



  1. 重力とカエル卵の発生 宇宙生物学  Vol.2, No.1, 16-24 (1988)総説 https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/bss/2/1/2_1_16/_pdf/-char/en



  1. https://ocw.u-tokyo.ac.jp/lecture_files/gf_02/1/notes/ja/asashima01.pdf


Wntシグナリングにはカノニカル経路と、非カノニカル経路とがあります。カノニカル経路は古くから研究が進んで明らかとなったほうの経路といった意味合いだと思います。具体的にはβ-カテニンが関与する経路の方です。それに対して非カノニカル経路の一つが、PCP経路です。PCPは、planer cell polarityの略で、平面上に並んだ上皮性の細胞の極性が揃うことを指します。







Fig. 1


  • APC(adenomatous polyposis coli)タンパク質は、2843アミノ酸残基からなる大きなタンパク質で、がん化や形態形成に重要な役割を果たします。WNTシグナル経路のシグナル伝達因子であるβ-カテニンに結合して、その分解を誘導することでWNTシグナル経路を抑制します。
  • Behrens, J; von Kries, JP; Kühl, M; Bruhn, L; Wedlich, D; Grosschedl, R; Birchmeier, W (15 August 1996). “Functional interaction of beta-catenin with the transcription factor LEF-1.”. Nature 382 (6592): 638–42. https://www.nature.com/articles/382638a0
    • Wntシグナル伝達機構がβ-カテニンタンパク質の細胞質存在量を調節し、その結果としてβ-カテニンが細胞核へ移行することのみが知られていた。しかしながら、β-カテニンにはDNA結合ドメインが存在せず、核内でどのようにWnt標的遺伝子を調節しているのかは不明であった。この発見を受けて、Wntシグナルによって調節されたβ-カテニンは細胞核でTCF/LEF型DNA結合タンパク質に結合し、TCF/LEFが’CTTTG’からなるコア周辺のコンセンサス配列(Wnt応答エレメント [Wnt response element, WRE])を認識しているというモデルが確立された(ウィキペディア)



  1. T-cell factor (TCF) and lymphoid enhancer-binding factor (LEF) transcription factors share homology in their DNA binding domain with members of the High Mobility Group (HMG) box transcription factors family. (Search Labs | AI による概要)
  2. Wnt3a–/–like phenotype and limb deficiency in Lef1(–/–)Tcf1(–/–) mice. Genes Dev. 13, 709-717. Galceran, J., Farinas, I., Depew, M. J., Clevers, H. and Grosschedl, R. (1999).
  3. 2016年6月20日 発表 掲載誌Journal of Clinical Investigation(2016) doi:10.1172/JCI84658 細胞外分泌タンパク質Dickkopf1 (Dkk1)は、Wntシグナル阻害因子として報告されており古くは腫瘍抑制因子と考えられていました。一方で、Dkk1は膵がんや肺がん、食道がん、乳がん等において過剰発現しており、近年Dkk1にはがん細胞の増殖を促進する機能があると推測されていましたが、そのメカニズムは不明でした。 https://www.med.osaka-u.ac.jp/activities/results/2016year/article16

Planer cell polarity平面内細胞極性とは?

Planer cell polarity平面内細胞極性とは

undefined Cartoon representation of Planar Cell Polarity in fly wing hair cells and mouse paw hair cellsFigure 1. (A and B) Drosophila cuticular wing hair cells of the adult wing. Wing hairs point distally (to the right) in wild-type (WT) animals (A) but lose orientation in PCP mutants (fz) (B). (C and D) Hairs on the mouse paw point away from the body (pointing up) in WT (C) but grow in a swirling pattern in PCP mutants (fz6) (D). Inspired by the work of Paul Adler (A and B) and Guo et al. (2004) (C and D). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planar_cell_polarity


ヒトを含む幅広い生物種は、発生過程で特定の組織において平面内細胞極性(Planar Cell Polarity; PCP)を獲得することが知られています。平面内細胞極性とは、平面上に並んだ多数の細胞が一定方向に沿って形成する細胞極性のことで、哺乳類の体毛や魚類の鱗が一定の方向に生えそろうためにはこの平面内細胞極性の形成が非常に重要です。https://www.nibb.ac.jp/press/2022/07/13.html

Formation of planar cell polarity. A-D. Establishment of planar ...

Biophysics in oviduct: Planar cell polarity, cilia, epithelial fold and tube morphogenesis, egg dynamics February 2019 Biophysics and Physicobiology 16:89-107 DOI:10.2142/biophysico.16.0_89 LicenseCC BY-NC-SA  https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Formation-of-planar-cell-polarity-A-D-Establishment-of-planar-cell-polarity-PCP-is_fig1_331338403


figure 1

Planar cell polarity pathway in kidney development, function and disease Nature Reviews Nephrology volume 17, pages369–385 (2021)


figure 4Published: 15 March 2017 Planar cell polarity in development and disease Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology volume 18, pages375–388 (2017) https://www.nature.com/articles/nrm.2017.11

Planer cell polarity平面内細胞極性が生じるメカニズム


雑誌名 Development 掲載日 2022年6月16日 オンライン公開 論文タイトル: Alignment of the cell long axis by unidirectional tension acts cooperatively with Wnt signalling to establish planar cell polarity 著者:Sayuki Hirano, Yusuke Mii, Guillaume Charras, Tatsuo Michiue DOI: 10.1242/dev.200515




Wntの細胞内情報伝達機構にはいくつかの種類があります。カノニカル経路といわれるのはβ-カテニン経路です。カノニカル canonical とは「正規の」の意味。どっちを正規と呼ぶかは主観の問題なので、研究の歴史において早くから明らかになった経路がカノニカルなのでしょう。


In cell biology, the term “canonical pathway” refers to the standard, well-characterized, or classical version of a signal transduction pathway that is typically the most commonly studied and understood version. In the context of signal transduction, when we refer to the canonical Wnt pathway, for example, it typically means the Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway, which is the main or classical route by which Wnt signaling regulates gene expression.

Key Features of a Canonical Pathway:

  • Main or classical pathway: It is the primary signaling route through which a ligand (e.g., Wnt, Hedgehog, etc.) exerts its effects on the cell.
  • Specific downstream components: In a canonical pathway, specific downstream molecules are activated in a well-established sequence (e.g., Wnt binds to its receptor, leading to the stabilization of β-catenin, which translocates to the nucleus to regulate gene expression).
  • General or broad role: Canonical pathways often have broader and more general roles in regulating various cellular processes such as differentiation, proliferation, and development.


  1. Canonical Wnt pathway: Refers to the Wnt/β-catenin pathway, where Wnt signaling stabilizes β-catenin to activate gene transcription.
  2. Canonical TGF-β pathway: Involves the activation of Smad2 and Smad3, which translocate to the nucleus and regulate gene expression.

In contrast, non-canonical pathways are alternative signaling routes that do not follow the classical mechanism and often involve different downstream components and processes, like the Wnt/PCP (planar cell polarity) pathway or Wnt/Ca2+ pathway.


The term “canonical pathway” in signal transduction refers to the classical or standard version of a signaling pathway that involves well-defined molecules and mechanisms, widely studied and understood. (ChatGPTの解説)




左右差を生み出すものが線毛だったという1998年のセル論文は自分には大きな驚きでしたが、その発見は突然現れたものではなく、状況証拠がありました。左右が逆転する突然変異体の原因遺伝子が軸糸ダイニン(axonemal dynein)だったという論文が1997年にでています。

  1. Mutation of an axonemal dynein affects left-right asymmetry in inversus viscerum mice D M Supp 1, D P Witte, S S Potter, M Brueckner Nature 1997https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9353118/

Mechanism of Ciliary Movement || Structure of Cilia || How do Cilia Move? || Mucociliary Clearnace Nonstop Neuron チャンネル登録者数 13.9万人

How Do Cilia and Flagella Move? XVIVO Scientific Animation チャンネル登録者数 5.64万人


Randomization of Left–Right Asymmetry due to Loss of Nodal Cilia Generating Leftward Flow of Extraembryonic Fluid in Mice Lacking KIF3B Motor Protein Shigenori Nonaka ∙ Yosuke Tanaka ∙ Yasushi Okada ∙ Sen Takeda ∙ Akihiro Harada ∙ Yoshimitsu Kanai ∙ Mizuho Kido ∙ Nobutaka Hirokawa* Cell Volume 95, Issue 6p829-837December 11, 1998 https://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(00)81705-5

訂正 In this paper (Cell 95[6], 829–837), we described the direction of the nodal cilia rotation as counterclockwise (Figure 6B). However, our recent analyses with higher spatiotemporal resolution revealed that the actual direction is clockwise when seen from the ventral side (above the nodal pit cells). In our previous observation with lower temporal resolution (10 frames per second), the direction of the rapid rotation (∼10 rounds per second) of the nodal cilia was misinterpreted due to the artifact caused by the strobe effect. ‥ For further details, refer to our recent paper Y. Okada et al. (Molecular Cell, 1999, in press). https://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(00)80067-7



  1. Nodal Flow and the Generation of Left-Right Asymmetry Cell Volume 125, Issue 1, 7 April 2006, Pages 33-45 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S009286740600300X このレビュー論文では線毛が動く様子や蛍光ビーズが左側に流れていく様子などを示したわかりやすい動画も掲載されています。


  1. Molecular anatomy of emerging Xenopus left–right organizer at successive developmental stages Natalia Petri, Alexandra Vetrova, Nikoloz Tsikolia, Stanislav Kremnyov Developmental Dynamics First published: 27 June 2024 https://doi.org/10.1002/dvdy.722
  2. R-Spondin 2 governs Xenopus left-right body axis formation by establishing an FGF signaling gradient Nature Communications  Published: 02 February 2024
  3. A dual function of FGF signaling in Xenopus left-right axis formation Isabelle Schneider, Jennifer Kreis, Axel Schweickert, Martin Blum, Philipp Vick Development 01 January 2019  https://journals.biologists.com/dev/article/doi/10.1242/dev.173575/264844/am/A-dual-function-of-FGF-signaling-in-Xenopus-left
  4. Physical limits of flow sensing in the left-right organizer Jun 14, 2017 https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.25078 Two hypotheses have been proposed for asymmetric flow detection. According to the chemosensing hypothesis, the directional flow establishes a LR asymmetric chemical gradient that is detected by signaling systems which leads to LR asymmetric gene expression and cell responses in the LRO (Okada et al., 2005). The mechanosensing hypothesis, on the other hand, proposes that the LRO cells can detect the mechanical effects of flow. It has been suggested that this mechanosensing is mediated by a particular type of sensory cilia that is able to trigger a local, asymmetric response of the so-called crown cells, which are located at the periphery of the node (mouse LRO) (McGrath et al., 2003Tabin and Vogan, 2003).
  5. Cerberus–Nodal–Lefty–Pitx signaling cascade controls left–right asymmetry in amphioxus Save Related Papers Chat with paper Guang Li, Xian Liu, Chaofan Xing, +2, and Yiquan Wang PNAS March 20, 2017; 114 (14) 3684-3689 https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.1620519114
  6. The Left-Right Coordinator: The Role of Vg1 in Organizing Left-Right Axis Formation Cell 3 April 1998; Volume 93, Issue 1, Pages 37-46
  7. Developmental Biology Volume 189, Issue 1, 1 September 1997, Pages 68-78 Developmental Biology Regular Article Organizer Induction Determines Left–Right Asymmetry inXenopus





Spemannは、原口背唇部をオーガナイザー(発生過程全体を組織化する、発生の主催者といった意味合いがある)と呼んだのですが、原口背唇部をオーガナイザーと呼ぶことには、当時から強い異論がありました。Spemann自身1938年の著作で「私は現象の目覚ましさを表現しただけで、オーガナイザー説を唱えているわけではない」[1]と述べ、Spemann門下の2巨匠であるJohannes HoltfreterとVictor Hamburgerが1955年までの両生類の胚操作の研究を網羅的にまとめた総説[2]では、彼らは「仮にオーガナイザーと呼ぶことにする」と注意深く記載しており、Holtfreterは「オーガナイザーは名前のつけ損ない(misnomer)」[3]と言い切り、Hamburgerも1988年の名著「実験発生学が遺したもの:ハンス・シュペーマンとオーガナイザー」[4] の中で、オーガナイザーという考え方は再検討すべきだということを慎重な表現の中で幾度も述べています。


発生生物学の静かな革命 VOL.1 実験発生学とオーガナイザー 近藤寿人(JT生命誌研究館 顧問・表現ディレクター) JT生命誌研究館https://www.brh.co.jp/research/hisato_kondo/1/


  • 胚細胞の大掛かりな移動(原腸陥入)が起きている領域がある
  • 別の胚(宿主胚)の他の場所に移植すると(例え不完全であったとしても)主に宿主胚の細胞から構成される2つ目の胚構造を生み出すという働きをする
  • 2つ目の胚構造を構成する胚の部分としては、(1)頭部、(2)骨格や筋肉そのほかのもととしての中胚葉組織、(3)胴体の中心線に沿って伸びる、もう一つの中胚葉組織である脊索、(4)消化管のもとになる内胚葉組織など

発生生物学の静かな革命 VOL.1 実験発生学とオーガナイザー 近藤寿人(JT生命誌研究館 顧問・表現ディレクター) JT生命誌研究館https://www.brh.co.jp/research/hisato_kondo/1/


  • 『他の脊椎動物の胚の発生も「オーガナイザー」という中核的な組織の働きに依存して発生するはずである』
  • 哺乳類と鳥類の胚ではノード(ヘンゼン結節とも呼ばれる)といわれる小領域、魚類胚では胚盾と呼ばれる不均一な組織集団が、実験に基づく根拠があやふやな状況で「オーガナイザー」であると決め付けられてしまった
  • 次のような図がまことしやかに教科書に描かれるように


発生生物学の静かな革命 VOL.1 実験発生学とオーガナイザー 近藤寿人(JT生命誌研究館 顧問・表現ディレクター) JT生命誌研究館 https://www.brh.co.jp/research/hisato_kondo/1/

  1. On the nature and function of organizers Alfonso Martinez Arias ORCID logo , Ben Steventon ORCID logo Author and article information Development (2018) 145 (5): dev159525. 09 March 2018  https://doi.org/10.1242/dev.159525


The avian organizer THOMAS BOETTGER1, HENDRIK KNOETGEN, LARS WITTLER and MICHAEL KESSEL* Int. J. Dev. Biol. 45: 281-287 (2001) https://ijdb.ehu.eus/article/pdf/11291858


Inductive Effects of Grafted Hensen’s Node

Hensen’s node taken from stage 4 to stage 9 quail embryos (the majority was from stage 4) was transplanted to different sides of the axis of stage 4 to stage 6 chick embryos in the area pellucida. The graft differentiated into notochord, neural tissues, somites, and mesenchymal cells, and could also induce the associated host ectoderm to form neural tissue, as described previously (Gallera, 1971; Hornbruch et al., 1979). However, after examining the host embryos in detail, we found that a third axiswas formed in many host embryos besides the secondary axis formed by the grafted Hensen’s node itself (Fig. 8). The third axis was duplicated entirely from host tissue and usually contained a neural tube and somites (Fig. 9). As shown in Table 4, the stage 4 embryo was again the most sensitive to the inductive action of Hensen’s node. Like RA, Hensen’s node grafted on the left side or anterior side of the host axis could cause the duplication of the host axis most frequently (see Table 4). However, Hensen’s node produces more complicated inductive effects than RA. When Hensen’s node was grafted on the right side of the stage 4 host axis, it could also induce a third axis. Stage 5 embryos still responded to the inductive action of grafted Hensen’s node and yielded a third axis. Interestingly, if stage 5 embryos were used as the hosts, only those hosts that received a grafted Hensen’s node on the right side of their axis showed the duplication of the host axis. These results suggested that Hensen’s node might contain another inducing factor that acts like RA but in the opposite direction or might be more potent than the RA beads. However, if stage 6 embryos were used as hosts, grafted Hensen’s node failed to cause axial duplication in the hosts. When primitive streak taken from stage 4 to stage 6 quail embryos was transplanted to stage 4 chick blastoderms as a control experiment, none of the total 12 cases showed host axis duplication (Fig. 8).


DEVELOPMENTAL DYNAMICS 19514%151 (1992) Comparison of Hensen’s Node and Retinoic Acid in Secondary Axis Induction in the Early Chick Embryo YIPING CHEN AND MICHAEL SOLURSH

  1. Gallera, J. (1971) Primary induction in birds. Adv. Morphog. 9:149-180 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/B978012028609650008X
  2. Hornbruch, A,, Summerbell, D., and Wolpert, L. (1979) Somite formation in the early chick embryo following grafts of Hensen’s node. J. Embryol. Exp. Morphol. 51:51-62. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/479748/


The organizer and neural induction in birds and mammals ...



Consensus.aiで「ニワトリ胚でHensen’s nodeを異所性に移植すると、完全な体軸が誘導され、ホスト由来の神経組織を含む完全な胚軸が形成されるか?」と訊いてみると、100%YESの回答がきました。しかし根拠として挙げられてている論文を見ると、どうも全然根拠になっていないようです。生成AIは、適当に答えをでっちあげている可能性があります。生成AIはネット上の文書をインプットしているので、ネット上の文書が間違っていると、それらを統合した出力も当然間違っていることになります。

完全な体軸の誘導:Hensen’s nodeを異所性に移植すると、ホスト由来の神経組織を含む完全な体軸が形成されることが示されています

神経誘導の能力:Hensen’s nodeは、異所性に移植された場合に新しい神経軸を誘導する能力があり、特に若い段階のnodeが強い誘導能力を持つことが確認されています

ホストとドナーの寄与:異所性に移植されたHensen’s nodeは、ホスト由来の神経組織を誘導し、ドナー由来の組織と融合することなく独立して発達することが観察されています

年齢の影響:Hensen’s nodeの年齢が神経誘導の結果に影響を与え、若いnodeは前部および後部の神経系を誘導し、年齢が進むと後部の神経系のみを誘導する傾向があります

分子メカニズム:Hensen’s nodeによる神経誘導には、特定の転写因子や分泌分子が関与しており、これらが胚全体に拡散して神経板の形成を誘導することが示唆されています

結論 Hensen’s nodeを異所性に移植すると、ホスト由来の神経組織を含む完全な体軸が形成されることが複数の研究で確認されています。この能力は、特に若い段階のnodeで顕著であり、神経誘導には特定の分子メ THOMAS BOETTGER1, HENDRIK KNOETGEN, LARS WITTLER  THOMAS BOETTGER1, HENDRIK KNOETGEN, LARS WITTLER R 

  1. The avian organizer THOMAS BOETTGER1, HENDRIK KNOETGEN, LARS WITTLER and MICHAEL KESSEL* Int. J. Dev. Biol. 45: 281-287 (2001) https://ijdb.ehu.eus/article/pdf/11291858
  2. Restoration of the organizer after radical ablation of Hensen’s node and the anterior primitive streak in the chick embryo Delphine Psychoyos, Claudio D. Stern Author and article information Development (1996) 122 (10): 3263–3273. 01 October 1996 https://doi.org/10.1242/dev.122.10.3263 https://journals.biologists.com/dev/article/122/10/3263/38976/Restoration-of-the-organizer-after-radical
  3. Axis development in avian embryos: the ability of Hensen’s node to self-differentiate, as analyzed with heterochronic grafting experiments Takayuki Inagaki, Gary C. Schoenwolf  Anat Embryol (1993) 188:1-11 Type-3 experiments. Ten cases of ectopic embryos were obtained from the 13 host blastoderms. In such ectopic embryos, the transplanted nodes self-differentiated into notochord, somites, mesenchyme, and endoderm; the host’s ectoderm typically responded to the grafted cells by forming a neural tube, which often had a morphology characteristic of that of rostral brain levels (i.e., forebrain and midbrain (Figs. 10, 11). https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF00191446 この写真をみても外観を見る限り、きれいな2次軸が形成されるというほどではないようです。組織切片をみて、それぞれの組織への分化が確認できたとのことのようです。
  4. Formation of ectopic neurepithelium in chick blastoderms: Age-related capacities for induction and self-differentiation following transplantation of quail Hensen’s nodes Mark S. Dias, Dr. Gary C. Schoenwolf First published: December 1990 https://doi.org/10.1002/ar.1092280410 本文有料
  5. Neural induction and regionalisation in the chick embryo. Yes 若いヘンゼン結節 (ステージ 2 ~ 4) は前部神経系と後部神経系の両方を誘導しますが、古い結節 (ステージ 5 ~ 6) は後部神経系のみを生成します。 Development Kg Storey et al. 261 Citations 1992
  6. Multiple neural inductions in area opaca by grafts of the Hensen’s node do not retard host chick embryo development. Yes ヘンゼン結節の移植による不透明領域での複数の神経誘導は、宿主のニワトリ胚の発育を遅らせない。 Indian journal of experimental biology G. Guttikar et al. 3 Citations 1993
  7. Neural induction and regionalisation by different subpopulations of cells in Hensen’s node. Unknown 神経誘導能はヘンゼン結節の内側部の胚盤葉上層と中内胚葉に局在しているが、後外側部の深部にはこの能はない。 Development Kate G. Storey et al. 56 Citations 1995


灰色新月環 gray crescent




Xenopus laevis; gastrulation through neurulation Oxford Academic (Oxford University Press) チャンネル登録者数 15.6万人


The organizer is a region of the gastrula embryo that can induce the formation of a second neural axis when transplanted to an undifferentiated region of a host gastrula stage embryo (). https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC27625

Figure 10.20. Organization of a secondary axis by dorsal blastopore lip tissue.  原図(A~C) Hamburger, V. 1988. The Heritage of Experimental Embryology: Hans Spemann and the Organizer. Oxford University Press, Oxford. 図引用元:Scotte Gilbert Developmental Biology. 6th edition. Axis Formation in Amphibians: The Phenomenon of the Organizer https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK10101/

シュペーマンのオーガナイザーの今昔に関しては、International Journal of Developmental Biologyの特集号が非常に有益だと思います。2001年の特集号なので、今となってはそこからさらに24年の歳月が経過してはいますが、2001年当時の理解がわかります。Scott Gilbertの総説は非常に読み応えがありました。さすが大著のベストセラーの教科書を書いているだけのことはあります。読ませます。

  1. The International Journal of Developmental Biology Volume 45 > Issue 1 (Special Issue) Cover Vol. 45 N. 1 The Spemann-Mangold Organizer Edited by: Eddy DeRobertis and Juan Aréchaga https://ijdb.ehu.eus/issue/45/1





ちなみにTGF-βスーパーファミリーは、3つのサブファミリーに分かれ、TGF-βファミリーアクチビンファミリーBMP(bone morphogenetic protein)ファミリーがあります。TGF-βスーパーファミリーは、Smadがエフェクターとなる共通するシグナル経路によって特徴づけられています。まず受容体ですが、細胞膜上に存在する「2型受容体」と「1型受容体」の2種類の受容体があります。TGF-βが結合した2型受容体は1型受容体と複合体を形成します。2型受容体はセリン・スレオニンキナーゼで、1型受容体をリン酸化します。1型受容体もセリン・スレオニンキナーゼ型受容体でリン酸化によりキナーゼ活性をもち、R-Smadをリン酸化します。R-Smadにはいくつかの種類があります。Smad2、Smad3は、TGF-βやアクチビンのシグナルを伝えるエフェクターです。Smad1、Smad5、Smad8は、BMPのシグナルを伝えるエフェクターです。リン酸化されたR-Smadは、Co-Smadと呼ばれるSmad4と結合して複合体をつくります。R-SmadとCo-Smadの複合体は、細胞質から核に移行し、標的遺伝子の転写調節領域に存在するSBE(Smad binding element)に結合することにより、ほかの転写因子などと協同して標的遺伝子の発現を制御します。ほかに、R-SmadやCo-Smadの働きを抑制するI-Smadとしては、Smad6とSmad7があります。

  1. https://www.md.tsukuba.ac.jp/epatho/privacy.html


(A) The canonical Smad pathway. TGF-β bound to the two receptor serine/threonine kinases (type II, light green; type I, blue) initiates signalling by transphosphorylation of the type I receptor juxtamembrane domain (red arrow). Signalling ensues with R-Smad phosphorylation (Smad with black dot), oligomerization of R-Smad with Smad4, nuclear translocation and formation of complexes between transcription factors (TF) and coactivators/co-repressors (co) on chromatin. This leads to positive or negative regulation of mRNA synthesis (grey arrow). (B) The inhibitory I-Smad, together with the E3 ligase Smurf, exit the nucleus in response to the incoming TGF-β signal and bind the receptor complex, leading to shut-down of R-Smad phosphorylation and receptor downregulation. 


Non-Smad TGF-β signals J Cell Sci (2005) 118 (16): 3573–3584. https://journals.biologists.com/jcs/article/118/16/3573/28415/Non-Smad-TGF-signals

  1. Antagonism between Smad1 and Smad2 signaling determines the site of distal visceral endoderm formation in the mouse embryo J Cell Biol. 2009 Jan 26;184(2):323–334. doi: 10.1083/jcb.200808044 https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC2654303/ Figure 9.




Fig. 2 Schematic Overview of Nodal and Cripto-1 Signaling Pathways. A) Canonical Nodal signaling using Cripto-1 as a co-receptor. Nodal can also activate this pathway, albeit less efficiently, independently of Cripto-1. B) Cripto-1 Nodal-independent signaling via binding with Glypican-1 and activating src/Ras/raf/PI3K downstream signaling. C) Possible signaling of Cripto-1 through binding to beta-integrins and signaling via FAK-dependent signaling pathway.

2011 Sep 19. Published in final edited form as: Breast Dis. 2008;29:91–103. doi: 10.3233/bd-2008-29110 Emerging Roles of Nodal and Cripto-1: From Embryogenesis to Breast Cancer Progression https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC3175751/#ref-list1



  1. 細胞内除法伝達機構における「カノニカル経路」とは?


  • 細胞はWnt-3aファミリーの分子を受容すると、その情報を細胞内情報伝達分子Dishevelled(Dvl)タンパク質へと伝えます(図1左)。これにより活性化したDvlはβ-catenin経路を活性化します。
  • 細胞がWnt-5aファミリーの分子を受容した場合も、Dvlが活性化しますが、Wnt-5aの下流で活性化したDvlはPCP経路を活性化します。
  • 細胞外情報伝達分子Wntは、動物の個体発生と恒常性の維持において、細胞の増殖・分化・極性・移動を制御します。

発癌に関与する細胞内情報伝達分子Dvlの新規調節機構を解明 https://www.tmd.ac.jp/mri/press/detail/id=58961

  1. Wntシグナル研究の歴史と展望~その足跡と未来 2020年8月25日 Journal of Japanese Biochemical Society 92(4): 498-516 (2020) doi:10.14952/SEIKAGAKU.2020.920498 https://seikagaku.jbsoc.or.jp/10.14952/SEIKAGAKU.2020.920498/data/index.html Int1のトランスジェニックマウスが生後6か月で乳がんを発症することも示され18),Int1は原がん遺伝子であると位置づけられるようになった.さらに,1987年にInt1はショウジョウバエのDNAにも存在することが判明し,その塩基配列が決定され,Drosophila int1(Dint-1)は,同年に塩基配列が報告されたショウジョウバエのwinglessと同一であることが決定した19, 20).ここで初めて,無脊椎動物の発生に関わる遺伝子と,哺乳動物のがんに関わる遺伝子が高い相同性(アミノ酸レベルで53%同一)を有することが明らかになった.‥ Int1欠損マウスは中脳と小脳の発生に異常が認められた.‥ MMTVプロウイルスを挿入することにより,活性化される遺伝子‥ Int1に類似している遺伝子群だけをWnt(Wingless-related integration site)と呼ぶようになった28).

Jdb 12 00020 g001

Canonical and Non-Canonical Wnt Signaling Generates Molecular and Cellular Asymmetries to Establish Embryonic Axes J. Dev. Biol. 2024, 12(3), 20; https://doi.org/10.3390/jdb12030020 MDPI誌 https://www.mdpi.com/2221-3759/12/3/20





  1. Expression cloning of noggin, a new dorsalizing factor localized to the Spemann organizer in Xenopus embryos W C Smith 1, R M Harland Cell 1992 Sep 4;70(5):829-40. doi: 10.1016/0092-8674(92)90316-5.  要旨より zygotic transcripts are initially restricted to the presumptive dorsal mesoderm and reach their highest levels at the gastrula stage in the dorsal lip of the blastopore (Spemann organizer). In the neurula, noggin is transcribed in the notochord and prechordal mesoderm. The activity of exogenous noggin RNA in embryonic axis induction


この論文を読むとUV照射により腹側化したカエル卵にnoggin mRNAを注入したときに体軸ができたというデータを見せていますが、単に腹側に打ったら2次軸ができたというデータはありません。UV照射が不完全であればもともとの1次軸ができてしまうので、この実験は結構微妙な実験だと思います。UV照射・mRNA無しの実験結果で5匹の胚を示していますが、容易にバイアスがかかりそう。


  1. ノギンmRNAの腹側注入による部分的な二次軸形成:ノギンmRNAを腹側に注入すると、部分的な二次軸が形成されるが、頭部構造は形成されない
  2. 。ノギンmRNAの他の部位への注入による完全な二次軸形成:ノギンmRNAを他の部位(例えば、動物極近く、辺縁帯、植物極)に注入すると、完全な二次軸が形成される。
  3. ノギンのBMPシグナル抑制機能:ノギンはBMPシグナルを抑制することで二次軸を誘導する。
  4. ノギンと他の因子の相互作用:ノギンは他の因子(例えば、Nodal関連遺伝子やWntシグナル)と協力して完全な二次軸を形成する。


  1. Ectopic expression of Xenopus noggin RNA induces complete secondary body axes in embryos of the direct developing frog Eleutherodactylus coqui Development Genes and Evolution  Volume 210, pages 21–27, (2000) https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/PL00008184


  1. Xenopus chordin: A Novel Dorsalizing Factor Activated by Organizer-Specific Homeobox Genes Yoshiki Sasai 1, Bin Lu 1, Herbert Steinbeisser 1, Douglas Geissert 1, Linda K Gont 1, Eddy M De Robertis Cell. 1994 Dec 2;79(5):779–790. doi: 10.1016/0092-8674(94)90068-x https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC3082463/ (無料著者原稿)Seventy years after the organizer experiment (), the quest to isolate the factors released by the organizing centers to recruit neighboring cell continues. 要旨 Microinjection of chordin mRNA induces twinned axes



  1. Follistatin, an antagonist of activin, is expressed in the Spemann organizer and displays direct neuralizing activity A Hemmati-Brivanlou 1, O G Kelly, D A Melton Cell . 1994 Apr 22;77(2):283-95. doi: 10.1016/0092-8674(94)90320-4.


  1. フォリスタチンmRNAの注入は、ゼノパス胚において異常な発達を引き起こし、特に脊索形成に影響を与えることが示されていますが、二次軸形成を直接誘導するという明確な証拠は提供されていません。他のmRNA(Xwnt-8、Wnt-1、Activin、xFKBP1Bなど)は、二次軸形成を誘導する能力を持つことが示されています。(Consensus.ai)

実はBMP阻害因子であるNoggin, Chordin, Follistatinは頭部を含む完全な2次軸は形成しなかったんですね。つまり他のシグナルと協同して働くということのようです。


  1. Protein Related to DAN and Cerberus Is a Bone Morphogenetic Protein Antagonist That Participates in Ovarian Paracrine Regulation* Journal of Biological Chemistry Volume 279, Issue 22p23134-23141May 2004  https://www.jbc.org/article/S0021-9258(20)66678-9/fulltext




The head inducer Cerberus is a multifunctional antagonist of Nodal ...

Figrure 4. Model of the formation and function of anterior endoderm in Xenopus head development.

The head inducer Cerberus is a multifunctional antagonist of Nodal, BMP and Wnt signals Nature volume 397, pages707–710 (1999)



Cerberus (Protein) - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics


  1. Cerberus is a head-inducing secreted factor expressed in the anterior endoderm of Spemann’s organizer Tewis Bouwmeester, Sung-Hyun Kim, Yoshiki Sasai, Bin Lu & Eddy M. De Robertis Nature volume 382, pages595–601 (1996) 15 August 1996.


  1. Head organizer: Cerberus and IGF cooperate in brain induction in Xenopus embryos Yagmur Azbazdar 1, Edgar M Pera 2, Edward M De Robertis 3 Cells Dev . 2023 Dec 16:203897. doi: 10.1016/j.cdev.2023.203897. イントロダクションより Cerberus induces small head structures containing brain, eyes, olfactory placodes, and sometimes a second heart, that are devoid of trunk-tail structures and posterior neural tissue.
  2. Molecular link in the sequential induction of the Spemann organizer: direct activation of the cerberus gene by Xlim-1, Xotx2, Mix.1, and Siamois, immediately downstream from Nodal and Wnt signaling Developmental Biology Volume 257, Issue 1, 1 May 2003, Pages 190-204
  3. Expression of the mouse cerberus-related gene, Cerr1, suggests a role in anterior neural induction and somitogenesis William Shawlot 1, Jian Min Deng 1, Richard R Behringer 1,* Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1998 May 26;95(11):6198–6203. doi: 10.1073/pnas.95.11.6198

Dickkopf (Dkk)

  1. Head inducer Dickkopf-1 is a ligand for Wnt coreceptor LRP6 Current Biology Volume 11, Issue 12, 26 June 2001, Pages 951-961  The Wnt family of secreted growth factors initiates signaling via the Frizzled (Fz) receptor and its candidate coreceptor, LDL receptor-related protein 6 (LRP6), presumably through Fz-LRP6 complex formation induced by Wnt. ‥ Dkk-1 is a high-affinity ligand for LRP6 and inhibits Wnt signaling by preventing Fz-LRP6 complex formation induced by Wnt. Dkk-1 binds neither Wnt nor Fz, nor does it affect Wnt-Fz interaction. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0960982201002901

Frzb (Frizzled-related protein)

  1. Genes Dev. 1999 Sep 1;13(17):2328–2336. doi: 10.1101/gad.13.17.2328 Axis determination by inhibition of Wnt signaling in Xenopus Keiji Itoh 1, Sergei Y Sokol 1,1 we interfered with Wnt signaling in the embryo using the extracellular domain of Xenopus Frizzled 8 (ECD8), which blocks Wnt-dependent activation of a target gene in Xenopus ectodermal explants. Expression of ECD8 in ventral blastomeres resulted in formation of secondary axes この論文は内在的な分子の話ではなく、Wntシグナリングを阻害したときの効果(2次軸形成)をみるための実験




Proposed mechanism of Cerberus inhibition. (A) Structure of BMP9-ALK1-ACTRIIB complex [37]. The disulfide linked BMP9 homodimer (center, orange) simultaneously binds the extracellular domains of the type I Activin receptor-like kinase ALK1 (light blue) and the type II Activin receptor kinase ACTRIIB (dark blue). (B) Molecular model of Nodal-receptor interactions based on the BMP9-ALK1-ACTRIIB structure. The disulfide linked Nodal homodimer (center, orange) binds the extracellular domains of the type I Activin receptor-like kinase ALK4 (light blue) and the type II Activin receptor kinase ACTRIIB or BMPRII (dark blue), likely using canonical interaction surfaces (yellow lined circles). (C-D) Cerberus forms a stable homodimer in solution [58], binds Nodal and prevents binding of Nodal to both receptors. Thus Cerberus blocks simultaneously the ALK4 interaction surface (light blue circle) and the ACTRIIB interaction surface (dark blue circle). We propose that one Cerberus protomer could block interaction surfaces within one Nodal protomer (C) or two protomers (D). We expect the overall stoichiometry of this complex to be 2:2.

Human Cerberus Prevents Nodal-Receptor Binding, Inhibits Nodal Signaling, and Suppresses Nodal-Mediated Phenotypes PLOS ONE January 201510(1):e0114954 DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0114954 SourcePubMed LicenseCC BY 4.0 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/271219306_Human_Cerberus_Prevents_Nodal-Receptor_Binding_Inhibits_Nodal_Signaling_and_Suppresses_Nodal-Mediated_Phenotypes


The Nodal signaling pathway. Genetic interaction and... | Download ...


  1.  Nodal antagonists regulate formation of the anteroposterior axis of the mouse embryo. Yamamoto M, Saijoh Y, Perea-Gomez A, Shawlot W, Behringer RR, Ang SL, Hamada H, Meno C. Nature. 2004;428:387–392. doi: 10.1038/nature02418. Abstract Patterning of the mouse embryo along the anteroposterior axis during body plan development requires migration of the distal visceral endoderm (DVE) towards the future anterior side by a mechanism that has remained unknown. Here we show that Nodal signalling and the regionalization of its antagonists are required for normal migration of the DVE. Whereas Nodal signalling provides the driving force for DVE migration by stimulating the proliferation of visceral endoderm cells, the antagonists Lefty1 and Cerl determine the direction of migration by asymmetrically inhibiting Nodal activity on the future anterior side. https://www.nature.com/articles/nature02418 本文読めた Figure 5To confirm the role of Nodal antagonists in A–P patterning, we analysed mutant mice lacking Lefty1 or Cerl. Lefty1-/- (ref. 13) and Cerl-/- (refs 61415) embryos undergo normal gastrulation, whereas Cerl-/-,Lefty1-/- embryos develop multiple primitive streaks8, suggestive of functional redundancy between Lefty1 and Cerl. We first examined expression of the AVE marker Hex (Fig. 5abhi). The Hex expression domain was expanded slightly in Cerl-/- and Lefty1-/- mutants (data not shown) and markedly in the Cerl-/-,Lefty1-/- double mutant (Fig. 5bi), in which cells positive for Hex transcripts occupied the entire anterior half of the VE at E6.5 (n = 4). These results reveal that the Nodal antagonists restrict the size or location of the AVE, perhaps by inhibiting the proliferation of AVE cells.


Role of Nodal in the early mouse embryo. a Following implantation, Nodal is expressed throughout the epiblast and plays a role in specifying the underlying distal visceral endoderm (DVE). The DVE in response secretes Nodal inhibitors Cerberus and Lefty, generating a posterior-distal gradient of Nodal and forming one of the earliest patterns in the embryo. ExE extra-embryonic ectoderm, VE visceral endoderm, P-D proximal-distal. b The DVE migrates anteriorly to become the anterior visceral endoderm (AVE) concentrating Nodal further to the proximal and newly formed posterior axis by continued secretion of Nodal inhibitors. A-P anterior-posterior. c In a process that requires high levels of Nodal, gastrulation begins with formation of the early primitive streak. Epiblast cells undergo EMT and migrate with subsequent differentiation into mesoderm and endoderm lineages. Inset: Pro-Nodal expressed in the epiblast upregulates Furin, Pace4, and BMP4 within the ExE. Furin and Pace4 subsequently process pro-Nodal and BMP4 stimulates Wnt3 signaling in the epiblast. Wnt3 acts on a Nodal proximal epiblast enhancer to increase Nodal expression. Nodal also amplifies its own signal through an enhancer region in intron 1 stimulated by Smad2/3-FoxH1, collectively increasing levels of Nodal in the proximal epiblast. d Formation of the primitive node organizes left-right asymmetry. Nodal expressed within the node is concentrated to the left side of the embryo by cooperation of inhibitors and a leftward fluid flow from the Node. Nodal expression is increased through autoregulatory mechanisms and patterns the left-lateral plate mesoderm (LPM) through regulation of morphogenetic genes while activity on the right side is suppressed

a Following implantation, Nodal is expressed throughout the epiblast and plays a role in specifying the underlying distal visceral endoderm (DVE). The DVE in response secretes Nodal inhibitors Cerberus and Lefty, generating a posterior-distal gradient of Nodal and forming one of the earliest patterns in the embryo. ExE extra-embryonic ectoderm, VE visceral endoderm, P-D proximal-distal. b The DVE migrates anteriorly to become the anterior visceral endoderm (AVE) concentrating Nodal further to the proximal and newly formed posterior axis by continued secretion of Nodal inhibitors. A-P anterior-posterior. c In a process that requires high levels of Nodal, gastrulation begins with formation of the early primitive streak. Epiblast cells undergo EMT and migrate with subsequent differentiation into mesoderm and endoderm lineages. Inset: Pro-Nodal expressed in the epiblast upregulates Furin, Pace4, and BMP4 within the ExE. Furin and Pace4 subsequently process pro-Nodal and BMP4 stimulates Wnt3 signaling in the epiblast. Wnt3 acts on a Nodal proximal epiblast enhancer to increase Nodal expression. Nodal also amplifies its own signal through an enhancer region in intron 1 stimulated by Smad2/3-FoxH1, collectively increasing levels of Nodal in the proximal epiblast.

Plasticity underlies tumor progression: Role of Nodal signaling March 2016 Cancer and Metastasis Reviews 35(1) DOI:10.1007/s10555-016-9605-5 https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Role-of-Nodal-in-the-early-mouse-embryo-a-Following-implantation-Nodal-is-expressed_fig8_297661953

Epiblastの細胞がnodalを発現して分泌し、distal visceral endoderm (DVE)に働きかけます。するとDVEではnodalの阻害因子であるcerberus とLeftyを発現して、近くの細胞でのnodalの発現を抑制します。DVEは移動してAVEになりますが、するとAVE側のepiblastにおいてもnodalの発現は抑制されるので、AVEの反対側でnodalの発現が高いという状況が生まれます。このnodalシグナルがprimitive streakを引き起こすと考えられています。

  1. Nodal signaling from the visceral endoderm is required to maintain Nodal gene expression in the epiblast and drive AVE migration Amit Kumar 1,†, Margaret Lualdi 2, George T Lyozin 3, Prashant Sharma 1, Jadranka Loncarek 1, Xin-Yuan Fu 4, Michael R Kuehn Dev Biol. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2016 Apr 1. Published in final edited form as: Dev Biol. 2014 Dec 20;400(1):1–9. doi: 10.1016/j.ydbio.2014.12.016 https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC4806383/ 要旨より  The Nodal gene is expressed in both the VE and in the pluripotent epiblast, which gives rise to the germ layers. Previous findings have provided conflicting evidence as to the relative importance of Nodal signaling from the epiblast vs. VE for AP patterning.



アクチビン、Vg1、Xwnt-8、ノギンなどは、それぞれの細胞表面受容体を介して異なる細胞内シグナル伝達経路を開始し、最終的にgoosecoid (gsc) 遺伝子の発現を誘導

  1. Molecular Nature of Spemann’s Organizer: the Role of the Xenopus Homeobox Gene goosecoid Ken W Y Cho 1,*, Bruce Blumberg 1, Herbert Steinbeisser 1, Eddy M De Robertis 1 Cell. 1991 Dec 20;67(6):1111–1120. doi: 10.1016/0092-8674(91)90288-a https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC3102583/ 著者原稿無料PDF https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/009286749190288A 本文有料

goosecoid (gsc)がオーガナイザーの正体なのだとしたら、gsc遺伝子をノックアウトすれば、体軸を形成できないはずと予想されますが、予想に反してgscノックアウトマウスの表現型は、それほど大きくなかったようです。不思議です。

  1. Nasal and pharyngeal abnormalities caused by the mouse goosecoid gene mutation Biochem Biophys Res Commun . 1997 Apr 7;233(1):161-5. doi: 10.1006/bbrc.1997.6315. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9144415/


  1. Role of the LIM class homeodomain protein Xlim-1 in neural and muscle induction by the Spemann organizer in Xenopus M Taira 1, H Otani, J P Saint-Jeannet, I B Dawid Nature . 1994 Dec 15;372(6507):677-9. doi: 10.1038/372677a0. https://www.nature.com/articles/372677a0
  2. Requirement for Lim1 in head-organizer function W Shawlot 1, R R Behringer Nature  1995 Mar 30;374(6521):425-30. doi: 10.1038/374425a0. Embryos homozygous for the null allele lacked anterior head structures but the remaining body axis developed normally.


  1. Functional domains of the LIM homeodomain protein Xlim-1 involved in negative regulation, transactivation, and axis formation in Xenopus embryos I Hiratani 1, T Mochizuki, N Tochimoto, M Taira Dev Biol . 2001 Jan 15;229(2):456-67. doi: 10.1006/dbio.2000.9986.


アクチビン、Vg1、Xwnt-8、ノギンがそれぞれの細胞表面受容体を介して異なる細胞内シグナル伝達経路を開始し、最終的にgoosecoid (gsc) 遺伝子の発現を誘導


Siamois Siamois遺伝子はWntシグナル経路のターゲットで、オーガナイザー活性を誘導する。Siamoisは中胚葉誘導を経ずにオーガナイザー特異的遺伝子を活性化し、背側化シグナルを生み出す

Xenopus nodal-related (Xnr) : Xnr因子はアクチビン様分子によって誘導され頭部オーガナイザーを形成。







(マウス) anterior visceral endodermで発現する分子


  1. Sequential roles for Otx2 in visceral endoderm and neuroectoderm for forebrain and midbrain induction and specification M Rhinn 1, A Dierich, W Shawlot, R R Behringer, M Le Meur, S L Ang Development . 1998 Mar;125(5):845-56. doi: 10.1242/dev.125.5.845.


  1. Nodal is a novel TGF-beta-like gene expressed in the mouse node during gastrulation X Zhou 1, H Sasaki, L Lowe, B L Hogan, M R Kuehn Nature . 1993 Feb 11;361(6412):543-7. doi: 10.1038/361543a0. 本文有料 要旨より Here we isolate a candidate for the mutated gene which encodes a new member of the transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) superfamily. Expression is first detected in primitive streak-stage embryos at about the time of mesoderm formation. It then becomes highly localized in the node at the anterior of the primitive streak. This region is analogous to chick Hensen’s node and Xenopus dorsal lip (Spemann’s organizer), which can induce secondary body axes when grafted into host embryos (reviewed in refs 5 and 6).


  1. Nodal signalling in the epiblast patterns the early mouse embryo J Brennan 1, C C Lu, D P Norris, T A Rodriguez, R S Beddington, E J Robertson Nature . 2001 Jun 21;411(6840):965-9. doi: 10.1038/35082103.  要約より Nodal signals from the epiblast also pattern the visceral endoderm by activating the Smad2-dependent pathway required for specification of anterior identity in overlying epiblast cells.


  1. Nodal signaling from the visceral endoderm is required to maintain Nodal gene expression in the epiblast and drive AVE migration Dev Biol. 2014 Dec 20;400(1):1–9. doi: 10.1016/j.ydbio.2014.12.016 https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC4806383/ conditional mutagenesis of the Nodal gene specifically within the VE leads to reduced Nodal expression levels in the epiblast and incomplete or failed AVE migration
  2. Nodal Signaling Activates Differentiation Genes During Zebrafish Gastrulation James T Bennett 1, Katherine Joubin 1,3, Simon Cheng 1,2, Pia Aanstad 4,5, Ralf Herwig 4, Matthew Clark 3,4, Hans Lehrach 4, Alexander F Schier 1,6 Dev Biol. 2007 Jan 12;304(2):525–540. doi: 10.1016/j.ydbio.2007.01.012 https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC1885460/
  3. Nodal specifies embryonic visceral endoderm and sustains pluripotent cells in the epiblast before overt axial patterning Development . 2006 Jul;133(13):2497-505. doi: 10.1242/dev.02413. Epub 2006 May 25. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16728477/ Fig. 1. Expression of Nodal agonists and antagonists between implantation and E5.5. (A) Nodal is already expressed at E4.5, both in the ICM and PrE of the blastocyst. Furin mRNA is expressed in the PrE lineage until E5.25, before it becomes restricted to the ExE and ExVE (E5.5). Pace4 and Cripto are specifically expressed in the trophectoderm lineage and epiblast, respectively. (B,C) The PrE also expresses the DVE markers Lefty1 (B), Hex and a HexP-GFP reporter transgene(C), whereas Cer1 mRNA is below detectable levels (B). Lefty1 and Hex transcripts are clearly downregulated between E5.0 and 5.25 before they reappear together with Cer1 mRNA in the most distal VE cells at E5.5.  (B,C) The PrE also expresses the DVE markers Lefty1 (B), Hex and a HexP-GFP reporter transgene(C), whereas Cer1 mRNA is below detectable levels (B). Lefty1 and Hex transcripts are clearly downregulated between E5.0 and 5.25 before they reappear together with Cer1 mRNA in the most distal VE cells at E5.5. https://journals.biologists.com/dev/article/133/13/2497/52434/Nodal-specifies-embryonic-visceral-endoderm-and
  4. Multiple roles for Nodal in the epiblast of the mouse embryo in the establishment of anterior-posterior patterning Cindy C Lu 1, Elizabeth J Robertson Dev Biol . 2004 Sep 1;273(1):149-59. doi: 10.1016/j.ydbio.2004.06.004. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15302604/
  5. The Foxh1-dependent autoregulatory enhancer controls the level of Nodal signals in the mouse embryo Dominic P. Norris, Jane Brennan, Elizabeth K. Bikoff, Elizabeth J. Robertson 15 July 2002  https://journals.biologists.com/dev/article/129/14/3455/41736/The-Foxh1-dependent-autoregulatory-enhancer
  6. nodal expression in the primitive endoderm is required for specification of the anterior axis during mouse gastrulation I Varlet 1, J Collignon, E J Robertson Development . 1997 Mar;124(5):1033-44. doi: 10.1242/dev.124.5.1033.
  7. A Xenopus nodal-related gene that acts in synergy with noggin to induce complete secondary axis and notochord formation K. D. Lustig, K. Kroll, E. Sun, R. Ramos, H. Elmendorf, M. W. Kirschner Author and article information Development (1996) 122 (10): 3275–3282.  https://journals.biologists.com/dev/article/122/10/3275/38985/A-Xenopus-nodal-related-gene-that-acts-in-synergy



  1. Cripto-independent Nodal signaling promotes positioning of the A-P axis in the early mouse embryo. G. Liguori, A. Borges, A. Borges+9 more · Developmental Biology Volume 315, Issue 2, 15 March 2008, Pages 280-289 2008年3月15日 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0012160607016351


  1. The HPE gene CRIPTO/oep physically interacts with the ligand–receptor complex, and is required for Nodal signal transduction, positioning this protein as a Nodal co-receptor [40–43]. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nodal_signaling_pathway
  2. EGF-CFC proteins are membrane bound extracellular factors that serve as essential cofactor in Nodal signaling and in vertebrate development as a whole. This family of cofactors includes One-eyed Pinhead (oep) in Zebrafish, FRL1 in Xenopus, and Cripto and Criptic in mouse and human. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nodal_signaling_pathway
  3. the activity of Nodal requires epidermal growth factor-Cripto/FRL-1/Cryptic (EGF-
    CFC) co-receptors such as Cripto and Cryptic (Tdgf1 and Cfc1 –
    Mouse Genome Informatics) (Reissmann et al., 2001; Yan et al.,
    2002; Yeo and Whitman, 2001). In particular, membrane-bound
    Cripto appears to recruit Nodal to an activin receptor complex
    composed of a dimer of the type I serine-threonine receptor Alk4
    (Acvr1b) and a dimeric type II activin receptor, either ActRII or
    ActRIIB (Acvr2a or Acvr2b – Mouse Genome Informatics). https://www.researchgate.net/publication/51591179_Regulation_of_extra-embryonic_endoderm_stem_cell_differentiation_by_Nodal_and_Cripto_signaling

Mature Nodal binds to the Activin receptors I and II and the co-receptor Cripto/Criptic and phosphorilates Smad2 /3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nodal_signaling_pathway


  1. The orphan receptor ALK7 and the Activin receptor ALK4 mediate signaling by Nodal proteins during vertebrate development. document Genes & developmentEva Reissmann et al.

TGF-βファミリー分子に対する受容体として,7種類のI型受容体5種類のII型受容体が存在し,それらすべての受容体は細胞内領域にセリン/トレオニンキナーゼドメインを持つ.ジスルフィド結合により二量体を形成しているTGF-βは,2分子のTGF-β I型受容体2分子のTGF-β II型受容体からなるヘテロ四量体に結合する(図2).リガンドがTGF-β II型受容体に結合すると,TGF-β II型受容体キナーゼはTGF-β I型受容体の膜貫通領域直下に存在するGS領域と呼ばれるグリシンとセリンに富んだドメインのセリンとトレオニン残基をリン酸化し,I型受容体内で不活性化されていたセリン/トレオニンキナーゼ酵素活性が出現する.TGF-βと同様にアクチビンは,アクチビンI型受容体(ALK4)とアクチビンII型受容体(ActRIIまたはActRIIB)が複合体を形成し,BMPの場合BMPI型受容体(ALK2, 3, 6)とBMP II型受容体(ActRII,ActRIIBまたはBMPRII)が複合体を形成する.活性化したI型受容体キナーゼはR-Smad(receptor-regulated Smad)タンパク質のC末端に存在する2個のセリン残基をリン酸化する.

Journal of Japanese Biochemical Society 89(2): 145-153 (2017) doi:10.14952/SEIKAGAKU.2017.890145 TGF-βシグナルを抑制するTMEPAIファミリー 2017年4月25日 https://seikagaku.jbsoc.or.jp/10.14952/SEIKAGAKU.2017.890145/data/index.html


HEXはHHEXと呼ばれることもありますが同一の遺伝子です(ChatGPT 4o)。hematopoietically expressed homeobox gene から、HexまたはHhexと呼ばれます。

  • Hhex has been found to be an important transcription factor in embryogenesis because Hhex−/− mice display embryonic lethality starting at embryonic day E10.5 to E11.5 due to impaired forebrain, liver, and thyroid development.
  • Hhex expression is initially seen in the blood islands of the yolk sac at the same time Flk-1 expression is initiated.


HEXが転写因子として、Cerberus(Wnt, BMP, Nodalのアンタゴニスト)やLefty(TGF-β superfamilyメンバーでNodal signalingを調節)の遺伝子を直接(プロモーターに結合して)制御するのかと思ったのですが、そういうわけではないようです。Cerberusに関しては、HEXによる遺伝子の制御は間接的に起こるようです。Leftyに関しては、遺伝子制御に関する報告がなさそうです(ChatGPT4oの回答)。

  1.  AVE protein expression and visceral endoderm cell behavior during anterior–posterior axis formation in mouse embryos: Asymmetry in OTX2 and DKK1 expression Hideharu Hoshino, Go Shioi, Shinichi Aizawa Developmental Biology Volume 402, Issue 2, 15 June 2015, Pages 175-191 Developmental Biology https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0012160615001748
  2. An anterior signalling centre in Xenopus revealed by the homeobox gene XHex C.Michael Jones1 jonesm@icr.ac.uk ∙ Joanne Broadbent2 ∙ Paul Q. Thomas3 ∙ James C. Smith4 ∙ Rosa S.P. Beddington3 Current Biology Volume 9, Issue 17p946-S1-954September 09, 1999 https://www.cell.com/current-biology/fulltext/S0960-9822(99)80421-7   (f) Animal pole view of stage 10.5 gastrula shows that cerberus expression is detected in a wider domain of the deep endoderm than is XHex (b). 背景より In Xenopus, the putative head inducer cerberus is expressed initially in deep endodermal cells adjacent to the involuting tissues of Spemann’s organiser [7]. Is this tissue the equivalent of the anterior visceral endoderm in the early mouse and rabbit embryo? Here, we have addressed this question by analysing the expression and function of XHex, the Xenopus cognate of murine Hex (also known as Prh) [8,9].



  1. Nodal signaling from the visceral endoderm is required to maintain Nodal gene expression in the epiblast and drive AVE migration Dev Biol. 2014 Dec 20;400(1):1–9. doi: 10.1016/j.ydbio.2014.12.016 https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC4806383/ Fig. 4
  2. Induction and migration of the anterior visceral endoderm is regulated by the extra-embryonic ectoderm Tristan A Rodriguez 1, Shankar Srinivas, Melanie P Clements, James C Smith, Rosa S P Beddington Development . 2005 Jun;132(11):2513-20. doi: 10.1242/dev.01847. Epub 2005 Apr 27.


Mesoderm induction and axis formation are tightly correlated processes in developmental biology, particularly during early embryogenesis. Here’s how they are interconnected:

  1. Mesoderm Induction: This process begins during gastrulation, where signaling molecules like Nodal, BMP, and Wnt help induce the formation of mesoderm from the epiblast. The mesoderm gives rise to various tissues, including muscles, bones, and the circulatory system.
  2. Organizer and Axis Formation: The Spemann-Mangold organizer (in amphibians) or the Hensen’s node (in mammals) plays a central role in both mesoderm induction and the formation of the body axis. The organizer secretes BMP antagonists (such as Chordin, Noggin, and Follistatin) that create a dorsal-ventral gradient essential for patterning the mesoderm and establishing the anterior-posterior and dorsal-ventral axes.
  3. Signaling Pathways:
    • Nodal signaling: Initiates mesoderm formation and is essential for the primitive streak formation, which defines the body axis (anterior-posterior).
    • BMP inhibition by molecules like Chordin and Noggin, secreted from the organizer, is crucial for dorsalization and axis formation. Without this inhibition, mesoderm would not form correctly, leading to a lack of proper axis formation.

In summary, mesoderm induction and axis formation are closely linked, with key signaling molecules from the organizer region guiding both the formation of mesodermal tissue and the establishment of the body axis during early development.

  1. ChatGPT 4o



In mice, around embryonic day (E) 6.0, at the time when gastrulation begins, mouse PGCs (mPGCs) are specified as about 10 cells in the most posterior part of epiblast, the cup-shaped simple pluripotent epithelium, from which all of the embryonic portion are derived (Fig. 1.1). This process occurs in response to bone morphogenetic protein 4 (BMP4) [25] produced by the extraembryonic ectoderm (ExE), an extraembryonic part of conceptus in intimate contact with the edge of the epiblast (Fig. 1.1). https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/engineering/extraembryonic-ectoderm

受精後3週目 中胚葉誘導、原始線条、AEVなどのシグナリング


原始線条 primitive streak

ニワトリ卵の原始線条 primitive streak形成の様子。

Chick Primitive Streak BioProfessor101 チャンネル登録者数 2.15万人

  1. Migrating mesoderm cells self-organize into a dynamic meshwork structure during chick gastrulation Yukiko Nakaya, Mitsusuke Tarama, Sohei Tasaki, Ayako Isomura, View ORCID ProfileTatsuo Shibata doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.09.08.507227 Posted September 09, 2022. https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.09.08.507227v1.full
  2. Cell movement during chick primitive streak formation Developmental Biology Volume 296, Issue 1, 1 August 2006, Pages 137-149 細胞の動きを示したsupplementary movie 動画がいくつかあります https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0012160606007299
  3. Cell Movement Patterns during Gastrulation in the Chick Are Controlled by Positive and Negative Chemotaxis Mediated by FGF4 and FGF8 Developmental Cell Volume 3, Issue 3, September 2002, Pages 425-437 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1534580702002563 細胞移動の軌跡を示した動画がいくつかあります。FGF8とFGF4の役割についても非常にわかりやすい実験結果


ヒトに近い動物モデルとしてはマウスがありますが、ヒトの胚盤が「円盤」なのに対して、マウスは「カップ状」という形態的に大きな違いがあります。下の図を見ると、proamniotic cavity(羊膜腔になる予定の空間)が確かにカップ状のepiblastによって囲まれているのがわかります。下のCell論文の図は非常に明解に描かれています。basal membrane と apical 側との違いもわかりやすいと思います。カップ状になる過程が描かれています。

Self-Organizing Properties of Mouse Pluripotent Cells Initiate Morphogenesis upon Implantation Cell Volume 156, Issue 5p1032-1044February 27, 2014 https://www.cell.com/fulltext/S0092-8674%2814%2900075-0


  1. AVE protein expression and visceral endoderm cell behavior during anterior-posterior axis formation in mouse embryos: Asymmetry in OTX2 and DKK1 expression. Developmental biology Hideharu Hoshino et al. 36 citations 2015 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0012160615001748 AVEマーカータンパク質のステージE4.5の時期の発現 

遠位内臓内胚葉(Distal Visceral Endoderm, DVE)

マウス胚における遠位内臓内胚葉(Distal Visceral Endoderm, DVE)は、胚の前後軸(Anterior-Posterior, A-P)形成において重要な役割を果たします。DVEは、特定の遺伝子を発現し、将来の前部内臓内胚葉(Anterior Visceral Endoderm, AVE)へと移動します。このプロセスに関与する遺伝子の発現パターンを理解することは、胚の発生メカニズムを解明する上で重要です。


DVEは、OTX2, HHEX, CER1, LEFTY1, DKK1を発現します。これらの遺伝子は、E4.5からE6.5の間に特定のパターンで発現し、AVEの形成に寄与します

  1. AVE protein expression and visceral endoderm cell behavior during anterior-posterior axis formation in mouse embryos: Asymmetry in OTX2 and DKK1 expression. Developmental biology Hideharu Hoshino et al. 36 citations 2015 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0012160615001748 ステージE5.25-5.75でのAVEタンパク質のDVEにおける発現 OTX2、HHEX、CER1、LEFTY1、および DKK1 は、マウス胚の遠位内臓内胚葉 (DVE) で発現します。



  1. The Mouse Embryo Autonomously Acquires Anterior-Posterior Polarity at Implantation Developmental Cell Volume 10, Issue 4P451-459April 2006 https://www.cell.com/action/showPdf?pii=S1534-5807%2806%2900114-6



    1. Nodal signaling from the visceral endoderm is required to maintain Nodal gene expression in the epiblast and drive DVE/AVE migration Developmental Biology Volume 400, Issue 1, 1 April 2015, Pages 1-9 Developmental Biology https://pdf.sciencedirectassets.com/272543/1-s2.0-S0012160615X00054/1-s2.0-S0012160614006460/main.pdf



  1. Hex: a homeobox gene revealing peri-implantation asymmetry in the mouse embryo and an early transient marker of endothelial cell precursors Development . 1998 Jan;125(1):85-94. doi: 10.1242/dev.125.1.85.  https://journals.biologists.com/dev/article/125/1/85/39778/Hex-a-homeobox-gene-revealing-peri-implantation



マウス胚の遠位内臓内胚葉(DVE)は、OTX2, HHEX, CER1, LEFTY1, DKK1などの遺伝子を発現し、これらの遺伝子はDVEの移動と前後軸の形成に重要な役割を果たします。特にLEFTY1とNodalシグナルは、DVEの非対称性と移動方向を決定する上で重要です。さらに、HexやAdtk1などの遺伝子もDVEおよびAVEの形成に関与しています。(consensus.ai)


Distal Vesceral Endoderm (DVE)の細胞が最初はカップ状の胚の極のところに生じますが、それが端に移動してAnterior Viscereal Endoderm (AVE)になります。

From fertilization to gastrulation: axis formation in the mouse embryo. Curr Opin Genet Dev . 2001 Aug;11(4):384-92. DOI:10.1016/S0959-437X(00)00208-2Corpus ID: 17925624

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc. Object name is nihms-1029344-f0013.jpg

Vertebrate Axial Patterning: From Egg to Asymmetry. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 01 Jan 2017, 953:209-306 https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-46095-6_6 PMID: 27975274 PMCID: PMC6550305 https://europepmc.org/article/pmc/pmc6550305


  1. Nodal signaling from the visceral endoderm is required to maintain Nodal gene expression in the epiblast and drive DVE/AVE migration Developmental Biology Volume 400, Issue 1, 1 April 2015, Pages 1-9 Developmental Biology https://pdf.sciencedirectassets.com/272543/1-s2.0-S0012160615X00054/1-s2.0-S0012160614006460/main.pdf


  1. AVE protein expression and visceral endoderm cell behavior during anterior-posterior axis formation in mouse embryos: Asymmetry in OTX2 and DKK1 expression. Developmental biology Hideharu Hoshino et al. 36 citations 2015 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0012160615001748 ステージE6.5でのAVEにおける特異的なタンパク質の発現



  • Wntシグナルの拮抗因子:Secreted frizzled-related protein 5 (Sfrp5) は、Wntシグナルを拮抗する分泌因子であり、AVEおよび前腸内胚葉で発現します。Dkk1もまた、Wntシグナルを拮抗する分泌因子であり、AVEで発現します。
  • TGFβシグナルの拮抗因子:AVEは、Nodalシグナルを抑制するTGFβ拮抗因子を分泌します。
  • 成長分化因子:Growth-differentiation factor 3 (Gdf3は、Nodalシグナル経路に関与し、AVEの形成に重要な役割を果たします
  • その他の分泌因子:Bone morphogenetic protein 4 (Bmp4) は、AVEの発達と移動を調節するシグナル分子です




Axis Development and Early Asymmetry in Mammals Cell Volume 96, Issue 2p195-209 January 22, 1999 https://www.cell.com/fulltext/S0092-8674%2800%2980560-7

マウス胚での中胚葉誘導の始まり:extraembryonic ectodermからのBMP4シグナル

  • At the blastocyst stage, the polar TE lies adjacent to the epiblast and is fated to form the extraembryonic ectoderm and ectoplacental cone, which will subsequently form the fetal portion of the placenta, whereas the mural TE initially encloses the blastocyst cavity and eventually forms the outer layer of the parietal yolk sac.
  • Between E5.5 and E6.0, the proamniotic cavity expands to the extraembryonic ectoderm, forming the proamniotic canal.


  1. https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/engineering/extraembryonic-ectoderm

下の図のシグナル分子のまとめが非常にわかりやすいと思いました。しかし緑の背景に白抜きの文字は読みにくい。extraembryonic ectodermがBMP4を分泌し、BMP受容体1がそのシグナルを受容して、結果として中胚葉マーカーであるT遺伝子が発現します。これは尾部で起こります。ところが、吻側においては、HEX遺伝子を発現するDistal Visceral Endoderm (DVE)が前方へと移動してAnterior Visceral Endoderm (AVE)になっているのですが、AVEからはBMPシグナルを阻害する因子が分泌されており、中胚葉誘導が阻害されるのです。

Axis Development and Early Asymmetry in Mammals Cell Volume 96, Issue 2p195-209January 22, 1999 https://www.cell.com/fulltext/S0092-8674%2800%2980560-7

  1. The role of BMP4 signaling in trophoblast emergence from pluripotency Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 25 July 2022 Volume 79, article number 447, (2022)


マウス Distal Visceral Endoderm (DVE)におけるHEX遺伝子の発現


  1. Jeremy Davis. Life Unfolding

下の写真のB,C,D,EではHEX遺伝子の原始内胚葉 primitive endodermでの発現が示されています。B,Cの時期はまだカップ状になっていませんが、Dの時期にはカップ状の極の部分に位置しています。さらにE,F,Gとステージが進むと前側にHEX発現細胞が移動しているのがよくわかります。Gの時期には中胚葉マーカーであるT遺伝子が尾側に発現しています。

Whole-mount in situ hybridisation analysis showing asymmetrical Hex expression in the visceral endoderm of pregastrulation stage embryos. (A-C) 4.5 dpc blastocysts showing Oct-4 expression (A) in the inner cell mass and Hex expression (B,C) in the primitive endoderm (black arrowhead). (D,E) Hex expression (black arrowhead) in the distal tip visceral endoderm of 5.5 dpc embryos. Note that the Hex expression domain is immediately proximal to the distal tip in the slightly older embryo shown in E. (F,G) Double in situ hybridisation analysis of Hex (black arrowhead) and T (white arrowhead) at 6.0 dpc (F) and 6.5 dpc (G). Hex expression at 6.0 dpc is clearly asymmetrical within the endoderm prior to the accumulation of T transcripts to the nascent primitive streak at the posterior pole of the embryo (G). Bar, 40 μm (A-C); 50 μm (D); 60 μm (E-G).

Fig.1 Whole-mount in situ hybridisation analysis showing asymmetrical Hex expression in the visceral endoderm of pregastrulation stage embryos. (A-C) 4.5 dpc blastocysts showing Oct-4 expression (A) in the inner cell mass and Hex expression (B,C) in the primitive endoderm (black arrowhead). (D,E) Hex expression (black arrowhead) in the distal tip visceral endoderm of 5.5 dpc embryos. Note that the Hex expression domain is immediately proximal to the distal tip in the slightly older embryo shown in E. (F,G) Double in situ hybridisation analysis of Hex (black arrowhead) and T (white arrowhead) at 6.0 dpc (F) and 6.5 dpc (G). Hex expression at 6.0 dpc is clearly asymmetrical within the endoderm prior to the accumulation of T transcripts to the nascent primitive streak at the posterior pole of the embryo (G). Bar, 40 μm (A-C); 50 μm (D); 60 μm (E-G).

Hex: a homeobox gene revealing peri-implantation asymmetry in the mouse embryo and an early transient marker of endothelial cell precursors Development (1998) 125 (1): 85–94. 01 January 1998


  1. 生殖細胞の起源 http://ikagaku.jp/wp-admin/post.php?post=12454&action=edit

ヒトにextraembryonic ectodermはあるか?

In humans, a structure equivalent to the mouse extraembryonic ectoderm is not thought to form.

Pluripotent Stem Cells Susana M. Chuva de Sousa Lopes, Christine L. Mummery, in Handbook of Stem Cells (Second Edition) , 2013 https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/engineering/extraembryonic-ectoderm

In the post-implantation mouse embryo, formation of the PS and initiation of germ layer formation are driven by signaling activities emanating from the extraembryonic tissues such as the extraembryonic ectoderm, which gives rise to chorionic ectoderm, and visceral endoderm and from within the epiblast. However, in primates, there is no clear equivalent to the TE-derived extraembryonic ectoderm of the mouse, which is a major source of BMP to induce gastrulation and primitive-streak formation. In humans and nonhuman primates, the amnion (amniotic epithelium) is reputed to behave like a signaling center of BMP activity to induce the differentiation of mesoderm in the Cynomolgus embryonic disc and the human PASE (Shao et al., 2017; Yang et al., 2021; Zheng et al., 2019). https://www.cell.com/developmental-cell/pdf/S1534-5807(21)01042-X.pdf


Early mouse embryonic development. As described in the text, the blastocyst at 3.5 dpc consists of two tissues: the inner cell mass and trophectoderm. At 4.5 dpc the primitive endoderm is formed and the embryo starts to implant into the uterine wall. By 5.5 dpc, the embryo is cup-shaped and is often described according to the location of the extraembryonic ectoderm, and thus embryonic regions are located proximal or distal to this tissue. Extraembryonic and embryonic regions are separated by a line. The distal-most cells of the visceral endoderm (dVE) change shape at 5.5 dpc and begin their proximal migration. The parietal endoderm is also depicted at this stage but is removed from later stages for simplification. Gastrulation commences at 6.5 dpc with the formation of mesoderm and the primitive streak. At this stage, the anterior visceral endoderm (aVE) marks the anterior of the embryo and the mesoderm at the opposite side of the embryo, marks the posterior. The cells just anterior to the mesoderm have organizing properties and this region is called the early gastrula organizer (EGO). The extraembryonic region of the embryo is not depicted at 7.0 and 7.5 dpc to allow better visualization of mesoderm migration. By 7.5 dpc, the mesodermal wings have almost met at the anterior midline, and the node has formed at the tip of the embryo.  

Early mouse embryonic development. As described in the text, the blastocyst at 3.5 dpc consists of two tissues: the inner cell mass and trophectoderm. At 4.5 dpc the primitive endoderm is formed and the embryo starts to implant into the uterine wall. By 5.5 dpc, the embryo is cup-shaped https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Early-mouse-embryonic-development-As-described-in-the-text-the-blastocyst-at-35-dpc_fig1_228357767

Embryonic stem cell-based in vitro models to study early mammalian ...


FIGURE 1 Front Cell Dev Biol. 2024 Apr 22;12:1386739. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2024.1386739 A comprehensive review: synergizing stem cell and embryonic development knowledge in mouse and human integrated stem cell-based embryo models https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC11074781/

上皮ー間葉転換 EMT

  1. Basal delamination during mouse gastrulation primes pluripotent cells for differentiation graphic file with name EMS197562-f008.jpg https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC7616279/



人間が歩くときに、片足で地面をつかんで、もう一方の足を前にやり、こんどはその足で地面をつかんで、もう一方の足を前に出すということを繰り返します。細胞も全く同じで、足場に接着し、全体を動かし、足場から離れて、また次の足場にくっつきます。分子としてh、Cdc42, Rac, Rhoなどが関与するよです(下の動画参照)。

Cell locomotion | cell motility | cell migration | Rho-Rac-Cdc42 signaling in cell locomotion Animated biology With arpan チャンネル登録者数 27.8万人



Developmental Biology Volume 265, Issue 1, 1 January 2004, Pages 23-32 Developmental Biology Review Cell migration: Rho GTPases lead the way https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S001216060300544X



Signaling networks of Rho GTPases in cell motility May 2013Cellular Signalling 25(10) DOI: 10.1016/j.cellsig.2013.04.009 SourcePubMed LicenseCC BY-NC-ND 3.0 Samer J HannaSamer J HannaMirvat El-Sibai https://www.researchgate.net/publication/236739227_Signaling_networks_of_Rho_GTPases_in_cell_motility

細胞移動におけるCdc42, Rac, Rhoの役割

Cdcc42, Rac, RhoはどれもRho低分子GTP結合タンパク質のファミリーメンバーです。いずれも細胞骨格の制御に関与します。

Distinct predictive performance of Rac1 and Cdc42 in cell migration ScienceVio チャンネル登録者数 8620人 Published: 04 December 2015 Distinct predictive performance of Rac1 and Cdc42 in cell migration Masataka Yamao, Honda Naoki, Katsuyuki Kunida, Kazuhiro Aoki, Michiyuki Matsuda & Shin Ishii Scientific Reports volume 5, Article number: 17527 (2015)


  1. Cell movement patterns during gastrulation in the chick are controlled by positive and negative chemotaxis mediated by FGF4 and FGF8 Dev Cell . 2002 Sep;3(3):425-37. doi: 10.1016/s1534-5807(02)00256-3. https://www.cell.com/developmental-cell/fulltext/S1534-5807(02)00256-3 蛍光標識した 原始結節(node)の移植片の細胞の移動経路を経時的に観察
  2. Fates and migratory routes of primitive streak cells in the chick embryo Delphine Psychoyos, Claudio D. Stern Author and article information Development (1996) 122 (5): 1523–1534. 01 May 1996  https://journals.biologists.com/dev/article/122/5/1523/39034/Fates-and-migratory-routes-of-primitive-streak


Figure 1

FGF signalling through RAS/MAPK and PI3K pathways regulates cell movement and gene expression in the chicken primitive streak without affecting E-cadherin expression Katharine M Hardy, Tatiana A Yatskievych, JH Konieczka, Alexander S Bobbs & Parker B Antin BMC Developmental Biology volume 11, Article number: 20 (2011) Published: 21 March 2011 https://bmcdevbiol.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1471-213X-11-20

Gene expression pattern Expression of Fgf4 during early development of the chick embryo Mechanisms of Development Volume 85, Issues 1–2, 1 July 1999, Pages 189-192  https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0925477399000933

  1. FGF Signaling Regulates Mesoderm Cell Fate Specification and Morphogenetic Movement at the Primitive Streak Developmental Cell Volume 1, Issue 1p37-49July 2001 https://www.cell.com/developmental-cell/fulltext/S1534-5807(01)00017-X


  1. Targeted disruption of Fgf8 causes failure of cell migration in the gastrulating mouse embryo Genes & Dev. 1999. 13: 1834-1846 https://genesdev.cshlp.org/content/13/14/1834/F1.expansion.html


AK Hadjantonakis: Cell lineage specification & tissue morphogenesis in the early mouse embryo. Genetics Society of America チャンネル登録者数 2040人



Heads or tails: Wnts and anterior–posterior patterning Terry P Yamaguchi Current Biology Volume 11, Issue 17pR713-R724 September 04, 2001 https://www.cell.com/current-biology/fulltext/S0960-9822%2801%2900417-1


The ability of the Nodal pathway to induce both mesoderm specification and axis extension in explants is consistent with its role in vivo, where Nodal is necessary for both (3740). For example, mouse embryos mutant for Nodal signaling components fail to gastrulate entirely (41). Zebrafish embryos lacking all Nodal function – through loss of the coreceptor Tdgf1/Cripto (MZoep-/-) (40), ligands (sqt-/-cyc-/-) (38), or downstream effector Smad2 (MZsmad2-/-) (42) – similarly lack all endoderm and most mesoderm and undergo abnormal gastrulation movements resulting in a severely shortened AP axis.

Temporal dynamics of BMP/Nodal ratio drive tissue-specific gastrulation morphogenesis  https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2024.02.06.579243v1.full

Eomes, Criptなどのシグナル分子

From fertilization to gastrulation: axis formation in the mouse embryo. Curr Opin Genet Dev . 2001 Aug;11(4):384-92. DOI:10.1016/S0959-437X(00)00208-2Corpus ID: 17925624


Figure 1

al, Whole-mount in situ hybridization analysis. a, Uniform symmetric staining in the epiblast at 5.5 d.p.c.; b, a cross section shows lack of expression in the visceral endoderm. cd, Proximal–distal gradient of expression in the epiblast. e, Sagittal section of dfg, Expression shifts caudally before the onset of gastrulation at 6.5 d.p.c. h, Cross-section of g shows widespread expression in the epiblast and no expression in the visceral endoderm. i, Mid-streak stage; j, cross-section shows intense staining in the newly formed embryonic mesoderm. kl, Expression persists in the primitive streak and head process at the neural plate stage. m–r, β-Galactosidase staining of Cripto heterozygotes. mn, Uniform staining in the epiblast before gastrulation. o, Sagittal section shows proximal–distal graded staining just before gastrulation. p, Early-streak stage embryo, and q, cross-section. r, Early neural-plate-stage embryo: note more intense staining at distal end of the primitive streak. In all panels, anterior faces to the left when anterior–posterior orientation can be identified; staging before primitive streak formation is approximate. Scale bars, 0.05 mm. A, anterior; D, distal; ep, epiblast; hp, head process; m, mesoderm; P, posterior; Pr, proximal; ps, primitive streak (bar denotes extent of streak); ve, visceral extra-embryonic endoderm.

figure 4

Cripto is required for correct orientation of the anterior–posterior axis in the mouse embryo Nature volume 395, pages702–707 (1998) Published: 15 October 1998  https://www.nature.com/articles/27215

  1. The Dynamics of Morphogenesis in the Early Mouse Embryo. Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology, 26 Jun 2014, 7(11):a015867 https://doi.org/10.1101/cshperspect.a015867 PMID: 24968703 PMCID: PMC4277506 An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc. Object name is cshperspect-MDV-015867_F3.jpg
  2. Blastocyst lineage formation, early embryonic asymmetries and axis patterning in the mouse J. Rossant, P. Tam Published in Development 1 March 2009 Biology DOI:10.1242/dev.017178Corpus ID: 207151163


  1. Molecular mechanisms controlling the biogenesis of the TGF-β signal Vg1 PNAS October 16, 2023 120 (43) e2307203120 https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2307203120 The TGF-beta signals Nodal and Vg1 (Dvr1/Gdf3) play crucial roles in vertebrate development (12), including the induction of mesendoderm and the generation of left-right asymmetry (317). For example, secreted Vg1-Nodal heterodimers induce a gradient of signaling that patterns the embryonic mesendoderm in zebrafish (10). Vg1-Nodal heterodimers exert their effects as ligands for a receptor complex that comprises Activin serine-threonine kinase receptors and an essential coreceptor called Oep (Tdgf1/CRIPTO) (1820). Activated ligand-receptor complexes catalyze phosphorylation of Smad2 (pSmad2), which accumulates in the nucleus to induce the expression of mesendodermal genes (21).


Brachyury (TBXT (human), also T/Bra (mouse))

  1. TBXT dose sensitivity and the decoupling of nascent mesoderm specification from EMT progression in 2D human gastruloids bioRxiv [Preprint]. 2023 Nov 9:2023.11.06.565933. [Version 2] doi: 10.1101/2023.11.06.565933
  2. The T gene is necessary for normal mesodermal morphogenetic cell movements during gastrulation Development (1995) 121 (3): 877–886. the phenotype of homozygous mutant mouse embryos does not obviously correlate with an essential function for T during the early stages of gastrulation, since development rostral to the forelimb bud appears grossly normal. Only in more caudal trunk regions and in later embryos is the notochord missing and other mesodermal derivatives deficient or defective (Herrmann, 1992; Beddington et al., 1992; Rashbass et al., 1994). https://journals.biologists.com/dev/article/121/3/877/38504/The-T-gene-is-necessary-for-normal-mesodermal 機能的に重要そうなのにノックアウトマウスの表現型は非常にささやか。
  3. A cell autonomous function of Brachyury in T/T embryonic stem cell chimaeras Nature volume 353, pages348–351 (1991)  https://www.nature.com/articles/353348a0
  4. Expression pattern of the mouse T gene and its role in mesoderm formation. Nature, 343(6259), 657–659. 10.1038/343657a0 Wilkinson D. G., Bhatt S., & Herrmann B. G. (1990). https://www.nature.com/articles/343657a0 有料
  5. Effects of the brachyury (T) mutation on morphogenetic movement in the mouse embryo Dev Biol . 1981 Oct 30;87(2):242-8. doi: 10.1016/0012-1606(81)90147-0. 有料








① 医療行為の研究開発は、大学や大病院において医学の研究としてなされ、特
② 医薬品、医療機器等に比較して、医療行為では緊急の対応が求められる場合

は、特許の要件について規定した特許法第 29 条柱書の「産業上利用することがで
ないという趣旨の審査基準を定め、医療行為に関する特許出願を拒絶している。 https://www.jpo.go.jp/resources/shingikai/sangyo-kouzou/shousai/tokkyo_shoi/document/seisakubukai-01-shiryou/tokkyo_6.pdf

知財要求項目では、人間または動物の手術方法、治療方法、診断方法に関する発明に、特許性を認めなければならないとしております(知財要求項目8. 2条(b))。 現在、日本の特許法の審査基準においては、人間が対象に含まれないことが明らかであれば、動物の手術方法・治療方法・診断方法については、特許の対象となるとされております。しかしながら、人体の存在を必須の要件とするもの、具体的には、人間を手術する方法、人間を治療する方法、人間を診断する方法に関する発明は、「産業上の利用可能性」(特許法29条1項柱書)がないとして、特許を受けることができません(特許庁審査基準第Ⅱ部1. 2. 1)。ただし、医療機器、医薬それ自体、医療材料の製造・処理方法(細胞の調製、加工による製品・製剤化)、医療機器の作動方法は、特許の対象になります。 なお、諸外国においては、アメリカは手術方法、治療方法、診断方法ともに特許の対象となるとし、欧州においては、手術方法、治療方法、診断方法の一部は特許の対象になりません(諸外国の法制については、平成20年11月25日付け特許庁「我が国と各国の特許制度比較~医療分野~」(PDFはこちら)(知的財産戦略本部 先端医療特許検討委員会資料))。https://www.kottolaw.com/column/000354.html

  1. 医療行為の特許保護 https://inoue-as.com/409.html


(a) 人又は動物の治療のための診断方法、治療方法及び外科的方法
(b) 微生物以外の動物並びに非生物学的な方法及び微生物学的な方法以外の動植物の生産のための本質的に生物学的な方法」




第3回 医療関連行為の特許保護の在り方に関する専門調査会 議事録 1. 日 時: 平成15年12月18日(木) https://www.kantei.go.jp/jp/singi/titeki2/tyousakai/iryou/dai3/3gijiroku.html


第2回医療行為WG 議事録 特許庁総務部総務課 制度改正審議室 日時:平成14年11月14日(木曜日) https://www.jpo.go.jp/resources/shingikai/sangyo-kouzou/shousai/iryoukoui-wg/02-gijiroku.html


  1. https://www.iip.or.jp/summary/pdf/detail00j/12_04.pdf


  1. https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/shinshumedj/56/2/56_2_65/_pdf/-char/ja
  2. 医療系アカデミアにおける知財戦略と必要な知財教育 〈日本知財学会誌〉Vol. 16 No. 1― 2019 : 65- 72 https://www.ipaj.org/bulletin/pdfs/JIPAJ16-1PDF/16-1_p65-72.pdf


  1. 知財のひきだし! https://www.jpaa.or.jp/cms/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/senseihikidashi_20230323.pdf
  2. 知的財産政策第4回 令和2年4月24日(金) https://www.pp.u-tokyo.ac.jp/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/808fdfa0e945601e0a4aa33814bddebd.pdf
  3. 新規事業で失敗したくない中小企業オーナー必見 あなたは 特許 で こんな 誤解 をしていませんか? ・特許を取れば真似されない。 ・特許を取れば後発品は出てこない。 ・特許を取れば大企業とコラボできる。 ・特許を売ってお金が稼げる。 ・特許を取れれば事業はうまくいく。


子宮内膜症 Endometriosis



子宮内膜症ってどんな病気?― 現代病である子宮内膜症について詳しく知りましょう ― 京都済生会病院 https://www.kyoto.saiseikai.or.jp/pickup/2023/05/post-48.html



  1. 子宮の構造 がんと生きる 子宮頸部は、腟側に顔を出している子宮腟部(しきゅうちつぶ)と、子宮腔(しきゅうくう)に向かった奥の頸管部(けいかんぶ)とに分かれます。


  1. 子宮内膜症(Endometriosis) https://www.kyoukaikenpo.or.jp/~/media/Files/kochi/20140325001/2BB82727E9B14236803BDB605464D597.pdf
  2. Endometriosis https://app.lecturio.com/#/article/2711 Lecturio動画





子宮内膜症 日本産婦人科学会 https://www.jsog.or.jp/citizen/5712/