上部尿路がん Upper Tract Urothelial Carcinomaと膀胱がん



Upper-Tract Urothelial Cancer Guidelines Webcast (2023) AUAUniversity チャンネル登録者数 1.48万人


Emerging Therapies for Upper Tract Urothelial Carcinoma | Nicholas Donin, MD | UCLAMDChat UCLA Health チャンネル登録者数 53.6万人

  1. 尿路上皮がん:尿路(膀胱、腎盂、尿管)の尿路上皮から発生する悪性腫瘍
  2. 膀胱に発生する膀胱がんと、腎盂、尿管(上部尿路)に発生する上部尿路がんに分けられる
  3. 空間的多発性:上部尿路にがんがある場合、膀胱がんが併存、逆に膀胱にがんがある場合、上部尿路にがんが併存することが多い
  4. 時間的多発性:再発を繰り返すことが多い
尿路上皮がん - 鳥取大学医学部附属病院 がんセンター
TREATMENT がん診療について 膀胱がんはまず膀胱鏡検査、尿細胞診、CT、MRIで臨床的病期を決定し


Embryological origins: mesoderm vs. endoderm

The bladder and urethra develop from the endoderm, the innermost of the three primary germ layers in an early embryo.The bladder develops from the upper end of the urogenital sinus, which is lined with endoderm and continuous with the allantois.


The ureters are derived from intermediate mesoderm during embryology.The intermediate mesoderm divides into the nephrogenic ridge, which forms the ureters, and the gonadal ridge, which forms the gonads.The urogenital ridge, a region of intermediate mesoderm, is the source of the embryonic kidney and the gonad, which gives rise to the urinary system.


The renal pelvis is derived from the ureteric bud, which is an outgrowth of the mesonephric duct, which originates from intermediate mesoderm.


  1. https://radiologykey.com/embryology-anatomy-and-variants-of-the-genitourinary-tract/


  • 尿路上皮がん urothelial cancer
  • 腎盂 renal pelvis
  • 尿管 ureter
  • 膀胱 bladder
  • 尿道 urethra
  • 上部尿路がん Upper Tract Urothelial Carcinoma