硬口蓋は、場所の名前なので、口蓋骨Palatine Bone (パラタイン・ボーン)、上顎骨Maxilla (マクシラ)、周囲の軟部組織や粘膜などから成り立っています。
The philtrum (Latin: philtrum from Ancient Greek φίλτρον phíltron, lit. “love charm“) or medial cleft is a vertical indentation in the middle area of the upper lip, common to therian mammals, extending in humans from the nasal septum to the tubercle of the upper lip. (Wikipedia)
The first pharyngeal archsplits into two distinct processes during early development: Maxillary processes: These are lateral extensions of the first arch. Mandibular processes: These are ventral extensions that fuse at the midline to form the lower jaw. (ChatGTP)
下の動画ではprimitive mouth pitとも紹介されています。
Development Of Face || Face Development || Development Of Face Embryology || Stomodeum #medicine Medicine Simplified チャンネル登録者数 1620人
質問:Is “buccopharyngeal membrane” the same as “oropharyngeal membrane”?
The buccopharyngeal membrane and the oropharyngeal membrane refer to the same embryological structure, but the terminology used depends on the context or preference of the source.
Embryological Structure: Both terms describe the bilaminar membrane that forms at the cranial end of the developing embryo, consisting of ectoderm externally and endoderm internally. This membrane separates the primitive oral cavity (stomodeum) from the foregut.
Developmental Significance: The buccopharyngeal/oropharyngeal membrane breaks down during the fourth week of development to establish a connection between the oral cavity and the pharynx.
Terminological Preference:
Buccopharyngeal membrane: This term is more traditional and emphasizes the boundary between the future oral (buccal) and pharyngeal regions.
Oropharyngeal membrane: This is more commonly used in modern embryology texts and aligns with the terminology of the adult anatomy (oral cavity and pharynx).
The two terms are interchangeable and refer to the same structure. “Oropharyngeal membrane” is now more widely used in contemporary literature, reflecting updated anatomical terminology.
There are three major salivary glands located bilaterally outside the oral cavity with long ducts that convey the saliva to the mouth. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-031-38567-4_6
Interface Oral Health Science 2009 Conference paper Cleft formation and branching morphogenesis of salivary gland: exploration of new functional genes https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-4-431-99644-6_2
FGF signaling regulates salivary gland branching morphogenesis by modulating cell adhesion Ayan T. Ray, Philippe Soriano 20 March 2023 DEVELOPMENT https://journals.biologists.com/dev/article/150/6/dev201293/297264/FGF-signaling-regulates-salivary-gland-branching
Salivary Gland Branching Morphogenesis — Recent Progress and Future Opportunities Int J Oral Sci, 2(3): 117–126, 2010 https://www.nature.com/articles/ijos201017.pdf
Epithelial branching morphogenesis of salivary gland: exploration of new functional regulators Takaoshi Sakai The Journal of Medical Investigation 56 suppl. 2009.https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jmi/56/Supplement/56_Supplement_234/_pdf
Patterned cell and matrix dynamics in branching morphogenesis Rockefeller University Press Journal of Cell Biology (JCB) February 2017216(3):jcb.201610048 DOI:10.1083/jcb.201610048 LicenseCC BY-NC-SA 4.0https://www.researchgate.net/publication/313466383_Patterned_cell_and_matrix_dynamics_in_branching_morphogenesis
Inflationary theory of branching morphogenesis in the mouse salivary gland Ignacio Bordeu, Lemonia Chatzeli & Benjamin D. Simons Nature Communications volume 14, Article number: 3422 (2023) Published: 09 June 2023 https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-023-39124-x we propose that the gland develops as a tip-driven branching-delayed random walk (BDRW).