Desmoplastic Small Round Cell Tumor (DSRCT)


Desmoplastic Small Round Cell Tumorとは

Desmoplastic (des-moe-PLAS-tik) small round cell tumors are a type of soft tissue cancer that typically begins in the abdomen. Rarely, this type of cancer can occur in other parts of the body. (


Desmoplastic small round cell tumors, or DSRCT, are tumors that grow in the abdomen and pelvic area of the body. Desmoplastic small round cell tumors are a type of soft tissue sarcoma, which is a type of cancer that forms in the connective tissue of the body. Connective tissues include fat, muscles, tendons, lymph and blood vessels, and nerves. (Desmoplastic Small Round Cell Tumors (DSRCT)


Desmoplastic Small Round Cell Tumorの病理学

Desmoplastic Small Round Cell Tumor: 5-Minute Pathology Pearls 2020/10/26 Jerad Gardner, MD



  1. Desmoplastic small round cell tumor of the kidney: a case report. Diagnostic Pathology volume 15, Article number: 95 (2020) Published: 23 July 2020
  2. Indian J Med Paediatr Oncol. 2010 Jan-Mar; 31(1): 24–27. doi: 10.4103/0971-5851.68849 PMCID: PMC2941599 PMID: 20931017 Intra-abdominal desmoplastic small round cell tumor: Presentation of four cases and review of the literature.
  3. Intra-abdominal desmoplastic small round cell tumour.  Cirugía y Cirujanos (English Edition)Vol. 83. Issue 3. pages 243-248 (May – June 2015) DOI: 10.1016/j.circen.2015.09.029
  4. Intraabdominal desmoplastic small round cell tumor: Report of a case and literature review International Journal of Surgery Case Reports Volume 2, Issue 8, 2011, Pages 293-296
  5. intra-abdominal desmoplastic small-round-cell tumorの1例 臨床放射線2000.03 45巻5号445~448



  1. Greater omentum大網(たいもう・だいもう) Omentum majus 大網は胃の大弯から広がっている腸管の表面にエプロンのように下垂している二重の腹膜葉。
  2. Omentum は“だいもう”ですか?“たいもう”ですか?」と手術中に聞かれた。それまで“たいもう”と呼び慣わ していたから、とっさに「“たいもう”です」と答えた。その後いろいろと考えた末、今では“だいもう”と読むことに している。その理由は、「小網(しょうもう)」の存在である。(リンク 熊本大学大学院生命科学研究部産科婦人科学 教授 片渕秀隆)