistic Of Rhythm, a rhythm-adjusted mean

A: the amplitude (a measure of half the extent of predictable variation within a cycle)

φ: the φ is the acrophase (a measure of the time of overall high values recurring in each cycle)

τ: the period (duration of one cycle)

e(t): the error term

参考 Cosinor-based rhythmometry Germaine Cornelissen Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling2014,11:16

  1. Cosinor-based rhythmometry Germaine Cornelissen Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling2014,11:16
  2. REFINETTI et al. Procedures for numerical analysis of circadian rhythms. Biol Rhythm Res. 2007; 38(4): 275–325. doi: 10.1080/09291010600903692